Saratoga County Court Judge
This race is uncontested.
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List your judicial experience (courts and years)
What non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a judge?
Why are you running for this particular court seat?
Experience and Qualifications
I worked for nearly twenty years as an assistant district attorney with 15 of those years working for the Office of the Saratoga County District Attorney
Campaign Mailing Address
209 Falsetto Court, Ballston Spa, NY 12020
I have practiced law before County Court judges for over 25 years but this will be my first judicial position.
I was an Assistant District Attorney in Saratoga County for over 15 years and in Columbia County for nearly 3 years. I am currently a Deputy Inspector General for the Offices of the NYS Inspector General and have held that role for nearly a decade.
I have practiced criminal law for my entire career and am grateful for the opportunity to serve the people of Saratoga County as a candidate for County Court Judge who would oversee a significant criminal calendar in my home community. My over 25 years of criminal justice experience and understanding of the criminal court system has prepared me for this important role. I have a deep understanding of this position and possess the proper temperament, integrity and good judgement that is necessary for this job. My years of training have prepared me to adjudicate this responsibility while always being fair and impartial to the parties that appear before me.
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