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2024 State House Twenty-Fifth Middlesex District

The Massachusetts House of Representatives is comprised of 160 members, each representing a district of approximately 40,000 people and each elected for a two-year term. As required by the Massachusetts Constitution, the House meets year-round in either formal or informal sessions to consider legislation. The Massachusetts House is led by the Speaker of the House who is elected by the members of the body at the beginning of each two-year legislative session. Base salary for each representative is approximately $66,256.

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    Marjorie C. Decker

Biographical Information

Do you support election day voter registration? Why or why not?

What actions should the legislature take to address the climate emergency?

What should the legislature do to increase the supply of affordable and middle-market housing in Massachusetts?

What measures would you support to deal with the needs of the large number of immigrants coming to Massachusetts?

What are your priorities for dealing with transportation statewide and in your district?

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I have always supported election day voter registration. I co-sponsored and voted in favor of An Act Establishing Same Day Registration of Voters. I believe this policy increases people’s ability to make their voices heard on Election Day. In 2022, when the lead sponsor led the charge and the legislature was considering a voting rights bill, I voted against an amendment that would restrict same day voting registration and co-sponsored an amendment establishing same day voter registration.
My top priorities to fight for climate action are getting a reconciled climate bill passed this fall, continuing to work to pass provisions of my large climate package known as the 100% Clean Act, updating the bottle bill, and passing the polystyrene, PFAS, and indoor-outdoor air quality bills that I’ve filed and/or worked on as Chair of the Public Health Committee. I will also work to pass language that ensures that clean energy projects pay prevailing wage and have strong workforce standards, as well as ensuring that there is a just transition for workers currently employed by the fossil fuel industry. I will continue to champion the Commonwealth’s transition to 100% clean energy with the urgency this issue deserves.
Growing up in public housing in Cambridge, the issue of housing affordability is especially important to me. I have a strong record supporting affordable housing, as well as holding the legislature and elected officials accountable when we fail. We must expand the availability of housing vouchers and establish rental assistance programs. Passing the Affordable Homes Act this session was an important start, and more work remains. Some of my work includes eviction prevention, guaranteeing the right to shelter, pushing for rent stabilizations, changing zoning laws & building housing stock, cosponsoring the "Yes in my Backyard Act," and filing An Act providing upstream homelessness prevention assistance to families, youth, and adults.
We should pass my bill An Act improving emergency housing assistance for children and families experiencing homelessness to ensure that families with immediate need for shelter are placed – even if they have not yet stayed in a place not meant for human habitation – and that they cannot be turned away due to lack of documentation. Eliminating and restricting the right to shelter law is not the answer.

Additionally, we should pass my Access to Justice bill which would forbid court personnel from sharing non-public information, including presence at proceedings, regarding any court-involved person with federal officials unless requested. It would also require informed consent before any interview regarding their immigration status.
My priorities are to focus on increasing road safety by advocating for the 100% Clean Act I have co-filed for multiple sessions. This bill contains a “Main Street Program” that will focus on improving pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, setting aside portions of streets as pedestrian only zones, and taking action to promote vibrant walkable, bikeable, and transit-accessible neighborhoods. I also secured language in the climate omnibus to electrify the MBTA and regional transit authority buses by mandating that all buses operated by the MBTA must be zero-emission by 2040 and all regional transit authorities create an electric bus rollout plan. I am also a cosponsor of H.3373 An Act relative to low income transit fares.