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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Board Of Public Works

Three residents are elected to 3-year staggered terms with authority to manage the Department of Public Works, also having the duties and powers of Road Commissioners, Water Commissioners, and Sewer Commissioners. The BPW also serves as members of the board for the Municipal Light Plant along with two members appointed by the Board of Selectmen. The BPW appoints the Director of Public Works and Town Engineer.The DPW maintains the physical assets of the town (excluding buildings) and provides water and sewer services. The Municipal Light Plant is the provider of electrical service for the town. The DPW also manages the Recycling and Disposal Facility (RDF).The Board meets monthly as BPW and also meets as MLP and at other times as required.

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    Scott K. Bender

Biographical Information

Why are you running for this office? What are your top priorities?

Relevant Experience Board Public Works 4yrs, Town Meeting, Sustainable Energy Comm 8yrs, Sustainable Wellesley, Engineer
As a life-long Wellesley resident and engineer I am excited to advance technology integration to improve services. As a father and outdoor enthusiast I am committed to achieving the town’s environmental goals. Both can be achieved in a fiscally sound manner. In the short term, our Public Works and Light Plant are both implementing residential “smart” electricity meters and water meters. I am excited to work with the DPW and MLP management teams to communicate and incentivize opportunities for residents to save money implementing conservation and efficiency best practices. Continued investment is also needed for: WMLP to update our electric grid to keep pace with electrification of cars and home heating. DPW for safe drinking water, storm water management and improved trails & roads.