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South Carolina
Ellen Abramo (NON)
candidate for
Fort Mill School District
Mo Abusaft (Dem)
candidate for
Spartanburg County Council District 1
Gena Acree (Rep)
candidate for
Oconee County Treasurer
Tamiann L. Adams (Rep)
candidate for
Union County Council District 5
Dena Jones Addis (Non)
candidate for
Fire District Commissioner, Santuc FD
Karl E Addis (Rep)
candidate for
Oconee County Coroner
Thomas C Alexander (Rep)
candidate for
SC State Senate, District 1
Charleen Alman (Non)
candidate for
Watershed Conservation District, Browns Creek
Jacob Arnold (Non)
candidate for
Fire District Commissioner, Santuc FD
Tom Audette (Rep)
candidate for
York County Council 1
Betty Bagley (NP)
candidate for
Pickens County School Board, District 1
Jeff D. Bailey (Dem)
candidate for
Sheriff, Union County
Barry Joe Barnette (Rep)
candidate for
7th Circuit Court Solicitor
Thomas Beach (Rep)
candidate for
SC Legislative District 10
Montrio Belton (NON)
candidate for
Rock Hill School District Seat 1
Cody Belue (Non)
candidate for
Watershed Conservation District, Browns Creek
Sheri Biggs (Rep)
candidate for
US House District 3
J Mark Bishop (NP)
candidate for
Watershed Conservation District, Three and Twenty
Troy R. Bivens (NON)
candidate for
Gaston Mayor
Micah Black (Rep)
candidate for
Solicitor Circuit 10
Tommy Blankenship (Rep)
candidate for
Pickens County Sheriff
Dexter Flash Blanton (Non)
candidate for
Fire District Commissioner, Mayo FD
Anthony D Boddie (NON)
candidate for
Fort Mill School District
Teresa Corry Bonner (Dem)
candidate for
Cherokee County Council District 1
Chris Bowers (Rep)
candidate for
Pickens County Council, District 5
Phillip Bowers (Rep)
candidate for
SC Legislative District 3
Kevin Brackett (Rep)
candidate for
Circuit 16 Solicitor
Kevin Brackett (Rep)
candidate for
16th Circuit Court Solicitor
Mike Brady (Non)
candidate for
Soil and Water District Commission, Spartanburg County
Tony Breeden (Rep)
candidate for
Kevin Brewington (Non)
candidate for
Union County School Board District 6
David Britt (Rep)
candidate for
Spartanburg County Council District 3
Angie M Bryant (Rep)
candidate for
Clerk of Court
Nataly Burgio (NON)
candidate for
Clover School District Seat 4
James Burns (NON)
candidate for
Rock Hill School District Seat 3
Sonya Burns (WITHDRAWN) (NON)
candidate for
Rock Hill School District Seat 3
Melissa C Lisa Burton (Rep)
candidate for
Oconee County Clerk of Court
Corree Carelock (NON)
candidate for
Rock Hill School District Seat 5
Sharon Carter (Rep)
candidate for
South Carolina Senate District 40
Denise Casey (NON)
candidate for
Fort Mill School District
Earby Cash (Non)
candidate for
Watershed Conservation District, Thicketty Creek
Patrice Reid Cherry (NON)
candidate for
Rock Hill School District Seat 1
Winnifa Brown Clark (Dem)
candidate for
Orangeburg County Clerk of Court
Rusty Clevenger (Rep)
candidate for
Coroner, Spartanburg County
Wes Climer (Rep)
candidate for
SC Senate 15
Sam Coker (Non)
candidate for
Soil and Water District Commission, Spartanburg County
Windy Cole (NON)
candidate for
Rock Hill School District Seat 5
Neal Collins (Rep)
candidate for
SC Legislative District 5
Kenda P Cook (NON)
candidate for
Clover School District Seat 4
Mike Cook (NON)
candidate for
Gaston Town Council
Janie Cooper (Dem)
candidate for
Orangeburg County Council District 5
Amy W. Cox (Rep)
candidate for
Clerk of Court, Spartanburg County
Christi Cox (Rep)
candidate for
York County Council 5
Mike Crenshaw (Rep)
candidate for
Oconee County Sheriff
Katie Crosby (Dem)
candidate for
SC House District 44
Lacy Daniel (NON)
candidate for
Rock Hill School District At-Large - Unexpired Term
Jack Davis (Non)
candidate for
Fire District Commissioner, Cherokee Springs FD
Grant DeShields (Rep)
candidate for
Spartanburg County Council District 4
Harold E Donnelly (NON)
candidate for
Orangeburg County Soil and Water District Commission
Mildred B Douglas (NON)
candidate for
Rock Hill School District Seat 3
Adam Duncan (Rep)
candidate for
SC Legislative District 2
Matthew Durham (Rep)
candidate for
Oconee County Council, District 2
Sarita Edgerton (Rep)
candidate for
SC House District 34
Ruby Edwards (NON)
candidate for
Orangeburg County School Board District 6
Alma Evans (NP)
candidate for
Clemson City Council
Mike Fanning (Dem)
candidate for
SC Senate 17
John Flood (Rep)
candidate for
Union County Council District 6
Sean Fogle (Dem)
candidate for
Orangeburg County Coroner
Scott Frattaroli (NON)
candidate for
Fort Mill School District
Nancy Garner (Non)
candidate for
Watershed Conservation District, Browns Creek
Scott Garrett (Non)
candidate for
Fire District Commissioner, Holly Springs FD
Betty F Garrison (NP)
candidate for
Pickens County School Board, District 5
Joe Garvin (Dem)
candidate for
Orangeburg County Council District 4
Sabrina H Gast (Rep)
candidate for
York County Coroner
Angela L. Geter (Dem)
candidate for
SC Senate District 11
John Glenn (Dem)
