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Minnesota State House District 26B

The “lower chamber” of the Minnesota legislature has two representatives per senate district for a total of 134. Representatives are elected every two years.What your state legislature does affects many facets of your life—the taxes you pay, the highways on which you drive, public schools, the state-supported colleges and universities you or your children might attend, the state parks that provide recreation for you and your family, social programs, funding for the judicial system.

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  • Candidate picture

    Gregory M. Davids

  • Candidate picture

    Allie Wolf

Biographical Information

If elected, what will your top three priorities be and why? (750 characters)

What will you do to support a vibrant economy across Minnesota and to address inflation? (500 character)

What legislation, if any, would you support to address racial or ethnic disparities in Minnesota? (500 characters)

What legislation, if any, would you support to address climate change and its effects in Minnesota? (500 characters)

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Contact Phone 5073129708
Campaign Twitter Handle @Allie4MNHouse
My top priorities are bringing down the cost of child care here in Minnesota, which has some of the highest child care costs in the nation; working towards a single-payer healthcare system—or at least expanding the Minnesota public option—so that all Minnesotans can have peace of mind knowing that their and their children's healthcare is covered; and protecting Minnesotan's right to bodily autonomy, especially their right to reproductive care, like birth control and abortion, both of which are under attack all across the country.
We need to close corporate loopholes that allow big companies to get out of paying their fair share in taxes while they squeeze every last penny out of working class families. We also need to invest in the working class be raising minimum wages, and addressing the child care crisis—Minnesota families pay twice the cost of average rent to put two kids in daycare. We need to subsidize this cost so families (especially women) don't have to sacrifice their careers to provide care for their kids.
It is past time that Minnesota passes the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) ballot initiative which would allow Minnesotans to vote to add the ERA to our State Constitution. This amendment would finally enshrine equal rights for all Minnesotans, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, or any other marginalized status.
Here in Southeast Minnesota, my district, 26B, has very specific environmental concerns given our Karst geology. Our groundwater is particularly susceptible to nitrates and other pollutants from agriculture, and it's important that we give our farmers the resources they need to implement regenerative agricultural practices to tackle this problem. Besides being good for our water and soil, these practices also combat climate change.