The Indiana House of Representatives is the lower chamber of the Indiana General Assembly. Alongside the Indiana State Senate, it forms the legislative branch of the Indiana state government and works alongside the governor of Indiana to create laws and establish a state budget. Legislative authority and responsibilities of the Indiana House of Representatives include passing bills on public policy matters, setting levels for state spending, raising and lowering taxes, and voting to uphold or orverride gubernatorial vetoes.
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Years in an elected position
Our education system is failing our future generations. We need to get back to the basics of math, reading, science, history and teaching the constitution to our future generations. ILEARN scores for reading and math 3rd -8th grade, recently came out and Hobart is averaging 32%, Lake Station is averaging 12% and Gary is averaging 10% or less. These scores are way below the national average. We must return to teaching our children the basics in order to develop them into self-sufficient adults that contribute to society. I plan on legislating an education bill to concentrate on teaching the basics getting back to common sense and removing from all education social emotional learning, GAIN, and CRT materials that distract from the basics. The names of these programs have changed but the core teachings are still in the classroom.
The only way to balance is Transparency, balanced budgets, cut wasteful spending, and hold people in positions accountable for not doing so. Spending must be under control, we cannot keep throwing money at a broken system that does not work for Hoosiers. This includes all positions that make decisions that affect Hoosiers. There is too much interference from outside sources dictating to us how, what, why we should do proceed in many areas of creating a stable economy. No longer with the 1-5% dictate to the 95% of the people. We the people have a voice and I will make sure that my constituents know all that is going on in IN House REP District 3.
Many may not agree with my answer to this question however I am going to state it anyway. Our BMV and may other institutions who process voting registration applications are failing us, illegal aliens pouring into our region from an over crowded sanctuary city, are getting state ids without proof of residency and citizenship and are registering to vote. PAPER BALLOTS and PROOF of CITIZENSHIP are a MUST. It can be done, many other countries with the same voting population hand count paper ballots within 24 hours. Missouri does, Florida does it and its much more cost efficient then the narrative that is pushed voting machines are safe. They are connected to the internet and can be hacked. It has happened and continue to happen until we make a change.
Very unimportant
Somewhat unimportant
Neither important nor unimportant
Somewhat important
Very important
Every child should be afforded the same opportunities when it comes to education. I believe the structure of taxes that contributes more than 50% of funds to our education system is very flawed. I have an idea to promote to take the entire IN state education budget and divide equally per student capita. This would bring equity to the education system. There is too much dis -portioned from counties and towns where funds are based on property taxes meaning if you live in a poor area you get less money for education verses living in an affluent area. The focus is always on the student and all should be given equal opportunity by spreading the money equally giving equity to our education system. Example take all of the funds for Lake County INDIANA and divide it equally per student capita this would greatly increase our education system to bring a level playing field.
Mental health is important, we must take care of those who have struggles. The answer is not throwing more money into the issue, it is again transparency, accountability, where is all the money going? It’s not going to the Hoosiers who need it. Lake County Public Health dept. does not make the decisions for our county the State of IN does. due to a bill passed in July 2023. We must bring back all forms of treatment for mental health this includes natural remedies. Many of these issues stem from so many additives in our food with chemicals that our bodies cannot break down and it causes ones’ body to not function in the way it was designed to function. Lake county IN received $6MIl in 2023-2024 and taxpayers have to pay back 25% of that back to the government. 2024-2025 almost $12Mil will be given and $4 Mil will need to be paid back by the taxpayers. LCPH has already admitted most of the funds will go towards illegal aliens, Hoosiers at disadvantage, this has to STOP.
I have been apart of a legislation group who for the last two years have researched and advocated for Lake County Hoosiers. There are over 750 bills presented each year by the state legislators and much of what passes has much waste and added issues tucked in the bill and no one is questioning the content. As IN HREP District 3 I will bring transparency and accountability to the Legislative process and content of bills to the people so they know what is going on and can voice their opinions and concerns regarding we the people. I will fight to keep outside organizations from misleading my constituents by giving them facts and truth. Our State and Federal constitutions state these offices work for we the people not we the people working for the government. We have unalienable rights given to us by our creator and I will uphold those rights and fight for Dist 3. I believe in term limits, I believe that unity creates positive change to prepare our state to be governed by the people!