candidate for
Union County Council District 2
Danny Gregory (Non)
candidate for
Fire District Commissioner, Jonesville
Smitty Gregory (Non)
candidate for
Fire District Commissioner, Santuc FD
Marty Griffin (Rep)
candidate for
Orangeburg County Council District 2
Gene Grigg (Non)
candidate for
Fire District Commissioner, Cherokee Springs FD
Brandon Guffey (Rep)
candidate for
Sc House District 48
Robert Halfacre (NP)
candidate for
Clemson Mayor
Rod Halsell (NP)
candidate for
Fire District Commissioner, Keowee Fire Protection
Donnie Hardin (Rep)
candidate for
Cherokee County Council District 3
Melissa Harris (NON)
candidate for
Rock Hill School District Seat 5
Rob Harris (Rep)
candidate for
SC House District 36
Glenn Hart (Rep)
candidate for
Oconee County Council, District 5
Shannon Haskett (NP)
candidate for
Pickens County School Board, District 3
Dan Hassell (NON)
candidate for
Orangeburg County School Board District 2
Michael Henderson (Non)
candidate for
Fire District Commissioner, Hilltop FD
Rosalyn Henderson-Myers (Dem)
candidate for
SC House District 31
Matt Hiers (NON)
candidate for
Rock Hill School District Seat 1
Teresa O Hinnant (NON)
candidate for
Orangeburg County School Board at Large District 8
Davey Hiott (Rep)
candidate for
SC Legislative District 4
Michelle K Hoffman (NON)
candidate for
Fort Mill School District
Dale Holloway (Rep)
candidate for
Pickens County Council, District 6
Lonnie Hosey (Dem)
candidate for
South Carolina House District 91
Christy W Hubbard (Rep)
candidate for
Oconee County Auditor
A Watts Huckabee, Sr. (Rep)
candidate for
York County Council 6
Jennifer Hutchinson (NON)
candidate for
Rock Hill School District At-Large Seat
Brad Hutto (Dem)
candidate for
South Carolina Senate District 40
Mark Ivey (Non)
candidate for
Union County School Board District 2
Tommy James (Rep)
candidate for
Oconee County Council, District 4
Manning Truck Jeter (Non)
candidate for
Union County School Board District 7
Kevin Johnson (NON)
candidate for
Clover School District At Large Seat
Michael Johnson (Rep)
candidate for
SC Senate 16
Brad Jolly (Non)
candidate for
Fire District Commissioner, Monarch FD
Adam Jones (NP)
candidate for
Clemson City Council
Delandris Jones (NON)
candidate for
York School District Seat 3
Horace E. Jones (Non)
candidate for
Commissioner of Public Works, Woodruff Roebuck Water Area C
Fred Jordan (NON)
candidate for
Rock Hill School District At-Large Seat
Meghan McPhail Ketterman (NP)
candidate for
Oconee County School Board, District 2
Josh Kimbrell (Rep)
candidate for
SC Senate District 11
John R King (Rep)
candidate for
SC House Dist 49
John Kingsmore (Non)
candidate for
Soil and Water District Commission, Union County
Ben Kinlaw (Rep)
candidate for
South Carolina House District 91
Stephanie Candler Kitchens (Rep)
candidate for
Clerk of Court, Union County
Youssef Kobach (NP)
candidate for
Pickens City Council, 36-month term
Scott Lang (Rep)
candidate for
Pickens County Council, District 4
Jonathan B Langston (NP)
candidate for
Watershed Conservation District, Georges Creek
Joseph Chad Langston (NP)
candidate for
Watershed Conservation District, Three and Twenty
Brian Lawson (Rep)
candidate for
SC House District 30
Melanie Lawson (Dem)
candidate for
Clerk of Court, Union County
Randy Ligon (Rep)
candidate for
SC House District 43
Andy Litten (Rep)
candidate for
York County Council 2
Kay D. Littlejohn (Non)
candidate for
Fire District Commissioner, Monarch FD
Thomas Andy Littlejohn (Non)
candidate for
Fire District Commissioner, Monarch FD
Steven Long (Rep)
candidate for
SC House District 37
Dale M Looper (Rep)
candidate for
Pickens County Treasurer
Kiral Mace (Wrk)
candidate for
SC Senate 16
Josiah Magnuson (Rep)
candidate for
SC House District 38
Chris B. Martin (Non)
candidate for
Fire District Commissioner, Mayo FD
David Martin (Rep)
candidate for
SC House 26
Bryan McAlinden (NON)
candidate for
Rock Hill School District At-Large - Unexpired Term
Kenneth MAC McCaster (Dem)
candidate for
Orangeburg County Council District 3
Carol B. McCombs (NON)
candidate for
Gaston Town Council
Eric McConnell (NP)
candidate for
Watershed Conservation District, Brushy Creek
Denise McCormick (NP)
candidate for
Oconee County School Board, District 4
Ysante McDowell (Dem)
candidate for
SC House District 30
John McManus (NP)
candidate for
Pickens City Council, 12-month term
Betty Joann McMorris (Non)
candidate for
Union County School Board District 1
Jessica Merrill (NP)
candidate for
Pickens City Council, 36-month term
Cody T Mitchell (Rep)
candidate for
SC House District 65
Scott Montgomery (Rep)
candidate for
SC House District 32
Travis A. Moore (Rep)
candidate for
SC House District 33
Dennis Moss (Rep)
candidate for
SC House District 29
Dennis Moss (Rep)
candidate for
SC House District 29
Mike Neese (Rep)
candidate for
SC House District 44
Tony Patton (Non)
candidate for
Fire District Commissioner, Holly Springs FD
Harvey Peeler (Rep)
candidate for
SC Senate District 14.
