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2024 State House Fourteenth Norfolk District

The Massachusetts House of Representatives is comprised of 160 members, each representing a district of approximately 40,000 people and each elected for a two-year term. As required by the Massachusetts Constitution, the House meets year-round in either formal or informal sessions to consider legislation. The Massachusetts House is led by the Speaker of the House who is elected by the members of the body at the beginning of each two-year legislative session. Base salary for each representative is approximately $66,256.

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    Alice Hanlon Peisch

Biographical Information

Do you support election day voter registration? Why or why not?

What actions should the legislature take to address the climate emergency?

What should the legislature do to increase the supply of affordable and middle-market housing in Massachusetts?

What measures would you support to deal with the needs of the large number of immigrants coming to Massachusetts?

What are your priorities for dealing with transportation statewide and in your district?

I am concerned that same day registration would exacerbate long lines at polling locations, and place an undue financial burden on small and/or less well resourced communities without a significant increase in the number who actually vote. I am aware that there are long lines in NH for same day registration causing some who planned to vote in reliance on that option to fail to vote due to the time constraints. Massachusetts has made it very easy to register in advance and to vote via early voting. As a former town clerk who oversaw elections, I believe those to be better and more effective options to increase voter turnout.
Enact legislation to streamline the permitting process for clean energy projects, and take steps to reduce reliance on natural gas, including allowing gas companies to produce geothermal energy.
Provide incentives for housing production including support for the infrastructure needed for larger projects, eg MWRA expansion.
There needs to be action taken by the US Congress to reform immigration laws and provide resources to states to address the needs of the large number of immigrants entering the country. In FY24, the Commonwealth spent close to a billion dollars providing shelter and other supports to homeless families, a substantial number of whom are recent immigrants. In past years that amount has been approximately $300,000,000. The state does not have the resources to continue to provide housing and other essential supports without federal assistance.
The MBTA must focus first on ensuring that all current public transportation is reliable. That will require significant capital investment which I support. Recent expansions of Regional Transportation Agencies must be maintained and work must begin on the rebuilding of the Pike overpass near the old Allston / Brighton tolls.