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The current budget for the State is unsustainable. The budget has grown has grown by more than 79% in the last six years, and revenues are not sufficient for more of the same. Careful and targeted budget reductions are required going forward to ensure there are adequate funds for necessary expenditures. In my career, I have been responsible for public budgeting that is responsive to Citizen needs, while being fiscally manageable. I intend to do the same, as I have been, moving forward.
Regulatory reform to allow more personal and societal liberty is required. More laws is rarely the answer, but removing governmental intrusion is needed instead. We must address property taxation in Missouri, while still assuring revenue availability for schools, and other political subdivisions.
I have nearly thirty years experience in public service from the military, teaching Political Science and Public Administration at Missouri State University, and my career in City Administration. I have never had a budget in the red, and I have never raised taxes in all my career. I understand how government works, but, just as importantly, how it is supposed to do so.
I am a member of the Bolivar church of Christ, a Paul Harris Fellow in the Rotary club, a member of the American Legion, and I speak on the Constitution and other Foundational documents for various organizations, when asked to do so. My ancestors moved to this area in 1837, and my grandchildren are the 9th generation of my family to live in the District I'm privileged to represent.
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Graduate, Baptist Bible College, Springfield, MO;Attended Southwest Missouri State University, Business and Finance
Women's rights,
Affordable medical care for all,
Higher minimum wage
Advocate in Jefferson City for clean air, clean water and improved highways and public transportation
Military experience
Scholarship donor