Missouri District 4, United States Congress
Represent Missouri Congressional District 4 in the United States Congress
What 3 areas of public policy are you personally passionate about and why? .
What will you advocate for in Washington, D.C. to improve the quality of life of Missourians?
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Jeanette Cass for US Congressional Dist. 4
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Jeanette Cass@cassforcongress
Some college
1. Women's Health Care: Every American should have complete, private control over their own personal healthcare with their. physician.
2. Stop Project 2025: I feel that every issue addressed in Project 2025 has been created to ruin our country. It is anti democratic, anti progressive and anti freedom.
3. Protect our Public School system: No matter how great our American Military and economy is, we can not be a successful country without fully educated citizens.
Jobs, Healthcare, housing individual rights.
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Bachelor Science History (University of Central Missouri).
1.) Civil Liberties: Freedom of speech is extremely important to me and I oppose any ban of any social media app based on fears and xenophobia.
2.) Common Sense Economic Policies: I oppose the tarrifs that have been imposed upon other countries. They don't end up paying the price. We do. Trade wars only result in economic losses.
3.) Weaning Ourselves Off Of Our Reliance on Politicians: Take abortion as an example. The attempt to ban it resulted in a court case in Alabama whose end result put IVF in danger and punished those who have trouble conceiving. In other words, politicians tend to make social issues worse, just like the war on drugs.
I would advocate for right to repair so that Missouri farmers can repair their own tractors without being encumbered by proprietary software and having to rely on dealerships to provide expensive solutions.
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