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VOTE411 Voter Guide

State Senate District. 10

Term: 4 yearsIn general, the functions of the State  Legislature (House & Senate) are to enact, amend, and repeal the laws of Tennessee. Some of the specific powers granted to the General Assembly by the state Constitution include: - The appropriation of all money to be paid out of the state treasury; - The levy and collection of taxes; and - The right to authorize counties and incorporated towns to levy taxes.The Senate is composed of 33 members who are elected to four-year terms of office. They are elected by the voters of their Senate legislative district. A senator must be a citizen of the United States, at least 30 years old, a citizen of Tennessee for at least three years and a resident of the county or district he represents for at least one year before the election. While Senate terms are for four years, approximately half of the senators run for office every two years by odd- and even-numbered districts. This is generally referred to as staggered terms.

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  • Candidate picture

    Missy Crutchfield

  • Candidate picture

    Todd Gardenhire

Biographical Information

Why did you decide to run for this office?

What do you see as the most significant issue that will face you if you are elected to this office?

What existing legislation do you support and what additional legislation (if any) would you propose to protect our children from gun violence in school, and why?

Campaign Website / Ballotpedia
Campaign Twitter Handle @votecrutchfield
Following the reversal of Roe v. Wade I co-founded the women’s rights group The New Suffragettes. We have been actively involved in organizing women’s marches, parades, get out the vote events and voter registration drives, and supporting Democrat women running for elected office who support women’s rights in general and women’s healthcare and reproductive rights specifically. After having been involved in this important community-building work the last couple of years, and having spent many years before that working and advocating for social and environmental issues, I felt the calling to step up and run for Tennessee State Senate District 10 to be the voice for the rights and freedoms of women and for all people and our planet.
As I have been saying since I have launched my campaign for Tennessee State Senate, I know that the extremism that we see in politics today is not reflective of who I am, and I have spoken with so many others who feel that same way. Politicians have forgotten they serve first and foremost as public servants. Our leaders are out of touch. We need to get back to the roots of what a real leader is and that means being a public servant, listening to the people, and creating policies that better their lives. I look forward to our ‘listening tour’ this summer and hearing more from the people of District 10 about local issues, sharing ideas, and finding ways on how I can better serve as their State Senator.
When I am elected as Tennessee State Senator, I will be reviewing the current legislation and learning more about what is or isn’t working and what the best practices are for protecting our children and all citizens from gun violence incidents like our State experienced last year at Covenant School in Nashville and like people experience in our streets and in our communities every day. I will do all we can to ensure we are supporting and passing legislation that makes our communities safer for all.
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After 12 years I have decided to run for a final term in the State Senate to continue represented the conservative Tennessee values of District 10.
Improving the access and quality of healthcare in Tennessee, and to stop the encroachment of the federal overreach on the rights and liberties of citizens.
I will push for putting more Resource Officers in our schools. All you have to do is look at what happened in Nashville at the Covenant School to answer "why?"