RESPONSIBILITIES OF CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Powers and Duties****The alderpersons and Mayor shall constitute the City Council and shall have such powers and duties as are enumerated in Ch. 62, Wis. Stats., and elsewhere in the statutes. Authority - The City Council shall have all powers of the City not specifically given to some other body or officer. Except as otherwise provided by law, the City Council shall have the management and control of the City property, finances, highways, streets, utilities and the public service, and may act for the government and good order of the City, for its commercial benefit and for the health, safety, welfare and convenience of the public, and may carry its powers into effect by license, regulation, suppression, borrowing, taxation, special assessment, appropriation, imposition of forfeiture and other necessary or convenient means. The City Council may appoint such officers from time to time as may be deemed necessary for the benefit of the community. The powers hereby conferred shall be in addition to all other grants and shall be limited only by express language.**** City of River Falls, Wisconsin; Council Member Handbook
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Bayfield City resident since November of 1977. Have served on the City's Parks & Rec Committee for a number of years, and am currently serving on the Public Works Committee. Before COVID-19, I attended the city council meetings in person, and after "lock-down" then and still now attend the meetings via Go To Meeting.
I am the president of the Duwayne Soulier Memorial VFW Post 8239 Auxiliary, member and president of the Bethesda Lutheran Church's church council. Previously 20 year member of the Northern Lights Services Board of Director, and retired as the administrative assistant from the Bayfield County Sheriff's Dept. after 34 1/2 years of employment. UW-Eau Claire university graduate in 1974 with a four year degree.
Infrastructure, especially road maintenance/repair is vital. Costs are prohibitive, and hopefully the grant proposals that have been submitted will provide necessary funds. I'm still not convinced that the paid parking plan will generate as much money as has been suggested, but with the $35,000 that has already been spent, it seems only that those plans need to be continued. My fear is that so much of the needed work will fall on the city staff that other areas of their work may well suffer. Their workload already is huge, without this added time that will need to be spent. Only the future will show that it is a viable option.
Most important budget issue to me is the road infrastructure, as noted above hopefully the grant applications will be approved and the necessary funds will be received. There will be the need for city funds, but those would be nowhere near what might be needed if grants are not received.
Again road repair. Some type of master plan for how the timetable will have to be developed as funds become available.
When I first moved to Bayfield, it was a quaint little town. As the years have passed, the complexion of the city has changed tremendously. Now one must be fairly well off to both live or visit this place. I'm afraid that the prices are going to drive the little person away from visiting here. Again only the future will show what happens.
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I am a licensed Certified Public Accountant and RE Broker with 35 years of experience in commercial real estate, accounting for non-profits, business development, and long-range planning. I hold a Masters from UW Madison in Rural Land Use Planning, a Bachelors in Accounting, and a Bachelors in Environmental Sciences. I have worked in accounting with businesses owned by the City of Madison, the Overture Center and Monona Terrace as well as sitting on the Board of Directors of civic organizations such as the Salvation Army. I continue to work with many small business clients and non-profits in Bayfield and throughout the State helping them grow and succeed. I am a parent and a grandmother whose family is locally grown.
Bayfield is an economic hub for the area. We need to work cooperatively with all the jurisdictions in our County, and the surrounding area. We need to be small-business friendly. We need housing for workers and young families. We need to continue to be good stewards of Mother Earth and recognize Red Cliff, our neighbors, as a Sovereign Nation who can teach us much about being good stewards. We need to be on top of demographic changes, support our aging community and utilize their valuable experiences, help with succession planning, and work with the young entrepreneurs who will shape our future. We need to appreciate and nurture our school system and find inclusive educational tools for all the talents of our youth.
Unlike the Federal government, the City does not have the power to print money and therefore must pursue a balanced budget which includes reserves for future development. We also need to understand all the fiscal tools in our toolbox. City employment relies on tourism with the other large employment sector being government. As a small business owner in the City of Bayfield, owning both the Lake Superior Lodge and Accede CPA Inc. I am fully aware of the need to foster a strong climate for small businesses. We have a strong and unique agricultural and forestry community surrounding us and the gem of Lake Superior. As a city government we need to help make all our disparate cultural and economic sectors part of what makes us strong.
Aging infrastructure is a problem throughout our entire nation. We have the expertise to forecast need and find long-term solutions for all the physical plants that affect us. The Federal government has committed to infrastructure development and we need to jump on that bandwagon. We need to not be so rigid in our approach as to ignore advances that will allow self-sufficiency, alternative energies, and small-scale solutions. We have abundant natural resources which we need to respect, understand, and use to the benefit of all our communities.
Volunteer for many things and organizations over the years. Lifelong resident of the community with an absence while I worked in the Milwaukee area. I have trained people across the country in different fields and have been involved in Big Brother Big Sisters, volunteered installing fire detectors in the inner city of Milwaukee, with the Landmark Conservation Conservancy removing invasive species and surveying properties, volunteer wolf conservation counter for the Wisconsin DNR and volunteer for the Apostle Islands Historic Preservation Conservancy being among my many past volunteer efforts. I am a current member of the Tree Board in Bayfield and am committed to the people and workers of Bayfield
Affordable housing for workers. Our city has committed itself to tourism but there are no affordable places for the workers who have to serve that industry. It is short sighted to promote an industry without the infrastructure, which includes the people servicing it, and expect it to be successful. The backbone of any community is the people who live there, if nobody can afford to live in the community they have no stake in its success. The other priority is honesty and transparency, as well as timely posting of the city committee meeting minutes and decisions. Open and honest government
The city apparently is in a shortfall with their budget, and I haven't gone into it in depth yet. But I believe we need a grant writer, whether it is someone on staff or contracted on a percentage basis to bring money in. The problem with Bayfield is that the median income is skewed so high due to the many high income people who own property here but are not always year round residents. It hinders the ability to help the majority of people here who are barely able to survive and are struggling, including most of the people who support the infrastructure of the town
Grant writers. The city workers are great, the funds to do the work needed without a year round tax base (majority of houses are Airbnb, VRBO or second houses) are just not available without a year round tax base to support it