Headwaters Groundwater Conservation District Director - Precinct 1 (2024-11-05)
The Headwaters Groundwater Conservation District has four directors and each director is elected by one of the four Kerr County precincts, and one director at large, elected county-wide. The five directors have staggered terms with an election held every two years in the general elections that select the President of the United States and the Governor of Texas. The term of office is four years.The mission of the Headwaters Groundwater Conservation District (HGCD) is to develop, promote, and implement water conservation, augmentation, and management strategies to protect the water resources of the district as a sustainable resource for the benefit it its citizens, economy, and environment.Duties: primary responsibilities of the HGCD include registering and permitting wells drilled in Kerr County and investigating the aquifers to determine appropriate plans for future development.All registered voters in Kerr County can vote for the Director, At Large. Voters in Precinct 1 and in Precinct 3 can also vote for a candidate in their county precinct. Check the boxes on your voter registration card or consult the State of Texas website: votetexas.gov and follow instructions to check your precinct number.NOTE: This election is non-partisan. Candidates do not declare a political party preference.
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Mario Garcia
Jeff Wendling
What experience and knowledge qualifies you to serve as the Director for Precinct 1 on the Headwaters
Groundwater Conservation District Board?
What are the pressing issues facing the Headwaters Groundwater Conservation District?
What are the citizens who live in Precinct 1 of HGCD telling you about their water issue?
The Director of (HGCD) should view citizens as equals with valuable perspectives. This role demands analysis of current and historical data to make informed decisions for Kerr County. Ideally, the Director should have strong community ties and a commitment to its future. As a third-generation resident and Navy veteran, I’m dedicated to making impactful choices for future generations. My experience as a local businessman gives me insight into community needs, enabling a pragmatic approach to groundwater management. The Director must
advocate for property owners’ rights, guiding their decision-making. I encourage Precinct 1 citizens to consider these qualities when voting.
The Headwaters Groundwater Conservation District (HGCD) faces a significant communications challenge regarding Texas's historical drought vulnerability and current conditions. With Texas's rapid population growth, educating residents—both new and longstanding—about Kerr County's past droughts and urgent water conservation needs is essential. This effort should include practical strategies like efficient irrigation methods, native grasses, and water-capturing techniques. Information should also reach local businesses and municipalities for a
comprehensive approach. By effectively communicating current water levels and historical context, the HGCD can foster a more informed, resilient community, encouraging responsible water usage among all residents.
Kerr County citizens express confusion about water availability due to differing messages from the Kerrville and HGCD. HGCD focuses on county-wide water supply and conservation, emphasizing long-term strategies and drought awareness. In contrast, Kerrville addresses local needs, prioritizing immediate water availability, infrastructure, and public health. The city also has access to surface water, impacting its availability models. While both entities aim for sustainable water management, better collaboration in messaging is essential for clearer
communication and planning for all Kerr County residents. when elected, I plan to implement a collaborative model between HGCD and the city of Kerrville.
As a Precinct 1 resident since 2005, I am concerned as all are about our water supply. I have 50 years of experience dealing with government mandates. I look forward to working with the board on the future of our water policies to conserve, preserve, protect, recharge, and prevent waste of groundwater resources on behalf of all residential, agricultural, and commercial water users. I have extensive budget management and strategic planning experience and years of experience working with Boards of Directors on their goals, mandates, and responsibilities. Additionally, I have a Bachelor’s degree and am a Certified Public Manager.
A primary responsibility is monitoring wells and to record the levels in both the Trinity-Edwards and Trinity aquifers; and the most recently discovered Ellenberger Aquifer below the Trinity. This has been particularly crucial in the last 3 years during these drought conditions. It is extremely important that HGCD policy continue to protect these precious water resources that impact the economy countywide.
Overarching concern is that groundwater management be accomplished in a sensible manner. That supply side strategy be explained to the District’s constituents so support can be developed for the District’s policy and guidance. That the subject of groundwater and surface water supply be kept separated in these discussions.
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