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Minnesota US House District 2

Also referred to as a congressman or congresswoman, each Representative is elected to a two-year term serving the people of a specific congressional district in the federal government. Among other duties such as impeachment of executive branch members, representatives introduce bills and resolutions with the responsibility of revenue, serve on committees, and can help their constituents receive federal benefits or services. The number of representatives per state is proportional to population with 435 in total.If your candidate didn’t fill in the guide below, visit the Secretary of State’s Candidate Filing site to find contact info. If you reach out, ask candidates to complete their Vote411 Voters Guide from the LWVMN!

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  • Candidate picture

    Thomas William Bowman

  • Candidate picture

    Angie Craig

  • Candidate picture

    Joe Teirab

Biographical Information

If elected, what will your top three priorities be and why? (750 characters)

What will you do to support a vibrant economy across the United States, and to address inflation? (500 characters)

What, if any, actions would you take to address threats facing the United States due to climate change? (500 characters)

What, if anything, should our country do to ensure quality healthcare at an affordable cost for all, and access to reproductive health services? (500 characters)

What measures do you support to improve and secure elections, and to ensure voting access in our country? (500 characters)

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Contact Phone 612-865-7086
Campaign Twitter Handle @@TomBowman526916
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Simplify bills (seperate them,so only good law is passed) Term Limits. I will not run again. Simplify administrative 'laws' (eg:IRS,Medicare)

In general, I think the Constitution defines 3 responsibilities that the federal government has to the people.

1) International Relations. And I can't find anything in the Constitution that says we should be buying our allies. To my knowledge, there's not another country on earth that provides foreign aid. We're not in a position to do it. We're borrowing money to do it.

2) Facilitate interstate commerce.

3) Protect the citizens against states trying to pass laws which are in violation of our constitution and bill of rights.
Subsidies are never sustainable. We need to avoid subsidies wherever possible. The Constitution never did provide for funding for NGO (especially charities). We need to stop sending money to other countries that we're having to borrow to provide that for them. No other countries do this and it's not helping our economy at all. We are becoming a nation bound of regulations. It's not funny that the IRS is the most feared organization on earth, We're spending way too much just collecting taxes.
The climate will change if you're worried about it pray to God, because he's going to control the climate. All we can do is figure out how to milk taxes out of somebody for special interests. We're not going to change the climate no matter how much taxes are collected. The smart move is to figure out how to adapt to the changes.
Reproductive health services...Are you talking about abortions?Because contraception is readily available. The recent Supreme Court decision, Very clearly indicates that the federal government is going to let the states pass anything. They like for abortion law. And I can't overremphasize that anything they like. I'm having problems with medicare getting prescriptions filled. I think what's needed is competition. Less competition will result in longer hold times
It's simple return to paper ballots.Vote in person with your ID on election day.If there are exceptions , be certain that the identity is confirmed by a reasonable authority. If, for example, a military personnel overseas wish to vote, their command can verify their citizenship. It would be helpful if the absentee votes were counted before the votes on election day so that they cannot be manipulated later.
Campaign Website
Contact Phone 6514093006
Campaign Twitter Handle @AngieCraigMN
Campaign Email
Public safety is top of mind. Minnesotans want to know that elected officials are working hard to ensure their safety.

I’ve brought home federal funding for local law enforcement to make sure they have the support they need to protect Minnesotans & get home safely themselves.

Minnesotans are also rightly worried about abortion rights. We talk a lot about the need to restore & protect reproductive freedoms nationwide in the post-Roe world.

Finally, Minnesotans are concerned about the fentanyl crisis & our southern border.

Earlier this year, my bipartisan END FENTANYL Act was signed into law & I was able to push the President to act to limit border crossings. I’ll keep working to secure the border & keep Minnesotans safe.
We’ve got to do more to rise above partisan politics & find the commonsense solutions needed to make life better for everyday Minnesotans.

That’s why I’m pushing to expand career & technical education – because a 4-year degree should be an option, not the expectation for our young folks.

I also wrote the bill to get rid of federal taxes on Social Security & am working to create a federal task force to crack down on corporate greed & lower costs for Minnesotans.
Climate change is an environmental issue, an economic issue, a national security issue & a civil rights issue.

I’ve made it a focus of mine to help curb carbon emissions & hold large corporations accountable for the pollution they create. That’s why I’ve been working to shore up resources for conservation efforts & expand our renewable energy arsenal & create clean energy jobs. It’s also why I supported the Energy Innovation & Carbon Dividend Act to limit greenhouse gasses in our environment.
Every Minnesotan should have access to the affordable health care they need to live a safe & healthy life – that starts with taking on Big Pharma & lowering the costs of prescription drugs. I wrote the bill to cap insulin copays for those on Medicare at $35/month.

Now, I’m pushing to do the same for all Americans.

I’m fighting to fully restore & protect reproductive freedoms across this country – because every woman should be able to make her own health care decisions.
I believe that our democracy relies on free & fair elections. I worked hard to help pass the For the People Act through the House to protect American voting rights & ensure the integrity of our elections. I’ve also helped pass the Electoral Count Reform Act, which established guidelines for certifying & counting electoral votes.

America is at its best when everyone has an equal say in the future of this country. I’ll always fight to make sure that’s the reality.
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