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VOTE411 Voter Guide

US House District 16

U.S. Representatives are elected every two years (no term limits) to serve the voters of a specific Congressional District. A Representative must be at least 25 years old, a U.S. citizen for at least seven years, and a resident of the state he or she represents. Duties include passing laws, serving on committees, electing the leadership of the House of Representatives, and originating all matters of taxation. Representatives maintain offices in their home district and in Washington, D.C., where they provide extensive constituent services. The current salary (2018) for a member of the House is $174,000 per year.

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  • Candidate picture

    Vern Buchanan

  • Candidate picture

    Jan Schneider

Biographical Information

What reforms to the US immigration system do you support? Why?

Do you believe climate change is a financial threat to the economy of the nation? Why or why not?

Name your top two legislative priorities for this upcoming term.

Do you support passage of federal voting rights legislation to provide national standards for voter registration and access to the ballot? Why or why not?

Do you support passage of a federal law codifying access to contraception?

Do you support or oppose passage of a federal law codifying access to abortion?

EXPLAIN: Do you support or oppose passage of a federal law codifying access to abortion?

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Campaign Phone 941-955-6595
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Campaign Twitter Handle @VoteJanFL16 -- www/
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The Bipartisan Border Bill, formally Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2024, was a major improvement. Former President Donald Trump, however, killed it.

A comprehensive immigration bill needs: (a) added funding for border enforcement services; (b) better processes for asylum claims; (c) stronger protections against drug and currency smuggling and human trafficking; and (d) more humane treatment.

It should also have: (a) a path to citizenship for “DREAMers” and DACA immigrants; (b) preservation of Temporary Protected Status for those from designated countries afflicted by armed conflict and other temporary disasters; and (c) accelerated permanent status for Afghans who entered under Operation Allies Welcome.
Yes. Climate change is the major environmental and economic issue today. Florida is one of the most vulnerable states to sea-level rise and extreme weather events.

Under President Joe Biden, this country has made major strides toward curbing climate change. The Inflation Reduction Act invests hundreds of billions in clean energy, electric vehicles, environmental tax credits and other eco-friendly measures and is also pro-growth. Related actions include conserving forests, lands, waters and wildlife; incentivizing solar and wind energy; promoting sustainable transportation; and enhancing pollution standards.

Meanwhile, Florida has spurned hundreds of millions in climate funds. Our governor even purged “climate change” from state laws.
SECURITY FOR SENIORS. Southwest Florida is distinctive in its high proportion of seniors. Medicare is crucial to CD16, and I oppose efforts to convert to a voucher system. I will also fight to sustain Social Security without decreasing benefits or raising retirement ages. Congress must also fight for those who fought for us, including bolstering the Veterans Health Administration and Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act.

DEMOCRACY. Our democratic republic has been infested with racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and other bigoted notions, hyper-partisanship and attacks on our elections and institutions. I will fight against voter suppression, gerrymandering and election lies. I will also fight for campaign finance reform.
Yes. Fair elections are vital to our democratic republic. Since the 2020 election, our country has faced the most aggressive voter suppression efforts in decades. Politicians have spread the “Big Lie” as a pretext for disenfranchising voters. Despite dozens of courts finding no fraud or illegalities, jurisdictions have passed laws increasing barriers to voter registration, limiting early voting, reducing polling places and hours, and imposing stricter voter ID requirements. In Congress, the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act would revitalize and modernize the Voting Rights Act of 1965. I also support the Freedom to Vote Act protections against voting rights infringements, gerrymandering and campaign finance and other excesses.
Strongly oppose
Neither support nor oppose
Strongly support
Strongly oppose
Neither support nor oppose
Strongly support
Support. Decisions about pregnancy are deeply personal. They should be made by a woman and her medical advisers, not politicians.

In overruling Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court reversed a constitutional right to pre-viability abortion in effect for half a century. Congress should codify Roe standards into federal law. Congress should also pass legislation protecting the right to cross state lines for abortions and repealing the Hyde Amendment. On the other hand, what Congress should not do is cut back funding for Planned Parenthood and other free or low-cost family planning services. Finally, a woman’s right to choose should include choosing to bear a healthy child, which requires access to healthcare for pregnant women and young children.