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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Bozeman Local Government Study Commission {_getChooseLabel(this.selections.length)}

Established as part of the 1972 Constitution, the Local Government Review election is required every 10 years. This is an opportunity for citizens to review their city’s power and form of government and to make recommendations for improvements in their structure of government. In the 2024 primary, the majority of voters indicated Gallatin County, Bozeman City, and West Yellowstone City governments should be reviewed. Thus, study commissions will be formed to study the form of each of these governments. The study commission members for each of these government reviews will be elected in the 2024 general election. Each of the study commissions will investigate, analyze and recommend the form of local government that they believe should be adopted for the local government they studied. Their recommendations will be proposed to the voters by November 2026.

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  • Candidate picture

    Roger Blank

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    Deanna Campbell

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    Barb Cestero

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    Emily Daniels

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    Becky Franks

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    Harrison Howarth

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    Barrett McQuesten

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    Wylie Phillips

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    Connor Pollock

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    McCullough Roach

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    Rio Roland

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    Stephanie Spencer

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    Janis (Jan) Strout

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    Carson Taylor

  • Candidate picture

    Michael Veselik

Biographical Information

Q1. Please describe your education, work, and other life experiences that would make you an effective member of the Local Government Study Commission for which you are applying?

Q2. What do you believe are the two most important issues members of this Local Government County Study Commission should consider and how should the commission investigate these issues?

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Campaign Mailing Address 1015 South Grand Avenue
Bozeman, MT 59715
Campaign Phone 406-587-4529
Having lived in Bozeman for 37 years, I have seen changes none of us ever imagined. I have participated in numerous focus groups and attended City Commission meetings to voice an opinion. I am a member of the University Neighborhood Association. Interacting with city staff and the City Commission over the years led me to an understanding of how things work, and don't work, in Bozeman, and the realization that often our voices are insignificant, or secondary at best, to the agenda of unelected officials and city bureaucracy. With over 40 years of business experience and an MBA from Pepperdine University, I have the perspective to study how our city government can be formed meet the needs for growth and fulfill the values of local residents.
The issues set out for the Study Commission to study are defined by law. The task of the Study Commission is to study the current form and structure of city government and examine the many options available to make changes, when deemed necessary. I am committed to gathering information from residents, city employees, city commissioners, and taking advantage of other resources available to the Study Commission such as the Local Government Resource Center at MSU. The Study Commission will report back to the people of Bozeman with a proposal to vote on. I will focus on proposing those changes that will ensure our city government is representative of all residents, responsive to the people, and fiscally responsible.
Campaign Mailing Address 611 N. Bozeman Ave
Bozeman, MT 59715
Campaign Phone 4065790713
My professional experience is in non-profit land conservation. In this capacity, I work with local governments at the city and county levels on various issues. I am familiar with our current structure of government in Bozeman. As a trained facilitator, I’ve designed and led public meetings, structured decision making processes, and community visioning initiatives. I served on Gallatin County’s Open Lands board, and I am familiar with the important role advisory boards play in local government. I am an effective collaborator and good listener who is able to develop strong working relationships with people from very different backgrounds. I’ve lived in Bozeman for 26 years. My BA is in Religion and I have a Masters in Environmental Studies.
Given the growth in our city’s geographic footprint, the Study Commission needs to investigate the pros/cons of electing our City Commission by wards. I would start by identifying other Montana cities that operate in this way and interviewing both city staff and commission members to learn about their experiences.

