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Waupaca County District Attorney/Procurado de Distrito Del Conado De Waupaca

The district attorney is the chief law enforcer in every county in Wisconsin. The county district attorney s office investigates and prosecutes violations of state laws and county ordinances. They also litigate child protection cases in the County Circuit Court. Voters elect the district attorney to serve a four-year term in partisan elections. There is no term limit._______El Procurador (abogado) de distrito es el principal agente de la ley en todos los condados de Wisconsin. La oficina del procurador de distrito del condado investiga y procesa violaciones a las leyes estatales y ordenanzas del condado. También litiga casos de protección infantil en el Tribunal de Circuito del Condado. Los votantes eligen al procurador de distrito para cumplir un mandato de cuatro años en elecciones partidistas. No hay límite de plazos.

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    Kat Turner

Biographical Information

Please describe your priorities for your term in office and your specific qualifications to effectively address those issues.

What is your standard for an acceptable use of discretion when determining which cases to prosecute?

What is your approach to negotiating plea bargains with the defense attorneys of the accused?

What role, if any, do you believe District Attorneys play in reducing recidivism and reducing the prison population in Wisconsin?

Do you believe any adjustments would be appropriate in the District Attorney’s charging decisions and recommendations for placement into diversion programs? Please explain your answer.

Campaign Phone # 920-896-3665
Campaign Email
Campaign Phone 920-896-3665
Campaign Mailing Address 520 Timber Drive
Waupaca, WI 54981
Education Juris Doctor: Florida International University; Bachelor of Arts: University of Florida
Personal Pronouns She/Her/Hers
Public Safety and Victim Rights: Deterrence and Incapacitation: I will continue to prioritize prosecuting serious crimes to the fullest extent of the law, ensuring appropriate punishment that deters future crime and protects communities. This includes advocating for strong sentences for violent offenders and repeat criminals. Victim-Centered Justice: I believe in vigorously pursuing justice on behalf of crime victims, ensuring their voices are heard and their rights are respected throughout the legal process. Fiscal Responsibility and Efficiency: Focus on Violent Crime: I will continue to prioritize using limited resources to prosecute violent crime and serious offenses that threaten public safety. This may involve seeking creative alternative solutions for non-violent, low-level offenses. Collaboration with Law Enforcement: My team works best when collaborating effectively with law enforcement agencies to build strong cases and improve community safety.
Focus on Violent Crime: I believe prosecutors should prioritize using limited resources to prosecute violent crime and serious offenses that threaten public safety. This may involve seeking alternative solutions for non-violent, low-level offenses. Data-Driven Decision Making: Data analysis can help identify crime trends and allocate resources effectively. I believe in using data to guide decisions and measure the success of prosecution strategies. Individual Accountability and Due Process: Upholding the Law: Prosecutors have a duty to uphold the law as written, regardless of personal opinions. I believe in applying the law fairly and impartially to all offenders. Presumption of Innocence: Due process is paramount. I am committed to ensuring fair trials for all defendants, respecting the presumption of innocence until proven guilty.
Reduced Sentences Only in Exchange for Cooperation: Concessions on charges or sentences should be limited. Cooperation with law enforcement, providing information on other crimes or criminals, should be considered as a key factor for leniency. Victims' Input: My office gives significant weight to the victim's wishes when considering plea bargains. If the victim desires a harsher sentence, my office may be less likely to offer a lenient plea deal. Focus on Accountability: Plea bargains should ensure the defendant takes responsibility for their actions. This could involve mandatory participation in rehabilitation programs and/or restitution to victims where requested.
While maintaining a focus on punishment for serious crimes, I fully support rehabilitation programs that help reduce recidivism rates and prevent future offenses. Where a defendant is willing to participate in meaningful treatment of underlying mental health or addiction issues their recidivism risk may be appreciably reduced by permitting them the opportunity to participate in and complete these sorts of treatment programs in lieu of incarceration. I believe the District Attorneys are in the best position to craft these sorts of agreements where appropriate and can have a significant impact on reduction of the prison population in Wisconsin.
I believe my office does a good job of working with the defense bar to craft plea agreements for appropriate defendants (non-violent, without significant criminal history) who are willing to take responsibility for their criminal actions, and to engage in meaningful treatment to address underlying causes of their criminal behaviors. I would like to expand opportunities for pre-charge diversions targeting Veterans of our armed forces.