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Fountain Hills Town Council {_getChooseLabel(this.selections.length)}

Mayor and CouncilThe Mayor’s role in a city or town is similar to the Governor’s role in the state. As the municipality s Chief Executive Officer, the mayor manages the municipality’s administration and operations. In some cases, an appointed City Manager handles day-to-day operations and staff. The mayor runs Council meetings to establish policy with the Council. Typically, a Mayor does not have the power to veto ordinances passed by the Council.The Council enacts ordinances, sets policies, develops an annual Legislative Agenda for the City, and oversees the city budget and capital improvements program. It responds to constituents concerns at neighborhood meetings through written correspondence, telephone communication, and staff assistance. 4-year term.Why You Should Care:The Mayor and City or Town Council play a significant role in keeping our communities running efficiently and overseeing dozens of programs and facilities that directly impact our daily lives. They determine priorities and spending for indispensable services such as police and fire protection, housing, emergency medical services, municipal courts, trash collection, traffic control, public transportation, parks and recreation services, zoning regulation, and public works, including streets, sewers, and signage.For additional information: y Concejo MunicipalEl papel del alcalde en una ciudad o pueblo es similar al papel del gobernador en el estado. Como director ejecutivo del municipio, el alcalde gestiona la administración y las operaciones del municipio. En algunos casos, un administrador municipal designado se encarga de las operaciones y el personal del día a día. El alcalde dirige las reuniones del Consejo Municipal para establecer políticas con el Consejo. Normalmente, un alcalde no tiene poder para vetar las ordenanzas aprobadas por el Consejo Municipal.El Consejo Municipal promulga ordenanzas, establece políticas, desarrolla una agenda legislativa anual para la ciudad y supervisa el presupuesto de la ciudad y el programa de mejoras capitales. Responde a las preocupaciones de los electores en las reuniones vecinales a través de correspondencia escrita, comunicación telefónica y asistencia del personal. Plazo de 4 años.Por qué debería importarle:El alcalde y el Consejo Municipal desempeñan un papel importante para mantener nuestras comunidades funcionando de manera eficiente y supervisando docenas de programas e instalaciones que impactan directamente nuestra vida diaria. Determinan las prioridades y el gasto en servicios indispensables como policía y protección contra incendios, vivienda, servicios médicos de emergencia, tribunales municipales, recolección de basura, control de tráfico, transporte público, parques y servicios recreativos, regulación de zonificación y obras públicas, incluidas calles, alcantarillado, y señalización.Para información adicional:

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    Clayton Corey

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    Mathew Corrigan

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    Peggy McMahon

  • Candidate picture

    Roderick Watts

Biographical Information

What are your top 3 priorities, and what are your specific plans for addressing these issues?

What measures would you take to guarantee fiscal responsibility and transparency?

What are your community’s most urgent problems, and what solutions do you propose?

If you received a $1 million grant to use for the city any way you wanted, what would you do with it and why?

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Public Policy Priorities Infrastructure, Strategic Use of Funds for Community Improvement
Qualifications and Experience 6 years Planning & Zoning, 2 years Sanitary District, 2016 Fountain Hills Leadership Academy Graduate and Board President, 2018 Community Volunteer of the Year,
Endorsements Scottsdale Area Association of Realtors
Community Service Current: Commissioner, Planning & Zoning; Director, Sanitary District
Occupation IT Manager
Education MBA
1. Enhancing Infrastructure: One of my top priorities is to modernize and maintain our roads, sidewalks, and public facilities. Our streets need smart, strategic repairs that involve the entire community, making sure our infrastructure can handle today's needs and future demands. It's all about ensuring our town is robust and reliable for everyone.

2. Encouraging Economic Growth and Community Vitality: Another key priority is boosting our local economy by attracting new families and businesses. We'll focus on mixed-use housing developments, support small businesses with incentives, and improve public amenities to make Fountain Hills more appealing. Bringing in new residents will invigorate our economy and strengthen community ties.

