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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Ohio State House District 63

**The information on this page reflects Ohio s new State Senate and State House districts that determine elections in 2024 and go into effect in 2025, which may be different from your current districts.

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  • Candidate picture

    Adam Bird

  • Candidate picture

    Tracy D. McCullough

Biographical Information

What are your top priorities and how will you address them?

What changes do you support or oppose to voting and elections policy?

How should government bring economic and job opportunities to Ohio?

What are your aspirations for K-12 and higher education?

Under what circumstances should the state support or check local government?

State your position on healthcare policy.

State your position on environmental policy and natural resource management?

What role, if any, should government take to ensure no person is discriminated against?

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Twitter @votetraceym
Training and Experience In 1987, Tracey started working at Clermont County Public Library at the Doris Wood branch in Batavia where, among other duties, she drove the bookmobile to Marathon, Edenton, Owensville, Newtonsville, Goshen, and Felicity. During her 33 years at the library, Tracey was promoted to the position of manager of programming. One of her greatest achievements was training, mentoring and supporting youth and adult programmers to create programs for their branches, schools, and retirement communities.
Volunteer/Community Service Lead Clermont graduate, Community Services, Incorporated, Board President
1. Secure more funding streams for schools while also looking at school vouchers and the impact on our school districts. 2. Fund vouchers for daycares for those families that do not qualify for Head Start. 3. Protect the right to autonomy of our own bodies. 4. Educate community members on our burgeoning homeless problem in hopes that the stereotype of our unhoused is shattered. 5. Lower real estate taxes to help keep people in their homes.
I support the Citizens Not Politicians movement to ban politicians from deciding voting districts. It is very important to protect our voting rights which is why I support the Voting Rights Act. Recognizing that our community members are stressed for time, it is essential to support legislation that recognizes the importance of mail-in ballots. Expanding early voting is also important to give everyone a chance to cast their votes. Also, I believe that 18-year-olds should be automatically registered.
First, it is important for a state representative to understand what each region needs to succeed which requires a breadth and depth of knowlege about the community. My role as a state representative would be to encourage busineses with tax incentives, One way is to open businesses that will bring a greater good to the community. In portions of my district, there are very few preschools - I would like to see this changed. Secondly, I would like to see the government fund an in-patient drug rehabilitation center and thirdly, I would like to see the construction of a mental health facility that could work with the in-patient drug rehabilitation center.
After talking with educators both current and retired, I have come to the realization that school vouchers are emptying out local schools. Instead of shoring up schools, we are throwing our hands up and giving incentives to any family, regardless of income, to take their children out of the district. The current school voucher system will need to be altered. Also, I believe that every child should be ready to read by kindergarten. This means that every child in my district and Clermont County, et al., should have free tuition to preschools. I believe that college should not be just a dream for those families who are not able to pay college tuition.
I think when discrimination is at issue the state should take steps to insert itself into local government. When worker's rights are being impinged, the state should step in. In any instance when the rights of a person are diminished the state should step in. It is my opinion that when the actions of local government supercedes my rights as a citizen, the state should step in to protect these rights.
Every human should have healthcare. It is a human right. Even after the ACA, there are still people who are not covered by insurance. I believe that a person should be able to take their healthcare to any state and receive the same treatment.
I am against fracking in Ohio parks and in protected, natural areas. Before businesses are permitted to build there should be an outside firm hired to report on how the business will affect the water, air and soil. This is currently a problem in one of the villages that I would represent.
Discrimination should not be tolerated especially when institutions receive funding from the government. The government plays an integral role in enforcing our civil rights.