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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Wisconsin Assembly, District 51/Asamblea de Wisconsin, Distrito 51

Wisconsin Legislative BranchWisconsin’s legislature makes state laws. The legislature has two houses: the Wisconsin Senate and the Wisconsin Assembly. Proposed laws (bills) can originate from either the state senate or assembly. Both houses must approve the bill before it is passed on to the governor for signature or veto. The legislature can override a veto with a two-thirds majority vote in each house. The legislature controls the spending of state funds through appropriation.Wisconsin AssemblyThe Wisconsin Assembly has ninety-nine representatives. Voters elect representatives to represent their assembly district for a two-year term. There is no term limit.__________Poder Legislativo de Wisconsin La legislatura de Wisconsin produce las leyes estatales. La legislatura consta de dos cámaras: el Senado de Wisconsin y la Asamblea de Wisconsin. Las propuestas de ley pueden originarse tanto en el Senado estatal como en la Asamblea. Ambas cámaras deben aprobar el proyecto de ley antes de transmitirla al gobernador para su firma o veto. La legislatura puede anular un veto con un voto mayoritario de dos tercios en cada cámara. La legislatura controla el gasto de los fondos estatales a través de las leyes de asignación. Asamblea de WisconsinLa Asamblea de Wisconsin tiene noventa y nueve representantes. Los votantes eligen representantes para representar a su asamblea de distrito por un término de dos años. No hay límite de términos.Nota: Las respuestas de los candidatos que aparecen en español se tradujeron de las respuestas originales de los candidatos en inglés.

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  • Candidate picture

    Elizabeth Grabe

  • Candidate picture

    Todd D Novak

Biographical Information

Please describe your priorities for your term in office and your specific qualifications to effectively address those issues.

What do you see as the most pressing housing-related issue in Wisconsin, and what policies, if any, would you support to address the issue?

What redistricting process, if any, do you believe the legislature should put in place before the next national census to ensure fair representation for voters?

What initiatives, if any, would you support to promote environmental sustainability in Wisconsin?

What, if anything, will you do to ensure our schools have the resources to improve outcomes for its students, including those with disabilities?

WisEye Interview (If Available)

Campaign Phone # 6083618811
Campaign Phone 6083618811
Campaign Mailing Address PO Box 405
Mount Horeb, WI 53572
Education BS English double Major Photo Communications
Personal Pronouns She/her
Environment, healthy local economies, thriving school districts are my top priorities. My experience working with my local sustainability and natural resources committee, as well as managing the family farm focusing on conservation programs gives me perspective and experience. I have been a small business owner in retail and agriculture production and have knowledge of what is entailed in running a small business. My work in public service as well as the local rotary club has provided opportunities to work side by side with our school district. Recently I was able to help our district get grant assistance for an electric school bus. This was all volunteer based interaction between the village committee and the school system. The experience I have as a realtor working with clients allows me to capitalize on my coaching skills, project management and negotiations.
Currently realtors are having to pivot and retool how we conduct business due to a lawsuit against the National Association of Realtors. This presents challenges to our customers, especially first time home buyers. Without going into deep detail the bottom line is that buyers will need to be informed in writing that they will be required to pay a realtor acting as a buyer's agent a commission; even if the seller is not offering compensation to an agent representing the buyer. First time home buyers are at a disadvantage with fewer homes available where sellers are willing to compensate the agents representing the buyers, or be left on their own to navigate the complex process alone. Corporations are buying up more real estate on a large scale and building rental properties instead of single family homes, diminishing inventory which accelerates demand and drives up prices. Local zoning challenges and increasing costs of new construction are making affordability a challenge as well.
Our state has new district maps which was possible with the help of a more balanced judicial system in our state. Putting together new maps after the census needs to be done with non-partisan citizens to prevent further gerrymandering of district maps to ensure fair maps.
I support sustainability in the form of cost sharing to help offset the cost of solar installations, energy consumption monitoring, and to encourage building codes that would enable easier permitting and installation of rooftop solar installations. I would also encourage incorporating integrated solar panel installations that would allowed continued cultivation in acreage with solar panels, as well as providing opportunities for on-site power generators using manure and biofuels generated on farms.
I would allow the federal funds that are being withheld by the state legislature to be released into school funding as well as cap expenses and entitlements to private and voucher schools that are presently in place. I would encourage scholarship opportunities for college students to receive education and the special skills needed to work with students who have disabilities as well as inner city and underserved rural school systems. I would also work to provide adequate internet access to underserved areas when and if remote learning is needed again due to a pandemic or similar situation .
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Campaign Phone # (608)341-0252
Campaign Mailing Address PO Box 2
Dodgeville, WI 53533
Campaign Twitter Handle @VoteToddNovak
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Candidate has not yet responded.
Candidate has not yet responded.
Candidate has not yet responded.
Candidate has not yet responded.
Candidate has not yet responded.