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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Louisville Metro Council - District 16

QUALIFICATIONS:A member must be at least 18 years of age, a qualified voter and must be a resident within the territory of the consolidated local government and district that he or she seeks to represent for at least one (1) year immediately prior to the person’s electionTERM:The members are elected by the city’s twenty-six districts in partisan elections to serve four-year, staggered terms.DUTIES:The Louisville Metro Council is the city’s primary legislative body. It is responsible for adopting the city budget, approving mayoral appointees, levying taxes, and making or amending city laws, policies, and ordinances. It was formally established in 2003 after the merger of the City of Louisville and Jefferson County. The Metro Council is made up of twenty-six members.

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    Matthew Golden

Biographical Information

What makes you the most qualified candidate to serve as Metro/City Council member?

What do you see as the highest priority issue facing our community, and how will you address it?

What strategies do you propose to promote community integration and address economic, racial, and age segregation within Jefferson County?

How should (can) Metro/City Council Members ensure public transparency and accountability for their work?

What is your preferred public policy relating to guns (ownership, safety, training, etc.)?

What policy (policies) do you support for educating Jefferson County’s Pre-K through high school children?

Campaign Phone 502-479-5815
Contact email
Current Job General Counsel, Community Relations Director
I have 27 years of legal experience; many of those years were spent in local government advocating for the interests of the community. There are very few who can outwork me.
It is difficult to pick just one. I am very concerned with public safety, disparities in our community's public health, and making sure that our economic drivers grow Louisville as a whole while not leaving people behind. As a Metro Council person overseeing a more than billion dollar budget, I will make sure that the expenditures we make on these essential services are wise.
I believe we need to promote small businesses and enterprises as builders of generational wealth. We also need to make sure Louisville is open to ventures wishing to locate here to grow our City economically.
We can adhere to open records laws and, if we find them lacking, we can promote ordinances that are more expansive. I also believe that we must work together as a community to make sure our open records departments are funded and staffed as an element of our work.
It is clear that the constitution guarantees the right to private gun ownership, which I exercise safely. At the same time, there is nothing to prohibit smart gun safety regulation at Congress or our state legislature (which has prohibited Metro Government's regulation of guns in many cases). The Kentucky General Assembly's bipartisan CARR act bill which sought limit possession of weapons during mental crisis was just such an example. I intend to listen to groups like Whitney Strong and Moms Demand Action to gain input.
I like the current concepts around universal Pre-K. I am also very supportive of co-locating city services around schools. By doing this, we could drive greater connection of parents to schools and the city to families.