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Pennsylvania US Representative District 16

Description of office: The US Constitution requires that the House of Representatives be composed of Representatives from each state, elected in proportion to population. There are 435 members of the House of Representatives, with 17 Representatives allotted to Pennsylvania after the 2020 census. A US Representative must be at least 25 years old, have been a citizen of the United States for the past seven years, and be a resident of the state they seek to represent at the time of the election (though not necessarily the same district). The House of Representatives is responsible for introducing and voting on bills, resolutions and amendments, and for approving the budget. Representatives also serve on various policy committees. The House may send Articles of Impeachment of elected officials to the Senate and elects the President if there is a tie in the Electoral College.Term: 2 yearsSalary: $174,000Vote for ONE.

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    Preston Nouri

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    Mike Kelly

Biographical Information

What do you see as the most pressing issues facing the country, and how would you address them?

What changes, if any, would you support that would help Congress function more efficiently and effectively?

What legislation would you support to protect voting rights and safeguard access to free and fair elections?

How do you view the role of the US in responding to challenges facing the international community?

County Erie
Occupation Entrepreneur
Education B.S. University of Pittsburgh, Summa Cum Laude
Qualifications Legislative and Congressional Oversight, Department of Defense OUSD(A&S); Diplomatic Security, Department of State; Staff, U.S. House of Representatives
Campaign Website
The most pressing issues facing our nation are the same issues we sit down and talk about at the kitchen table. We continue to fall behind in education standards, widespread accessible and affordable healthcare is anything but, and the family sustaining jobs are leaving our communities making inflation hurt even worse. We have an opportunity to invest in our community. I’ll stand steadfast in creating programs that help teachers furnish their classrooms so they’re not burdened with the costs while investing in vocational programs and after school programs. I’ll stand and fight for healthcare for all since healthcare is a human right. I’ll stand to protect our family sustaining jobs through legislation and protecting the union way of life.
As we just experienced the most inefficient Congress in recent memory, there are many reforms that would help Congress function more effectively, but I would like to highlight two reforms I would particularly support. I would support campaign finance reform to make Congress a body that once again represents the American people instead of special interests. I would support mandatory deadlines to pass spending bills; this would end the practice of shutdown politics and focus on what Congress needs to do as a body.
I would support legislation that makes it easier for people to have access to the ballot and enshrines the right of all Americans to vote. A good example of the framework I would support would be the landmark Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. These cornerstone pieces of legislation have protected voters, and I would support similar pieces of legislation.
The United States has a responsibility to address the challenges facing the international community as an ally, partner, and friend. Standing for human rights, ensuring justice, and supporting those in need are the tenet values the US stands to defend. With these guiding principles, we can assess each challenge the international community faces and address them properly.
County Butler
Occupation Legislator
Education Notre Dame
Qualifications Businessman
Economy, inflation/gas prices, lack of unity.

U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA), Chairman of the Ways and Means Subcommittee on Tax, voted in favor of the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act, bipartisan legislation that promotes the financial security of working families, boosts growth and American competitiveness, and strengthens communities and Main Street businesses.
Legislation should be one-issue legislation. For example, if a piece is introduced on a balanced budget, then it should only be in reference to the cuts being made to actually balance the budget. If a piece is being introduced on border security, then it should only contain policy related to the border.
I would support all legislation related that protect voting rights and encourage free and fair elections. Our men and women in the armed forces have fought to protect that right, and I believe all elected officials should do the same.
I believe that we have always been the first responders. And while, it's the true testament to a Nation to have a strong defense, we also need to focus on our home turf. We can't always be the first ones coming to aide (financially) another country when our own borders are at risk and our budget is spiraling.