The Study Commission could help foster increased trust between citizens and city government by building a shared understanding of the City’s current charter and evaluating (with feedback from staff, commission and citizens) what works and what is challenging with our current governance structure and processes. The expertise of organizations like MSU’s Local Government Center would help support this review.
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Candidate has not yet responded.
Campaign Mailing Address Bozeman, MT 59715
I have been a nonprofit professional for the past 30 years where I have helped written governance systems and documents such as bylaws, charters and systems of communication. I have a masters degree in Organizational Leadership and teach at MSU. Served on a local government board for over a decade and worked with the legislature to pass laws to improve health for our community. I am experienced with the MCA, and have written legislative laws and policies. As a leader in this community, I listen to others, communicate effectively and demonstrate an ability to make collective decisions. I currently serve on the Bozeman Health Board of Directors as well as the Montana Cancer Coalition for the past 20 years in a leadership position.
The Study Commission needs to have a keen understanding of the task at hand, how the work is bound by the MCA, areas of opportunity and what is outside of the scope of our work. It is the duty of this body to develop a slate of recommendations that can be beneficial, sound and applicable. Secondly, it is important to examine the flow of communication, how decisions are made and the expertise we need to make these decisions. The communication from the community members, through the Commissioners and staff needs to be developed so it is beneficial and accessible. We need to examine the system that allows for the best qualified individuals. Investigation includes listening to community, experts and other best-practice model examples.
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Candidate has not yet responded.
Candidate has not yet responded.
Campaign Mailing Address PO Box 3725
Bozeman, MT 59772
Campaign Phone 406-518-1599
I have a background in data analysis through my degree in economics and my career in economic development. Using data to inform decision-making is essential, and this approach will be valuable when assessing our current government structure. My experience in analyzing complex systems and identifying areas for improvement will help ensure that we base our recommendations on solid evidence and insights.
My primary goal is to improve our local government's efficiency, transparency, and responsiveness. More specifically, I aim to assess where our current government structure may be falling short and identify opportunities to streamline operations, enhancing service to the community. Ultimately, I hope to recommend changes that not only improve day-to-day operations but also create a framework for long-term success, allowing our government to adapt and respond to the evolving needs of all residents.
Campaign Mailing Address 613 Emily Dr
Apartment C
Bozeman, MT 59718
Campaign Phone 3198302042
My partner and I moved here from Iowa in 2020. We have lived in the same apartment the whole time and have seen our rent go up 50%. We moved here on a technician’s wage and a graduate student’s stipend. If we made now what we made then we could not afford to stay. We both now work as engineers, but we are no closer to owning a home.

