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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Sheboygan Town Board Supervisor #1

Town of Sheboygan Supervisors are elected to 2 year terms. The town has 4 supervisors. Two positions are elected each year.

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  • Candidate picture

    Tim Winkel

Biographical Information

Why are you running for office?

Cite major goals you want to accomplish and how you plan to achieve those goals.

Discuss your experience and how it qualifies you for the position you seek.

Campaign Phone 9209808429
Relevant Experience Current duly Elected Supervisor, Parks Committee Chairperson, Board of Zoning Appeals Chairperson, Local business owner for over 35 years.
I am running for re-election after completing my first term in office and would like the opportunity to continue to serve the people of the Town of Sheboygan.
I have been involved in the decision making process of several great projects in the Town. We were able to successfully block any further annexation by the City of Sheboygan by developing the 99 acre Buechel Farm thru our partnership with Van Horn Development. This will be a beautiful addition to our Town with a mixed use of commercial and residential properties adding a significant tax base. We were also able to attract a new Olive Garden restaurant along with an option for more dining choices in the future. Currently we are discussing the feasibility to start our own police department in some form or another. We currently receive our public protection from the Sheboygan County Sheriffs Department but they are stretched incredibly thin. In 2022 they responded to over 7200 calls in the Town of Sheboygan! After speaking with my constituents and gathering information it has become apparent that the time is near for this to happen. The question we face is how to do it without raising taxes! While I am in full support of increasing public protection, I am not willing to raise taxes to accomplish it without the full support of the Town Taxpayers. We are growing at a steady rate and face many challenges ahead and I am excited to continue to represent my constituents!
I have owned and operated my own business since 1985. I either manage or maintain real estate assets exceeding 45 million dollars. I understand what it takes to be a good steward of the taxpayers money. My interest in local politics started in 2010 when Act 10 was passed and our Town faced some hard decision. I became concerned on how few of the residents showed up at the regular board meetings to watch where our money was being spent. I made the decision to attend every meeting I could and voiced my opinion either in favor or against the things the board was making decisions on. During this time, I also joined the Parks Committee as well as accepted a role on the Board of Review and the Board of Zoning Appeals. After attending these meetings for many years, I decided to run for office when Char Gumm retired and have truly enjoyed representing all my Town neighbors and new friends.