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VOTE411 Voter Guide

US House District 10

U.S. Representatives are elected every two years (no term limits) to serve the voters of a specific Congressional District. A Representative must be at least 25 years old, a U.S. citizen for at least seven years, and a resident of the state he or she represents. Duties include passing laws, serving on committees, electing the leadership of the House of Representatives, and originating all matters of taxation. Representatives maintain offices in their home district and in Washington, D.C., where they provide extensive constituent services. The current salary (2018) for a member of the House is $174,000 per year.

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  • Candidate picture

    Maxwell Frost

  • Candidate picture

    Willie Montague

Biographical Information

What reforms to the US immigration system do you support? Why?

Do you believe climate change is a financial threat to the economy of the nation? Why or why not?

Name your top two legislative priorities for this upcoming term.

Do you support passage of federal voting rights legislation to provide national standards for voter registration and access to the ballot? Why or why not?

Do you support passage of a federal law codifying access to contraception?

Do you support or oppose passage of a federal law codifying access to abortion?

EXPLAIN: Do you support or oppose passage of a federal law codifying access to abortion?

Campaign Mailing Address PO Box 772671
Orlando, FL 32877
Campaign Twitter Handle @MaxwellFrostFL
Campaign YouTube URL
If there’s one thing we all know, it’s that our immigration system is inherently unfair and broken. That’s why I support comprehensive immigration reform that provides a clear and fair pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, protects Dreamers through the DREAM Act, and ensures humane treatment at our borders.

Our immigration system should reflect our values of compassion and opportunity, recognizing the contributions immigrants make to our nation. It is crucial to address the root causes of migration and invest in regional stability and development to reduce forced migration.
Yes. The increasing frequency and severity of natural disasters lead to massive costs in damages and recovery efforts. Sea level rise poses a major threat to Florida’s economy, affecting communities along our coasts. As sea levels rise, flooding and erosion threaten homes, businesses, and critical infrastructure, leading to substantial financial losses and displacement of residents.

As a member of the Environmental Subcommittee in Congress, I see firsthand the urgent need for bold action to combat climate change. We need to enact these policies now: Green New Deal, establish a Civilian Climate Corps for good-paying jobs, crack down on corporations polluting our communities, and ensure every community access to clean water, food, and air.
There are many pressing issues on the minds of Floridians right now. In Congress, I am prioritizing two key areas: expanding affordable housing for both renters and homeowners, and tackling the gun violence epidemic.

Last year, I worked with President Joe Biden to create the first-ever White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, so that we can save lives and finally have a federal answer to this crisis that is taking 100 lives a day.

I’m also committed to supporting our local economy and the vibrant creative and artistic industries that provide employment for so many in Orlando. By investing in these sectors, we can foster economic growth and culture in our community.
Yes. Voting access is the foundation of our democracy. Federal legislation would safeguard our democracy by making voting accessible, fair, and secure for all Americans, regardless of their state of residence.

In Congress, as a member of the Voting Rights Caucus, I introduced the Voting Overseas Treated Equally for Servicemembers (VOTES) Act to ensure all military members overseas are guaranteed the ability to vote. In 2018, prior to serving in Congress, I helped lead the fight at the ACLU of Florida to pass Amendment 4, which restored voting rights to 1.6 million Floridans with previous felonies.

National standards are essential to protect against voter suppression and ensure that every citizen can exercise their right to vote.
Strongly oppose
Neither support nor oppose
Strongly support
Strongly oppose
Neither support nor oppose
Strongly support
We must codify abortion access at the federal level. Access to safe and legal abortion is a fundamental right and critical to women's health and autonomy. A federal law would protect these rights against state-level restrictions and ensure that all women, regardless of where they live, have the ability to make personal medical decisions about their own bodies.
Campaign Mailing Address PO Box 3682
Orlando, FL 32802
Campaign Phone 407-793-6230
Campaign Website
Campaign Twitter Handle @williejmontague
Campaign Instagram URL
Campaign Facebook URL
I believe our country is in desperate need of balanced immigration reform, one that emphasizes secure borders, streamlined legal processes, and merit-based entry. An indispensable component of national sovereignty and security is ensuring safe borders. Streamlined legal immigration will encourage legal entrants while lowering the existing barriers. A merit-based system guarantees contributors to our economy and society among the immigrants. For those here illegally, I believe there should be a way to obtain legal status but not citizenship for DACA recipients who meet specific criteria.
I acknowledge that climate change can pose financial threats to our nation's economy through increased natural disasters and their associated costs. However, I believe that our response should prioritize market-based solutions and innovation rather than heavy-handed government regulations. By encouraging private sector investment in clean energy and new technologies, we can address environmental concerns while promoting economic growth and protecting jobs. This approach balances environmental stewardship with economic freedom, ensuring that we safeguard our economy while also addressing the impacts of climate change.
1. Economic Growth and Job Creation 2. Education Reform
I oppose the passage of federal voting rights legislation that imposes national standards for voter registration and access to the ballot. I believe that election integrity and the administration of elections are best managed at the state level. Each state has unique needs and circumstances, and state governments are better equipped to address these effectively. Federal overreach in this area can undermine the principle of states' rights and lead to a one-size-fits-all approach that may not suit all regions. Ensuring fair and secure elections is crucial, and this can be achieved through state-level reforms that reflect the values and needs of their citizens.
Strongly oppose
Neither support nor oppose
Strongly support
Strongly oppose
Neither support nor oppose
Strongly support
As an abolitionist, I strongly oppose the passage of a federal law codifying access to abortion. I believe in the inherent value and dignity of every human life, including the unborn. Abortion, in my view, is a grave moral injustice that ends an innocent life. Instead of legalizing and normalizing abortion, we should focus on providing comprehensive support for women facing unplanned pregnancies, including access to healthcare, adoption services, and other resources that uphold the sanctity of life. By doing so, we can create a society that values and protects all human life from conception to natural death.