Harvey Peeler (Rep)
candidate for
SC Senate Dist 14
Lorraine Peeples (NON)
candidate for
Orangeburg County School Board District 4
Robert Perrine (Non)
candidate for
Watershed Conservation District, Thicketty Creek
Kirby Player (NP)
candidate for
Pickens Soil and Water District Commission
Tommy Pope (Rep)
candidate for
SC House District 47
Johnny Ravenell (Dem)
candidate for
Orangeburg County Council District 2
Leroy Ravenell (Dem)
candidate for
Orangeburg County Sheriff
Theodore V Reed (NON)
candidate for
Orangeburg County School Board District 6
Chris Revels (NON)
candidate for
York School District Seat 3
Joel Rice (NP)
candidate for
Pickens City Council, 12-month term
Rex F Rice (Rep)
candidate for
SC State Senate, District 2
Bill Robertson (NP)
candidate for
Fire District Commissioner, Keowee Fire Protection
Carolyn Rutherford (Dem)
candidate for
Union County Council District 5
Alex Saitta (Rep)
candidate for
Pickens County Council, District 3
Heath Sessiona (Rep)
candidate for
SC House 46
Windsor Sherrill (NP)
candidate for
Clemson City Council
Joey Shetley (Non)
candidate for
Watershed Conservation District, Thicketty Creek
David Sinclair (Rep)
candidate for
Union County Council District 3
David "Smitty" Smith (Rep)
candidate for
Cherokee County Council District 6
Tracy Bell Smith (NON)
candidate for
Clover School District At Large Seat
Kristy Thames Spears (NON)
candidate for
Fort Mill School District
Tim Spencer (Rep)
candidate for
Cherokee County Council District 4
Sylvia Bruce Stephens (NON)
candidate for
Orangeburg County School Board District 2
Everett Stubbs (Rep)
candidate for
SC Senate 17
Brent Suddeth (Rep)
candidate for
Pickens County Auditor
Terry Swain (NP)
candidate for
Oconee County School Board, District 5
Brandy Tarleton (Rep)
candidate for
SC Legislative District 5
JR Taylor (Dem)
candidate for
SC House District 38
Jackie Terribile (Rep)
candidate for
SC House Dist 66
Kevin Thompson (NON)
candidate for
Rock Hill School District At-Large - Unexpired Term
Clemson Turregano (Dem)
candidate for
SC House District 33
Johnny Vaughan (Non)
candidate for
Fire District Commissioner, Jonesville
Carter Vest (NP)
candidate for
Watershed Conservation District, Brushy Creek
Matt Vilardebo (Dem)
candidate for
SC House 26
Bruce Wallace (Dem)
candidate for
SC House District 53
Courtney Waters (Dem)
candidate for
South Carolina House, District 113
Jane O. Waters (Non)
candidate for
Soil and Water District Commission, Cherokee County
Harold Pat Welborn (Rep)
candidate for
Pickens County Clerk of Court
Jeffrey H Whisenhunt (NON)
candidate for
Orangeburg County School Board District 6
Bill Whitmire (Rep)
candidate for
SC Legislative District 1
James E. "Jimmy" Wilkins (Non)
candidate for
Fire District Commissioner, Jonesville
Daniel C. Williams (Non)
candidate for
Fire District Commissioner, Jonesville
Andrew Wilson (Rep)
candidate for
Pickens County Coroner
Mitchelle Wilson (NP)
candidate for
Pickens City Council, 36-month term
Ray Wilson (NP)
candidate for
Pickens City Council, 36-month term
Sarah Work (All)
candidate for
SC Senate 15
Chuck Wright (Rep)
candidate for
Sheriff, Spartanburg County
Richard Richie Yow (Rep)
candidate for
SC House District 53
John Zabel (Dem)
candidate for
SC House 46