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Wisconsin U.S. House, District 6/Representantes de Wisconsin por el Distrito 6

Legislative Branch: U.S. CongressThe United States Congress consists of two bodies: the House of Representatives and the Senate. Congress is the law-making body. Congress also allocates federal spending through the budget and appropriation bills. Proposed laws (bills) can start in either the Senate or the House of Representatives. Both houses must pass a bill before sending it to the president for signature or veto. Congress can vote to override a veto.House of RepresentativesThe United States House of Representatives currently consists of 435 members. The elected members are called either representatives or congresspersons. Members of the House represent the people in a state’s congressional district. Each congressional district has roughly the same number of residents. U.S. Census information is used to create the districts. The number of districts in each state depends on the state s population. Wisconsin has 8 representatives. Voters elect representatives to serve for a two-year term. There is no term limit.___PODER LEGISLATIVO: CONGRESO DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS:El Congreso de los Estados Unidos consiste de dos cuerpos: la Cámara de Representantes y el Senado. El Congreso es el órgano legislativo. El Congreso también asigna el gasto federal a través del presupuesto y los proyectos de ley de asignación. Las leyes propuestas (proyectos de ley) pueden comenzar en el Senado o en la Cámara de Representantes. Ambas cámaras deben aprobar los proyectos de ley antes de enviarlos al presidente para su firma o veto. El Congreso puede votar para anular un veto.Cámara de RepresentantesLa Cámara de Representantes de los Estados Unidos está formada actualmente por 435 miembros. Los miembros elegidos se llaman representantes o congresistas. Los miembros de la Cámara de Representantes representan a las personas en el distrito congresal de un estado. Cada distrito del Congreso tiene aproximadamente el mismo número de residentes. Para crear los distritos se utiliza la información obtenida del Censo de los Estados Unidos. La cantidad de distritos en cada estado depende de la población del estado. Wisconsin tiene 8 representantes. Los votantes eligen representantes para servir por un período de dos años. No hay límite de términos.Nota: Las respuestas de los candidatos que aparecen en español se tradujeron de las respuestas originales de los candidatos en inglés.

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  • Candidate picture

    Glenn Grothman

  • Candidate picture

    John Zarbano

Biographical Information

Please describe your priorities for your term in office and your specific qualifications to effectively address those issues.

What, if anything, will you do to ensure equitable access to health care services, including reproductive health care (i.e. contraception, IVF and abortion) for Wisconsinites?

What measures, if any, would you propose to ensure the fair and humane treatment of immigrants and refugees while maintaining national security?

What policies, if any, would you support to promote a healthy economy and lower the cost of living for Wisconsinites?

What steps, if any, will you take to ensure that Wisconsin remains resilient to the impacts of climate change, including extreme weather events and shifting agricultural conditions?

Campaign Phone # (920)322-7388
Campaign Mailing Address P.O. Box 1215
Fond du Lac, WI 54936
Campaign Twitter Handle @grothmanforwi
Candidate has not yet responded.
Candidate has not yet responded.
Candidate has not yet responded.
Candidate has not yet responded.
Candidate has not yet responded.
Campaign Phone # 9205731185
Campaign Email
Campaign Phone 9205731185
Campaign Mailing Address PO Box 1483
Oshkosh, WI 54903
Education BA - University of Nebraska at Omaha, MA University of Nebraska at Omaha, JD University of Tulsa
Personal Pronouns he, him
I would protect women’s rights, workers’ rights, Social Security and Medicare. I would support the bipartisan compromise Senate bill, which tackled the immigration problem with dignity and due process. I would support legislation to ensure clean air and clean water. I possess extensive experience as a bank lawyer, a financial negotiator and an advocate.
Every woman has the personal and fundamental right to make her own decisions about her life, including access to contraception, invitro fertilization and abortion. The incumbent, Representative Glenn Grothman, opposes her right. He voted against: • Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization Act of 2021 • Pregnant Workers Fairness Act of 2022 • Women’s Health Protection Act of 2022 • Ensuring Access to Abortion Act of 2022 • Right to Contraception Act 2022 • Respect for Marriage Act of 2022

I would have voted for these bills.
I would support the bipartisan compromise Senate bill, which tackled the immigration problem with dignity and due process. This compromise bill: • Ends “Catch and Release” • Rapidly Adjudicates Migrants’ Claims • Increases Border Agent Hiring: • Institutes Strict Asylum Screening
The overarching goal of the federal fiscal policy should be a balance between generating sufficient revenue and promoting economic growth.

Businesses and governments operate in inverse cycles. In prosperous times, businesses borrow money and expand; in lean times, businesses retire debt and consolidate.

In prosperous times, the government should raise business taxes, capital gains taxes, excise taxes on stock buybacks and reduce debt. In lean times, the government should cut individual income taxes and increase debt.

The result would be a balanced fiscal policy and economic growth.
Wisconsin’s 6th Congressional District is home to about 8,000 farms, most of which are family owned, with approximately 1 million acres of farmland. I would support regenerative agriculture legislation, such as: • Bipartisan Natural Climate Solutions Research and Extension Act of 2023 - Advancing land management practices that store carbon or reduce greenhouse gas emissions in agricultural lands and soils, grasslands, wetlands, and forests. • Soil Conservation And Regeneration Education Act of 2023 - a training program on the evolving methodologies, science, and practices of biological soil health management systems on agricultural land.

With education and training, the farms of the 6th CD would be more profitable and resilient to extreme weather events.