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Milwaukee County Treasurer/Tesorero del Condado de Milwaukee

Milwaukee County TreasurerThe Milwaukee County Treasurer handles county government funds. The treasurer tracks all funds as they come in and out as provided by state law and county ordinance. The treasurer’s office ensures the county has enough money on hand to meet the daily cash requirements of the county and oversee the investment of public funds not used for daily operations. The treasurer maintains property tax data. Voters elect the county treasurer to serve a four-year term in partisan elections. El Tesorero del CondadoEl tesorero del condado maneja fondos del gobierno del condado. El tesorero rastrea todos los fondos a medida que entran y salen según lo dispuesto por la ley estatal y las ordenanzas del condado. Se asegura de que el condado tenga suficiente dinero disponible para cumplir con los requisitos de efectivo diarios del condado. También supervisa la inversión de fondos públicos no utilizados para las operaciones diarias. El tesorero mantiene los datos del impuesto a la propiedad. Los votantes eligen al tesorero del condado para cumplir un mandato de cuatro años en elecciones partidistas.

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    David Cullen

Biographical Information

What in your background and prior experience has prepared you to perform the duties of Milwaukee County Treasurer?

Please describe your priorities for your term in office.

Milwaukee County is faced with tough decisions on how to maintain services in the face of limited resources. In your role as Milwaukee County Treasurer, are there policies you would enact, or efficiencies you would implement to improve services and preserve funds?

race Milwaukee County Treasurer
Campaign Mailing Address 2845 N. 68th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53210
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I have been the Treasurer for almost 10 years. In that role, I have collected more than $90 million in delinquent taxes for Milwaukee County. I also have experience investing Milwaukee County's money, having earned $27 million in investment earnings in 2023 alone. Prior to being elected Treasurer, I served as Chairman of the Milwaukee County Board Finance Committee where I helped craft the annual budget for Milwaukee County. I am a graduate of UW-Madison and Marquette University Law School.
I will continue to actively engage with Milwaukee County taxpayers. As an attorney, I have used my legal skills to help negotiate more than 500 payment plans with delinquent property taxpayers in an effort to keep them in their homes and keep the property on the tax rolls. I will also work with local municipalities and other departments within county government to identify abandoned and neglected properties and foreclose on them as quickly as possible within the guidelines of state law.
As Treasurer, my department has been one of the few departments in Milwaukee County that has generated revenue for Milwaukee County. I will use my experience to invest Milwaukee County's money wisely and prudently so that Milwaukee County policy makers have the resources to invest in our community. I will also continue my work to modernize Milwaukee County's delinquent tax collection system and the accounts receivable software to make it more efficient and cost effective for taxpayers.