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Dunn County Board Supervisor District 13

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  • Candidate picture

    Monica Berrier

  • Candidate picture

    Scott Parker

Biographical Information

What is the most important issue facing Dunn County and how would you address it?

What is the second most important issue facing Dunn County and how would you address it?

What is the third most important issue facing Dunn County and how would you address it?

What are your two top priority areas of concern in the upcoming budget and how would you address them?

HOUSING. There is a housing crisis in Dunn County. People are unable to find housing that meets their needs for a price they can afford. This is primarily due to a shortage in housing stock. A study done by the county in 2023 found that by the year 2025 (next year!) an additional 1000-1400 more homes will be needed in Dunn County. Part of the problem is zoning and regulatory barriers getting in the way of the building of new housing stock. My current work focuses on identifying and resolving these barriers. For example, I am currently working on allowing Accessory Dwelling Units (aka “granny flats”) in residential zones. Creating a mixed-use commercial/residential zone similar to downtown Menomonie would also help. I will continue this work in my next term.
HIGH SPEED INTERNET. In this digital age, access to high speed internet is essential for work, school, and recreation. There are still many areas of the county without access to high speed internet. This is a need that cannot be filled by the private sector alone, since the high cost of running cable or fiber out to rural properties exceeds the amount they can earn through fees. Government grants are needed to make installation feasible for internet providers. Currently, the federal government is offering extensive grant money to make this happen, and one of the committees I serve on created a task force to ensure this money goes to the right place and is used effectively. This is work I will continue to support in my next term.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. Local government is only as good as the people who work in it. It is essential to inform citizens about our work and invite people into the process. One of my committees recently put together a Public Participation Plan for updating the county’s Comprehensive Plan for exactly this reason. Surveys are also an important part of our work, such as last year’s broadband survey and the annual Community Health Needs Assessment. One of my committees has also focused on improving the county’s communication about its work, including press releases and more updates and interviews on its facebook page. Finally, I update individuals about my work through phone calls, meetings, emails and social media. I will continue to make public involvement a priority.
1 - FIX THE ROADS. The current replacement rate is for a piece of road is around every 50 years but the expected lifespan is 20 years. The county needs to invest in maintenance for safety and to keep long-term costs down. I will continue to vote in favor of full funding of the highway department and advocate for more investment from the state. 2 - BORROWING. Borrowing is a powerful tool when used responsibly, similar to a household borrowing money to purchase a home or vehicle. One advantage is that it results in a more predictable tax bill each year by keeping the costs consistent. The county pays a low interest rate of about 3% and we pay down more debt than we take out each year. I will continue to authorize responsible borrowing in the budget for a more predictable tax bill.
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