City of Bayfield Mayor
The duties of a mayor in a municipality with an administrator are as follows:The mayor shall serve as the chief executive officer of the city, performing executive responsibilities by monitoring the activities of the administrator and the various departments of city government to see that city ordinances and state laws are enforced. This requires knowledge of city ordinances and state laws and a procedure for monitoring municipal activities.The mayor shall serve as the policy leader for the community, providing policy information and recommendations to the council.The mayor shall preside over the city council.The mayor shall vote in the event of a tie vote by the council.The mayor shall have the authority to veto ordinances passed by the council.The mayor shall serve as the chief representative of the city in relations with the media.The mayor shall represent that city in meetings with and presentations to other governmental units, businesses, community groups, and other groups.The mayor shall work with residents of the community in receiving their comments and complaints and seeking appropriate responses, in conjunction with the administrator and, if desired, the council.The mayor shall perform any other duties not specified here that are defined in Chapter 62.09 (8).
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Ted Dougherty
Brian Fehr
What educational, occupational, civic, and community experiences have you had that you believe qualify you for this elective office?
Please describe your priorities for this term in office, and explain the reasons for your choices.
What are the most important budget and other issues the City should take on, and what are your ideas for addressing them?
How might the City best address needed infrastructure improvements over the next several years?
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I am a Registered Representative at Osaic Wealth with twenty-seven years of experience in the financial industry, helping business owners and individuals achieve their financial goals.
I serve as a City of Bayfield Alderperson and Chair of the Bayfield Harbor Commission (BHC) and Public Works Committees. I serve on boards of the Greater Bayfield Sanitary District and Recreation & Fitness Resources (RFR). Over the past twenty-five years, I've served on the Bayfield Carnegie Library Board of Trustees, Executive Committee for Big Top Chautauqua, North Coast Community Sailing, and Friends of the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore.
Continue to balance the budget.
Continue to manage our enterprise operations, which generate much-needed revenue for the City of Bayfield. These include:
Lease of the courthouse to the National Park Service,
Dalrymple Campground,
Promotion of the Lakeside Pavilion,
Bayfield Harbor Commission is responsible for our boat ramp, City Dock, transient slips, marina, and waterfront.
Continue Mayor Ringberg's work to lobby the state to increase our Premier Resort Tax to 1.5%.
Continue focus on City Infrastructure, including Roads, Sewer & Water, and monitoring for PFAS, for which we currently have no detectable levels.
I wish to see the BHC projects to completion. Their success will enable the BHC to continue its historical return of around $100,000 to City coffers annually.
The Bayfield City Council has been forced to consider all options to increase revenues to keep up with inflation. A Paid Parking model is being considered, and a consultant has been contracted to validate assumptions and potentially oversee implementation in 2025. The City Council has not approved the provided plan, and more work needs to be done. This has been the subject of much misinformation. I am a reluctant supporter because we may see an increase in our tax levy without creating new revenue streams, and our options are limited. But I think the decision to implement the final plan should be made through a referendum.
Affordable housing is a complex problem for Bayfield. We've high property values and income disparity. The recent creation of the CheqBuilt Community Land Trust is a giant step in the right direction.
Review our annual audits and reserves to fully appreciate our current and future expenses and potential debt service.
I am a business owner with a background in finance. We face the same financial challenges other WI towns face. Careful attention must continue to be paid to our enterprise operations. We must make the most of what we have and strive to provide value to our residents, homeowners, business owners, and visitors.
Sewers & water are primarily in good condition, but some roads need considerable work.
We need to consider expanding water & sewer to support new construction.
None of these objectives can be met without recognition of and respect for the fantastic staff we have. We've a labor shortage, and it's less expensive in the long run to have competitive benefits and wages than try to replace anyone on this great team.
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