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Wisconsin Assembly, District 58/Asamblea de Wisconsin, Distrito 58

Wisconsin Legislative BranchWisconsin’s legislature makes state laws. The legislature has two houses: the Wisconsin Senate and the Wisconsin Assembly. Proposed laws (bills) can originate from either the state senate or assembly. Both houses must approve the bill before it is passed on to the governor for signature or veto. The legislature can override a veto with a two-thirds majority vote in each house. The legislature controls the spending of state funds through appropriation.Wisconsin AssemblyThe Wisconsin Assembly has ninety-nine representatives. Voters elect representatives to represent their assembly district for a two-year term. There is no term limit.__________Poder Legislativo de Wisconsin La legislatura de Wisconsin produce las leyes estatales. La legislatura consta de dos cámaras: el Senado de Wisconsin y la Asamblea de Wisconsin. Las propuestas de ley pueden originarse tanto en el Senado estatal como en la Asamblea. Ambas cámaras deben aprobar el proyecto de ley antes de transmitirla al gobernador para su firma o veto. La legislatura puede anular un veto con un voto mayoritario de dos tercios en cada cámara. La legislatura controla el gasto de los fondos estatales a través de las leyes de asignación. Asamblea de WisconsinLa Asamblea de Wisconsin tiene noventa y nueve representantes. Los votantes eligen representantes para representar a su asamblea de distrito por un término de dos años. No hay límite de términos.Nota: Las respuestas de los candidatos que aparecen en español se tradujeron de las respuestas originales de los candidatos en inglés.

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  • Candidate picture

    Deb Anderson

  • Candidate picture

    Rick Gundrum

Biographical Information

Please describe your priorities for your term in office and your specific qualifications to effectively address those issues.

What do you see as the most pressing housing-related issue in Wisconsin, and what policies, if any, would you support to address the issue?

What redistricting process, if any, do you believe the legislature should put in place before the next national census to ensure fair representation for voters?

What initiatives, if any, would you support to promote environmental sustainability in Wisconsin?

What, if anything, will you do to ensure our schools have the resources to improve outcomes for its students, including those with disabilities?

WisEye Interview (If Available)

Campaign Phone # 2623058772
Campaign Email
Campaign Phone 2623058772
Campaign Mailing Address 2303 N Salisbury Rd
West Bend, WI 53090
Education Associate Degree in Arts & Science, UW Washington County
Personal Pronouns she/her
One of my primary concerns is about women's reproductive rights. My opponent has supported the pro-life effort in every election. I believe the decision to carry a fetus to term is at every point between a woman and her doctor. Growing up prior to Roe v. Wade I remember the price women paid in mental and physical health enduring years of pregnancy. I had classmates who dropped out of school after becoming pregnant, some through rape or incest. Now I have granddaughters and I'm ready to fight this issue again.
I believe that affordable housing is critical to community stability. HUD and WHEDA have been essential tools in many circumstances. I was a property manager for a WHEDA property that provided affordable housing for seniors. I am currently on the West Bend Housing Authority Board overseeing the operations of HUD housing for seniors and people with disabilities. These tools can be the difference between housing and homelessness, and as housing costs continue to rise need governmental support and most likely, growth. Wisconsin needs to consider cost effective options that other cities, such as Denver, Co., have used to address homelessness. While Washington County has recently added programs to assist people with buying a home, houses in this program are not affordable to residents with an income under $40K a year.
I have friends who have worked tirelessly to end gerrymandering in Wisconsin to allow for every voter's voice to be heard and to be able to vote for representatives who will be accountable to them. We need a permanent solution. Before the next census, I will work for a law that requires future redistricting to be developed by an independent nonpartisan body that prevents gerrymandering and builds trust among voters that their vote will count.
I fully support legislative efforts to address climate change and the protection of our natural resources. I believe in our responsibility to ensure a healthy natural environment for the future. I am encouraged by the recent federal legislation to reduce PFAS in our drinking water. Reducing this contaminant in public water will protect the health of Wisconsin residents. I also want to increase our work with the Federal government toward expansion of alternative energy projects. Our reluctance to aggressively address this issue has placed us in a position that will be unpopularly expensive until the widespread needs are addressed with responsible programs that include water (lakes, rivers), land (green spaces, trees, beaches, etc.), air (pollution from gases, smoke, etc.) and energy (transportation, heating, electricity). We can't afford to ignore any part of this.
My concerns about the ability of public education, as it is today, to provide for the needs of students leads to my support for the return of librarians, counselors, nurses, and classroom aides. The alarming increase of mental health issues, the access to social media influences, and the overall complexity of American life, all affecting the development and ability for children to learn says they need more support, not less. And if we want teachers to continue teaching, we need to let them teach without suffocating them in social and political issues they can't control. My opponent has voted in favor of a Parental Rights Bill, that includes the right to sue governments and officials who violate a child's education rights. It is a bill that creates an oppositional relationship between parents and teachers, rather than a cooperative one on behalf of the child. I also have strong concerns about the impact of voucher money on public school budgets.
Campaign Phone # (262)644-7002
Campaign Mailing Address 301 Winter Lane
Slinger, WI 53086
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