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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Ohio US House District 10

Ohio U.S. House RepresentativeBase Salary: $174,000Term Limit: 2 yrsResponsibilities:  To represent the people of Ohio, their district, and the United States in dealing with matters of national and international importance.  The general welfare should be a prime concern.

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    Amy Cox

  • Candidate picture

    Michael Harbaugh

  • Candidate picture

    Mike Turner

Biographical Information

What are your top priorities and how will you address them?

State your position on voting and elections policy.

State your position on immigration policy.

State your priorities on foreign policy and national security.

State your position on environmental policy and natural resource management.

State your position on healthcare policy.

What role, if any, should government take to ensure no person is discriminated against?

Twitter @VoteAmyCox
Training and Experience I worked in the classroom as a high school science teacher from 2002 through 2018, then transitioned into the small business realm, working at a co-op here in Southwest Ohio. I’ve previously run for Ohio State House in 2020 and 2022, so I’m no stranger to the hard work of running a competitive, grassroots campaign.
Volunteer/Community Service Organized signature drives and GOTV efforts in the Dayton area for Issue 1, Mentoring Club advisor at RHS 2010-2014, Greater Edgemont Community Coalition member 2016-2018, "I Love West Dayton" city beautification crew, poll worker for past elections.
We need a congress that supports working folks and protects women's rights, civil rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and voting rights. Congress needs to codify Roe and Obergefell into law, reign in the rogue supreme court with binding ethics laws, and pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act to make sure that voters have fair representation in the House of Representatives.

We need to support the middle class by making sure that the minimum wage is a living wage and remove barriers that prevent workers from forming a union. Our communities need accessible public infrastructure like high speed rail, and we have to address the housing shortage. I will also push for universal healthcare, so that no one is denied access to their healthcare providers.
Free and fair elections, the right to a private ballot, and the peaceful transfer of power are the cornerstone of American democracy. Unfortunately, they are under attack right here in Ohio and across the nation. Folks are being deceived into believing that their votes don't count or that election results are being tampered with, neither of which are true.

State Legislatures have passed policies aimed at decreasing access to the polls, shortening early voting periods, and decreasing the number of drop boxes for absentee and mail in ballots. These policies are antithetical to our American ideals of freedom and representation, and we must work to reverse them by expanding and modernizing the Voting Rights Act.
Immigration is vital to the United States. Not only do immigrants work, buy goods and services, and contribute to the economy, but they contribute vastly to our neighborhoods and culture. American food, music, education, and more are positively impacted by the diverse communities they draw from. We must simplify the pathway to citizenship for undocumented folks, as well as expedite the process for those still waiting on visas to enter the U.S. Hiring more immigration judges, cutting through bureaucratic red tape, and ensuring a timely process is essential for easing the process for immigrants and our immigration system.
We must continue to embrace our allies, strengthen NATO, and must strongly reject any proposals to let our adversaries do "whatever the hell they want" with our allies.

Likewise, we must continue supporting Ukraine in their fight to protect their homeland without putting any American soldiers at risk. When our allies are attacked, we must prove that we have their backs and support them, but must also prioritize diplomacy and avoid aggression.

We must stand against any foreign influence in our elections, and that starts with cleaning the House and Senate of Russian assets.

To enhance national security, we must increase American manufacturing capacity and protect farm ground from being bought up by foreign nations.
As a former science teacher and current urban farm scientist, I understand the impact of environmental policies well. The White House's Climate Task Force has laid out a number of goals aimed at reducing emissions and transitioning to green, renewable energy sources. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law also has provisions that must be protected, not repealed, regarding tax credits for emission reductions and transitioning to clean energy. Federally, we must protect our wetlands, build and expand public transportation, and ensure that our communities are not affected by air, water, and noise pollution, with special attention paid to minority communities that have historically been impacted at a far greater level by these issues.
Healthcare is a human right. Under our current system, too many Americans have to deal with crushing medical debt. Whether due to the birth of their child or the illness of a loved one, people all over the country can’t take the time to celebrate, mourn, or recover as the bills start rolling in. Even those who are insured often face incredibly high premiums or fights over what care should be covered. By moving to a single-payer system, we can prevent many of these battles and take the financial motivation out of the insurance industry as a whole, shifting goals to patient care and positive outcomes.

