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Wisconsin Senate, District 6/Senado Estatal de Wisconsin, Distrito 6

Wisconsin Legislative BranchWisconsin’s legislature makes state laws. The legislature has two houses: the Wisconsin Senate and the Wisconsin Assembly. Proposed laws (bills) can originate from either the state senate or assembly. Both houses must approve the bill before it is passed on to the governor for signature or veto. The legislature can override a veto with a two-thirds majority vote in each house. The legislature controls the spending of state funds through appropriation.Wisconsin SenateThe Wisconsin Senate has thirty-three senators. Voters elect state senators to represent their senate district for a four-year term. Each senate district includes three assembly districts. There is no term limit.__________Poder Legislativo de Wisconsin La legislatura de Wisconsin produce las leyes estatales. La legislatura consta de dos cámaras: el Senado de Wisconsin y la Asamblea de Wisconsin. Las propuestas de ley pueden originarse tanto en el Senado estatal como en la Asamblea. Ambas cámaras deben aprobar el proyecto de ley antes de transmitirla al gobernador para su firma o veto. La legislatura puede anular un veto con un voto mayoritario de dos tercios en cada cámara. La legislatura controla el gasto de los fondos estatales a través de las leyes de asignación. Senado de WisconsinEl senado de Wisconsin consta de treinta y tres senadores. Los votantes eligen senadores estatales para representar a su distrito senatorial por un período de cuatro años. Cada distrito senatorial incluye tres asambleas de distrito. No hay límite de término.Nota: Las respuestas de los candidatos que aparecen en español se tradujeron de las respuestas originales de los candidatos en inglés.

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    La Tonya Johnson

Biographical Information

Please describe your priorities for your term in office and your specific qualifications to effectively address those issues.

What do you see as the most pressing housing-related issue in Wisconsin, and what policies, if any, would you support to address the issue?

What, if anything, will you do to ensure equitable access to health care services, including reproductive health care (i.e. contraception, IVF and abortion) for Wisconsinites?

What, if anything, will you do to ensure our schools have the resources to improve outcomes for its students, including those with disabilities?

What redistricting process, if any, do you believe the legislature should put in place before the next national census to ensure fair representation for voters?

WisEye Interview (If Available)

Campaign Phone # (414)628-8306
Campaign Email
Campaign Mailing Address PO Box 100813
Milwaukee, WI 53210
Education Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice from Tennessee State University
Personal Pronouns She/Her
I am committed to improving the quality of life for our children and reducing the racial disparities we see in Wisconsin. As a legislator, I have had the honor of serving on numerous boards and commissions that allow me to have a deeper level of knowledge on the issues our state faces and the best-practice solutions that could help solve them. I serve on several boards that promote child wellness, public health, and college access. My priorities are to continue to take a holistic approach to ensuring our children have the opportunity to thrive, not just survive.
Especially in the district I represent, community members face barriers to attaining homeownership. I am currently working on legislation to introduce next session that would assist individuals in purchasing a home, and I am excited to continue this conversation.
During the past legislative session, I served as the ranking Democratic member on the Senate Committee on Health as well as the Senate Committee on Mental Health and Children and Families. I am proud to be one of the leading reproductive freedom state senators, co-authoring a number of proposals that protect and enhance access to health care for Wisconsinites. During my tenure as an elected official, I have supported efforts to make it easier to access birth control by allowing 12-month prescriptions, protecting abortion through the Abortion Rights Preservation Act, and extending postpartum Medicaid services for new moms to one year. I will continue to support similar legislation while in the state senate.
As a member of the budget-writing Joint Finance Committee, I have the privilege of advocating for the needs of our community and our students. During the 2023-2025 state budget process, my Democratic colleagues on the Committee and I put forth a motion that sought to provide significant investments for our neighborhood schools. This included an over $1 billion increase over the biennium for general school aids, and an over $1 billion increase over the biennium for special education to get the state to 60% reimbursement for special education costs. While this motion was rejected by the Republican majority on the Committee, I will continue to advocate for investments in our children’s future.
I have co-sponsored legislation to implement independent non-partisan redistricting since 2013. I support redistricting reform because I believe that voters should pick their elected officials, and not the other way around.
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