I am 29. I haven’t worked in government or run for office before. I grew up poor in rural Iowa and have had many jobs doing manual labor. My first job out of college was a research internship in Iowa City that paid $13/hour, but I lived comfortably. Someone earning $22/hour here can barely afford rent. I am running because a town the working class can’t afford can’t survive.
The most important issue in Bozeman is the cost of housing, but the Study Commission can only recommend structural changes. I believe there are two that will lead to a better government more responsive to democratic pressure. First, the town should switch from a commission-manager structure to commission-executive, transferring the powers of the city manager to the mayor, who at present is only the ranking member of the city council. The manager under the current form is appointed by the council, whose main role is ratifying their decisions. Next, our mayors currently serve the first two years of their term as deputy mayor. We should eliminate this. We elect representatives to solve the problems we face now, not two years from now.
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Candidate has not yet responded.
Campaign Phone 4065995393
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I have a Master’s in Urban and Regional Planning. I’ve worked with county commissioners to identify state and federal policies and regulations that usurped local land use planning authority and designed processes to involve relevant stakeholders early in legislation and rulemaking. This directly relevant experience coupled with a career over the past 20 years managing diverse interests in watershed planning and renewable energy development, makes me an effective candidate for this position. I have been on the Bozeman Transportation Advisory Board and on the Executive Committee of the Gallatin County Democrats for over a year and recently ran for the state legislature. I am very committed to improving the Bozeman and Montana I love.
The number one issue of this commission is proposing a governance structure that has legitimacy because all the stakeholders in and of Bozeman government are heard. As my past experience taught me, it behooves the study commission to identify all the stakeholder groups in the city that should have a say in the Review. Then, a participation and outreach plan needs to be developed to include these groups in the major decisions we make. The other issue that this commission must consider is that it proposes a structure that ensures a more representative and accountable government structure than is currently in place. If the process is done correctly I am confident a structure will result to bring to voters in 2 years that will be successful
Campaign Mailing Address 319 Mineral Ave
Bozeman, MT 59718
I hold a Master of Science in Nursing and work as a Nurse Practitioner. I work well in collaborative group settings, with a willingness to always consider alternative views and ideas to make informed decisions. I have a strong foundation of knowledge on government structure from which to expand, the time required to invest in this study, and an enthusiasm for public engagement on community matters. I regularly attend city commission meetings and am a current board member for a local elementary Parent Advisory Council.
I believe the two most pressing issues are evaluating if the current form of city government adequately represents the broad community population and the extent of powers of specific offices to ensure appropriate checks and balances. No singular office should hold majority powers of decisions that affect the entire city. Bozeman has also reached a size in which district representation has the potential to ensure a more equal representation in local government over at-large elections.
Campaign Mailing Address PO Box 11902
Bozeman, MT 59719
Campaign Phone 206-251-0880
I have cared deeply for our City and community since I moved here in 1978 and have sought to make it more fair, just, sustainable, safe and welcoming for all residents. I have been concerned about the changes that widen inequality, disrespect others, harm our environment, and make it unaffordable for those who work here, to live here. My own experiences led my work as an educator professionally at MSU - founding Director of the MSU Women's Center, and as Prof. teaching students Critical Thinking and communication skills for the past 10 years. Plus 25 years as advocate/leader to adopt public policies on women's safety, pay equity, health care access with co-founding HAVEN, and Bozeman City for CEDAW Resolution to advance all human rights.
As a Commissioner, I would encourage us to study and find consensus on 1) Representation in decision-making by finding accessible, transparent ways for more participation and 2) Evaluation of City policies, programs and budgets for fairness, equity and accountability. In my experience as an educator and advocate, I have discovered people have a stake in what they help create. We can find more trusted City communications, expanding who, when, in what methods, and how effective for other perspectives. To do this, we need to engage those with diverse lived experiences on: what is or is not working; discover proposed solutions; examine what ways MT/other Cities have learned with best practices; and reach out to residents to foster consensus.
Campaign Mailing Address 8 West Harrison Street
Bozeman, MT 59715
Campaign Phone 4065796423
I have been a mediator and facilitator of public policy issues for 25 years. I have been an active participant in local governance. Eight years as a School Board member (two as Board Chair)and eight years on the Bozeman City Commission (two as Mayor) I have also been a member of the Bozeman Cemetery Advisory Board and the Bozeman Board of Ethics. I have worked with community members and County officials on the City County Board of Health, as the Commission appointee to that Board. I believe I can talk with, learn from and build rapport with people who are different than me and people who have different political views. I am cognizant of mistakes that were made in the past and I am open to all ideas.
Too often there is a lack of trust in local government and a feeling of powerlessness in our community, and we need to restore a sense of fairness and transparency. With fairness, we should consider how best to elect a Commission representative of all the community. Do we need wards? A strong mayor? Should Commissioners be paid more? For transparency, how does the City communicate with citizens so that there are fewer surprises? How to inform the community of potential changes in time for real discussion. The Study Commission should immediately engage our community with listening and discussion sessions. We should get information about what other cities in Montana and similar cities across the country are doing and how it has worked.
Campaign Mailing Address 1611 S Black Ave
Bozeman, MT 59715
Campaign Phone 708-738-3104
My career is defined by public service including working for local, state, and federal government. Additionally, I spent time working for a consensus-building non-profit. My most relevant experience was 3.75 years working for the City of Bozeman. I worked in the Economic Development Department with a focus on the state legislature, parking, and sector development. My education includes a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and Human Rights Studies from the University of Dayton and a Master of Public Administration degree from George Washington University. My experience in government at all levels as staff provides a unique perspective and will give the Local Government Study Commission important insight during deliberations.
First, the Local Government Study Commission should consider proposals to improve representation from all walks of life in Bozeman. Residents of Bozeman deserve representation from all neighborhoods in our City, from all generations, and from varied socioeconomic backgrounds. A well structured Charter can attract candidates with more diverse backgrounds to run. Second, the Local Government Study Commission should eliminate the Deputy Mayor position. While a well-intentioned idea, voters are often confused by the Mayor-Deputy Mayor system because the person elected Mayor must wait two years before becoming Mayor. The Study Commission should conduct robust community engagement to ensure any changes are supported by the community.