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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Ohio State House District 12

**The information on this page reflects Ohio s new State Senate and State House districts that determine elections in 2024 and go into effect in 2025, which may be different from your current districts.

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  • Candidate picture

    Brad Cotton

  • Candidate picture

    Brian Stewart

Biographical Information

What are your top priorities and how will you address them?

What changes do you support or oppose to voting and elections policy?

How should government bring economic and job opportunities to Ohio?

What are your aspirations for K-12 and higher education?

Under what circumstances should the state support or check local government?

State your position on healthcare policy.

State your position on environmental policy and natural resource management?

What role, if any, should government take to ensure no person is discriminated against?

Training and Experience Street medic, emergency department RN and physician since 1978
Volunteer/Community Service Ohio Single Payer Action Network, Physicians for a Nat'l Health Program, Pickaway County Democratic Party
Protect democracy, support Fair Districts amendment. Protect pro-choice. Compassionate and cost-effective health care for all Ohioans through the Ohio Health Care Act . Implement the Ohio Supreme Court DeRolph decision and fairly fund all Ohio students. All public policy based on medicine, science and facts, not yesterday's ideology
"Voter Fraud" is an invented problem used to justify unfair voting restrictions. Pass the Fair Districts amendment. No "dark money" in elections.
Clean energy jobs, infrastructure jobs. It has been shown that "Red" states with restrictive abortion laws and restrictions on free thought ( as in the currently defeated SB 83) drive educated persons out of state. We can also support business by removing the burden of health care costs from them by passing the Ohio Health Care Act
Ohio's students from pre-K through high school, college and trade schools are our greatest resource. Free tuition for post-secondary education and support all Ohio students fairly by complying with the Ohio Supreme Court's DeRolph decision. Support teachers, protect minority students and stop the banning of books and free thought. Teach genuine American history, as uncomfortable as that may be. Stop diverting Ohio education funds to unaccountable charter schools.
Support local gov't's gun control. Stop local school boards from banning books and removing protections for minority and LGBTQ students.
As an emergency physician I am fact to face, heart to heart with good worthy Ohioans with no insurance or underinsurance. My barber, my mechanic, my server at Bob Evans deserve health care. I am a long time advocate for improved and expanded "Medicare for All" which is in fact far more cost-effective than our current non-system. I am a long time activist with the Ohio Single Payer Action Network and Physicians for a Nat'l Health Program and have testified before and lobbied the Ohio legislature on these critical matters
I have children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. They need a livable world. We can start by rescinding HB6--the bill that First Energy bribed former House Speaker Larry Householder to pass that limited Ohio clean energy initiatives and sends our tax dollars to support antiquated coal burning plants.
Remove so-called anti voter fraud limitations on voting. Fund fairly the education of every student. Ban the banning of books. Although SCOTUS has ruled against affirmative action we must do what we can to allow opportunities for all. Monitor local gov'ts and school boards. Locally, several "Moms for Liberty" candidates were elected to school boards.
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