3. Balancing Development with Conservation: Lastly, we need to find a balance between thoughtful growth and preserving our open spaces and unique local character. This means protecting our natural resources, maintaining our dark skies, etc.
To ensure fiscal responsibility and transparency, I'll make sure we have regular financial updates and open communication. We'll hold public meetings, separate from council meetings, to present the town's finances. This keeps everyone in the loop and builds trust. We also need to maintain our solid financial plan, so we'll produce and publish a financial forecast to help us plan for the future. We should also review town services to find ways to be more efficient and effective, including using more e-government solutions to make operations smoother and more convenient for residents.
Our community faces a few urgent issues. First, our aging infrastructure needs attention. I propose a comprehensive “Fix-All-Now” program to tackle large-scale repairs, supported by bonds and state or federal grants. Second, housing is a big concern. We can promote mixed-use developments with affordable units by offering incentives to developers and updating zoning laws for higher-density housing. Finally, we need to boost our local economy. We can do this by retaining existing businesses and attracting new ones through effective branding, maintaining an economic development webpage, and streamlining the building permit process.
If I had a $1 million grant to spend on the city, I'd put it towards a comprehensive infrastructure improvement program. This would focus on critical areas like road and sidewalk repairs, public facility upgrades, and enhancing parks and recreational areas. Investing in infrastructure has a ripple effect—boosting economic activity, increasing property values, and making our town more attractive to new families and businesses. Plus, it addresses immediate safety concerns and gets us ready for future growth.
I am Mathew Corrigan, Homeowner, full time resident in Fountain Hills. I am a candidate for town council and I ask for your vote. For 30 years I worked as a District Sales Manager for 2 fortune 500 companies and found that the more I listened to the customers needs and gave them solutions, the more successful they became, and as a result, I became more successful. I owned and operated a small business and learned of the hard work it takes to solve problems and have competitive solutions. I will provide solutions for the residents of Fountain Hills to make our town more successful. I believe in Traditional American values so I support the return to the invocation before each town council meeting and First amendment rights respected for all speakers, everyone deserves to be heard. I believe in public safety and support ordinances to protect residents from illegal camping, impeding traffic by aggressive panhandling and loitering. I believe in Economic Stability and Fiscal accountability.
Section 8.5 of the Town of Fountain Hills Rules of Procedure, dated 9/06/23 as stated in the above question also states, “We shall treat our office as a public trust, only using the power and resources of pubic office to advance public interests and not to attain personal benefit or pursue any other private interest incompatible with the public good. Our decisions and actions will be guided by the best interests of the community we serve.” Not only do we have a public forum to show how individuals with disparate points of view can find common ground and seek compromise that benefits the community as a whole but we must also keep a focus on the future to keep the essential elements of what has made Fountain Hills the best place in Arizona to live. If elected, as a Fountain Hills Town Council member I will uphold the wishes of my constituents and balance this with the rules of Procedure, to the best possible benefit to the Town of Fountain Hills.
Fountain Hills infrastructure is a top concern. The roads and streets have been underfunded in the past and many roads and streets require resurfacing and or repair. In the 6-8-24 Town Council meeting, the Town Council voted unanimously to fund $4.87Million for Roads and streets. I would approve of more surplus funds to be used toward Roads and streets in the future. Also the Lake liner for the world renowned Fountain Hills Lake and Fountain have reached the warranty end. More reserves should also be set aside annually to prepare for repair and or replacement of the lake liner.
Roads and streets as stated in the above question. For more information on my campaign please visit my website
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Public Policy Priorities Continuing to support our MCSO safety contract and new FH Fire Department who make us one of the safest towns to live in nationwide. Continue to Maintaining and improving infrastructure, add more bike lanes, hiking trails and connecting sidewalks for walkability around town. Also work with local utilities to ensure adequate water resources, waste water disposal and sanitation. There are a few items I've contributed to to ensure we lie in an environment where our residents can live, work, and thrive without undue risk to their well-being.
Qualifications and Experience I have served on the Fountain Hills town Council for three and a half years. I have a JD (not licensed) and worked for years in the legal profession. I also served as VP Trust and Estate Tax Officer for JPMorgan Chase Bank, and as a licensed Public Fiduciary with Maricopa County. All of these experiences help me to face the challenges as a Council Woman and make educated balance decisions for our residents.
Organization Memberships and Affiliations Valley Metro RPTA & Valley Rail Boards of Directors, East Valley Partnership, Board of Directors, League of Cities and Towns, Neighborhoods, Sustainability & Quality of Life General Administration, Human Resources and Elections and Towns, Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Works Committees, Council Sub-Committee, Pedestrian and Traffic Safety, Town of Fountain Hills CARES Forum Committee, Town of Fountain Hills Dementia Friendly Committee ,Maricopa County of Government (MAG), Interest and work with MAG’s Homeless Regional Planning Strategy Division, and Previously served on the Economic Development Committee
Endorsements Arizona List
East Valley Firefighters Local 2260 UFCW Local 99
Seth Blattman, AZ Legislature
Bridget Peterson, Mayor Gilbert
Aly Cline, Council Woman, Surprise
Bill Stipp, Councilmember, Goodyear
Mike Scharnow, Prior FH Councilmember
Alan Magazine, Prior FH Councilmember

