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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Minnesota US House District 6

Also referred to as a congressman or congresswoman, each Representative is elected to a two-year term serving the people of a specific congressional district in the federal government. Among other duties such as impeachment of executive branch members, representatives introduce bills and resolutions with the responsibility of revenue, serve on committees, and can help their constituents receive federal benefits or services. The number of representatives per state is proportional to population with 435 in total.If your candidate didn’t fill in the guide below, visit the Secretary of State’s Candidate Filing site to find contact info. If you reach out, ask candidates to complete their Vote411 Voters Guide from the LWVMN!

Click a candidate icon to find more information about the candidate. To compare two candidates, click the "compare" button. To start over, click a candidate icon.

  • Candidate picture

    Tom Emmer

  • Candidate picture

    Jeanne Hendricks

Biographical Information

If elected, what will your top three priorities be and why? (750 characters)

What will you do to support a vibrant economy across the United States, and to address inflation? (500 characters)

What, if any, actions would you take to address threats facing the United States due to climate change? (500 characters)

What, if anything, should our country do to ensure quality healthcare at an affordable cost for all, and access to reproductive health services? (500 characters)

What measures do you support to improve and secure elections, and to ensure voting access in our country? (500 characters)

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Campaign Twitter Handle @gopmajoritywhip
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Candidate has not yet responded.
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Candidate has not yet responded.
Campaign Website
Contact Phone Todd Prieb
Campaign Twitter Handle @
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1. Securing Women's Reproductive Rights making this national law. 2. Voting for and sponsoring legislation that supports addressing climate change. 3. Supporting commonsense gun safety legislation, including a ban on automatic weapons used in mass shootings.
Support ACA and right for Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices with big pharma. Support Unions right to organize, bargain and receive prevailing wage (Davis Bacon)
Author legislation to require methane sequestration in farming and landfill waste management.
I will support a Federal Law legalizing access to reproductive health services for all women. Support Medicare for all beginning at Age of eligibility to start at 50.
I support the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act which would reinstate the State's requirement to receive approval from the Federal Gov before instituting any change in voting laws.