No one in this country should have to skip meals to pay for a doctor visit, and no one should have to ration pills to make them last longer.
There are a myriad of policies that protect employees from workplace discrimination, including discrimination due to sexual orientation and gender identity. Similar policies exist for housing protections and commerce. Unfortunately, people still face discrimination due to race, gender, religion, and a multitude of other factors each day. We must ramp up enforcement of existing policies, as well as provide knowledge to workers and citizens so that they are able to take action against unjust and discriminatory behavior in the workplace and elsewhere. Diversity is one of America’s greatest strengths and benefits our economy. We must ensure that the government continues to promote this ideal.
Twitter @MHforCongress
Training and Experience Food Truck Owner "The Wild Banana"
Volunteer/Community Service Eagle Scout
1. Pay Active Duty Troops and Veterans More- End Forever Wars 2. Medicare For All- Prosecute Big Pharma 3. Paper Ballots for All Elections- Election Day Paid Holiday 4. Pay Teachers More- Provide High Quality Lunches at School

Things are not OK in America, the two main political party's have sold out the working class to Corporate America and the Donor Class. We need Representatives that realize this and to challenge the status quo, not go along to get along with the rich and powerful.

I will be like a wrecking ball going to Washington, calling out the corruption in public and in the media, introducing 11 bills in first 100 days in Congress, and organizing my voting base and followers to help get more Independents elected to Congress.
Voting is extremely important, one of the last things the working class of this country has to fight back against the rich and powerful.

We need all Paper Ballots for our elections, no voting machines hooked up to the internet! Paper Ballots with lots of checks and balances and chain of custody of ballots matched up to Voter Rolls is what we need!

Illegal Citizens should not be able to vote. Election day should be a paid holiday.

We need more voting locations and staff so no voter should have to wait in long lines on election day.

I support lowering the voting age to 16 to bring more youth into the political process rather then tuning out for their entire lives- Young People are the future and their voice needs to be heard!
We need more judges to quickly process the number of migrants applying for citizenship. We need to incentivize Legal Citizenship and Migration by decreasing the cost to become a U.S. citizen, change regulations so illegal citizens are incentivized to become legal citizens, and go after large corporations taking advantage of illegal citizen laborers.

We need border security, drones, fencing and walls in places but not an entire 2,000 mile stretch.

Do away with Inland Border Checkpoints-Un-American and very 1984 feel to them.

Propose doing Community Service hours as part of becoming a citizen in this country, a way to give back and public works.

We cannot be giving illegal immigrants economic benefits before our own citizens first.
Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan were disasters. Leaders in Congress and Military need to go to jail for lying to the American Public for so many years about our "progress" in those Wars.

Propose increasing pay to our veterans and reducing the wasteful military spending going to private contractors that are ripping off the American Taxpayer.

We need a full audit of the Pentagon and DOD, they cannot account for trillions of tax payer dollars! Theft is occurring and people need to be held accountable!

Cut off funding for Ukraine War and keep Ukraine out of NATO as a neutral country.

Cut off funding to Israel for their Genocidal War against Palestinians.

America First does not mean Israel First.

Support Nuclear Arms Control Treatys
We need to hold corrupt corporate polluters accountable for poisoning our communities and killing people.

I support a Just transition away from Fossil Fuels that leaves no community behind as we convert to Nuclear Power.

We need to combat food waste in our society, move towards more sustainable agriculture methods away from Big Ag wastefulness and Pesticides in our foods.

We need a new Clean Water Act and Clean Air Act for the 21st Century.

Ban Pesticides and chemicals in our foods that are harmful.

Invest in wild spaces and protect/preserve our natural areas, not exploit for profit and development.

Invest in solar panels and new insulation for every home owner and building in America to be more energy efficient.
We need to get profit motive out of our Healthcare system. It is downright Evil to profit off of peoples poor health and death.

Medicare for All or some type of government run non profit healthcare company needs to enter the free market place. Let people still get and keep private insurance, have option to go for government healthcare coverage.

Prosecute Big Pharma for poisoning us and causing the opioid epidemic.

Press charges against price gouging drug companies.

Audit and change the FDA and NIH to get rid of people corrupted by lobbyists.

Form Congressional Commission to study chronic disease in this country, whats causing it, and practical ways to prevent in society.

Feed kids high quality, from scratch, school lunches.
Uphold and protect and enforce our Bill of Rights in this country.

American is a melting pot and people are free to live as they will.

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