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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Minnesota US House District 8

Also referred to as a congressman or congresswoman, each Representative is elected to a two-year term serving the people of a specific congressional district in the federal government. Among other duties such as impeachment of executive branch members, representatives introduce bills and resolutions with the responsibility of revenue, serve on committees, and can help their constituents receive federal benefits or services. The number of representatives per state is proportional to population with 435 in total.If your candidate didn’t fill in the guide below, visit the Secretary of State’s Candidate Filing site to find contact info. If you reach out, ask candidates to complete their Vote411 Voters Guide from the LWVMN!

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  • Candidate picture

    Jen Schultz

  • Candidate picture

    Pete Stauber

Biographical Information

If elected, what will your top three priorities be and why? (750 characters)

What will you do to support a vibrant economy across the United States, and to address inflation? (500 characters)

What, if any, actions would you take to address threats facing the United States due to climate change? (500 characters)

What, if anything, should our country do to ensure quality healthcare at an affordable cost for all, and access to reproductive health services? (500 characters)

What measures do you support to improve and secure elections, and to ensure voting access in our country? (500 characters)

Contact Phone Jen Schultz
Campaign Twitter Handle @RepJenSchultz
My grandparents were farmers; my mom was a teacher & my dad a Vietnam veteran & firefighter. I’m from a small town & started working at age 14. I know what it’s like to work hard & still struggle to pay the bills. I served in the State Legislature with a track record of getting things done in a divided government. As a Great Lakes Commissioner, I fought to protect our lakes. I’m a strong leader who can fix the chaos in D.C. & will prioritize affordable housing, healthcare, childcare, economic development, jobs, education, small business development, climate resiliency, border security, and safe communities. I will protect our democracy, veterans, Social Security, Medicare, tribal sovereignty and our rights, including reproductive rights.
As an economist, I will bring investments to our region & fix our economy so it works for everyone. I’ll represent working people, not political parties. I’ll help small businesses & invest in our port & infrastructure. I’ll vote for infrastructure bills, & champion policies to bring back and protect domestic manufacturing & responsible mining. I’ll champion policies addressing price gouging & anti-competitive behaviors. I’ll strengthen the middle class as it’s the foundation of our economy.
Minnesota has faced drought, forest fires, & damaging floods. These issues will get worse unless we take urgent action. We can be at the forefront of addressing climate change by becoming a global leader in environmental technology. The U.S. subsidizes fossil fuel companies over $20 billion annually while they’ve enjoyed record profits by price gouging. We should direct that money toward building dependable green infrastructure that reduces our reliance on volatile, autocratic regimes.
Every person deserves quality health care. I support universal coverage, like Medicare for all. I will fight to keep our rural health care facilities open, expand services, and fund ground ambulances. Every person should also have the right to make their own health decisions with their doctor, not politicians. I support reproductive rights, and rights to birth control and IVF treatment. We need to codify these long-held protections into law. Restrictive state laws are jeopardizing women’s lives.
I support the Voting Rights Act. I championed automatic voter registration & fair redistricting reforms as a state legislator. GOP extremists are attacking our right to vote and to free elections. Pete Sauber signed onto a lawsuit to overturn the 2020 election & voted against investigating the January 6th insurrection. Our Democracy is at risk - we cannot let extremism go unchecked. Preserving truth & democracy is more important than political allegiances.
Contact Phone 2184618683
Campaign Twitter Handle @
From playing professional hockey to serving 23 years in law enforcement, I am a problem solver. I believe our best days are ahead. Americans – not the government – make America great. The Minnesotans I hear from every day throughout the 8th congressional district need a voice in Washington who will champion causes built on our values and beliefs. I am passionate about fighting for our way of life, putting America first, ending the invasion on our southern border that’s causing humanitarian and national security crises, and doing all I can to turn the page on four disastrous years of Biden-Harris failed economic policies and broken promises.
The Biden-Harris economy is crippling working families. Our costs of living are skyrocketing. Energy prices are through the roof. The American dream of home ownership for young families is virtually unattainable. Minnesotans are fed up with how expensive everyday items have become – a bag of groceries shouldn’t cost 100 dollars. Under President Trump, we saw record job growth and wages were rapidly rising. We had a good economy when he was in office and we look forward to doing it again.
Rather than rely on adversaries who have no regard for the environment, we must bring our manufacturing jobs back home to our own country. I'm focused on making America an energy dominant and critical mineral powerhouse. This will secure our economic future, reduce our dependence on foreign adversaries, and strengthen our national security. By putting America first, we will restore the heartbeat of our economic future where American workers and industries again take the lead on the global stage.
In Minnesota, Gov. Walz is giving illegal immigrants free health care, free college tuition, and drivers licenses at taxpayer expense. We are seeing an invasion on our southern border under Harris, the self-proclaimed “Border Czar" that is unhealthy for our nation. To combat those open border policies, we need to restart Donald Trump’s construction of the border wall, increase the number of Border Patrol agents, and strengthen laws to protect unaccompanied children from human trafficking.
The border crisis has shown the need to secure the voter registration process and preserve the right to vote for American citizens, safeguarding our democracy. We should require an individual to provide proof of citizenship when registering to vote in federal elections. We also should provide states with access to existing federal databases so they can clean up their voter registration rolls and remove noncitizens from the rolls. Only Americans should decide the outcome of our election.