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Seminole County Supervisor of Elections

The Supervisor of Elections is a Constitutional Officer and is elected countywide every four years. The Supervisor of Elections administers Chapters 97 through 106 of the Florida Statutes. These are the Election Laws of the State of Florida.Duties of the Supervisor of Elections:Administer County, State and Federal Elections in Accordance with Applicable LawsProvide Voter Outreach Education and Information as required by Florida StatutesRecruit, Hire and Train Poll WorkersQualify Candidates for OfficeAdminister the Provisions of the Campaign Reporting LawsProvide Information and Statistics on Voter Registration, Voting and Elections ResultsMaintain Custody of Financial and Election RecordsAdvise Board of County Commission on Equipment Procurement and Maintain Custody of all Election EquipmentRedistrict as Required by LawDefine Precincts and Assign Polling PlacesRegister Eligible Voters and Maintain Voter RollsProvide Assistance and Support for Municipal Elections

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    Deborah Poulalion

Biographical Information

Please share your top goals for the Supervisor of Elections office for the next four years.

There is a perception that voter fraud is affecting election outcomes although reliable studies say it is not. What will you do to combat this misinformation?

Do you believe our county should provide more days for early voting or fewer days for early voting? Why?

What, if any, changes will you implement to increase or decrease the ease of citizens to vote by mail while ensuring ballots remain secure?

How do you plan to deal with the shortage of poll workers? What changes will you implement to ensure the safety of poll workers?

How will you, as the Supervisor of Elections, combat efforts to decrease turnout and increase distrust in the voting process?

Campaign Website
Campaign Phone 407-261-0554
My mission is to enable people to vote and to protect the integrity of our elections.

To enable people to vote, my top priorities are prepaid postage for mail ballots, fair access to information in Spanish, and more early voting hours for the primaries.

To protect the integrity of elections, my top priorities are transparent election security, consistent enforcement of election law, and equal treatment for all candidates and parties.
Unfortunately, the current SOE undermined public trust in the neutral position of the elections office this year by publicly endorsing Donald Trump for president during the presidential preference primary. This is like a referee announcing who he wants to win before the game starts.

To restore public trust, I would make it clear that the elections office exists to run well-managed elections that do not favor any opponent over another.

I would post detailed information about the processes that are used to prevent election fraud. I would implement a quarterly email to provide the public with updates about election security. I am also interested in implementing a secondary counting system to validate election results.
I strongly believe Seminole County should have more early voting days for the primary.

Seminole County needs to restore voting on Souls to the Polls Sunday during the primary. This is the last Sunday before the elections. Black churches have a tradition of voting together on this Sunday after church. But the polls are closed in Seminole.

In addition, Seminole has the minimum early voting hours allowed by law - 8 days for 8 hours per day (64 hours total). People who work 8 hours a day will not be able to get to the polls on a workday unless they happen to work very close to an early voting location. In contrast, voters in Orange and Osceola get 126 hours).
First and foremost, I would provide prepaid postage for mail ballots. Other counties have implemented this service to assist in providing all voters a fair chance to submit their ballots.

In addition, access to request mail ballots on the website needs to available at all times. More mailers need to be sent to people who had mail ballot requests that have expired. Finally, the website needs to clarify that there are options for picking up a mail ballot in person even after the deadline for requesting a mail ballot to be mailed to you. This is very important in special circumstances, for example, a family member who is ill or hospitalized and cannot vote in person.
Make it easier to find the application form on the website. Add transparent information on the website that explains how groups can adopt a precinct. Recruit for Spanish- speaking poll workers. Minimize access to poll worker identity by members of the public.
If voting is confusing, turnout is low. People should be able to easily find out the dates and times for major elections coming up. But as of 6-27-2024, the Seminole SOE website doesn't even list the dates for the general election in Nov. In addition, the Seminole website only provides the names of county and city candidates and does a very poor job of explaining how to access state and multi-county candidates at the division of elections website. Other counties simply list all of the candidates so they voter can decide.