Strong Supporters: SRP, Republic Services, Cox Communications, SW Gas, Sally L. Lloyd Consulting, Megan Hull Philanthropist, and many others in Fountain Hills and throughout the East Valley.
Community Service I love to volunteer and enjoy community service because it’s a way to make a meaningful impact and create positive change. I’ve used my experience to create positive change in Fountain Hills. One example is proactively helping Fountain Hills to become a recognized Dementia Friend Town. This designation helps our aging residents have greater access to services and resources to help guide them through the aging process. Whenever I can, I volunteer for local events such as Make a Difference Day, Dark Sky Festival, famous Arts & Crafts Fair, Spooky Blast, Music at the Park, and many more. I also team up with our staff serving on the Town’s CARES committee to provide education in informative topics of interest to our resident.
Occupation Retired from law about 8 years ago.
Education JD (not licensed) and Paralegal Degree. Graduate of Fountain Hills Leadership Academy
Funding and repairing four streets. Working with staff and stakeholder in town to address funding ideas to remedy the issue. Supporting our new FH Fire Department and MCSO safety contract to keep Fountain Hills as one of the safest places to live, work and place. Ongoing support of these vital services is paramount to the quality of life for our residents.

Economic vitality is import too. I work with our Economic Director, the FH Chamber and businesses in town to generate leads and support existing businesses. I voted to renovate our downtown area to provide more economic vitality. Also, Fountain Hills is a recognized International Dark Sky Community. The Dark Sky Discovery Center will soon begin construction of its educational center in town. It will be an education center and have the largest telescope in the great Phoenix area. It will contribute to the economic vitality of our town, and I support the center.
Ensuring fiscal responsibility and transparency is crucial to the success of our town governance and public trust. We have an award winning budget that is transparent and on our town website for all to view and ask questions. Monthly reviews and annual audits of the budget is part of the process to ensure the budget is in alignment with town needs and projections. We have no debt. State budget regulations require a balanced budget, which we achieve every year. I review the budget with our Financial and staff. Capital Projects are based on a "need" no "want" budget consideration should there not be insufficient funds to cover these costs. Often, the Financial Director reports to council at meeting about the status of the budget and any projected corrections, if any.
Our most urgent problems the backlog and condition of our streets and how to fund these repairs. We found a Streets Committee to do a detailed report on our streets and they foresee the cost of repair is about $40M which is more than our annual budget. Accordingly, we are discussion ways to use some funds to help better fund the streets fund, and may have to consider a dedicated bond to obtain the funds. State lack of funding our schools is a big problem for our teacher and students. The FHUSD is the largest employer tin Fountain Hills and contribute to our economic vitality. The school infrastructures are old and need maintenance. While it is the FHUSD's responsibility to fund theses costs, I supported a recent designated school bond. Unfortunately, it that did not get voted in. We will need to continue to support our schools while looking for more innovative ways tin increase the economic vitality of Fountain Hills.
We have a street repair deficit. I would use the $1M for our much needed streets repair.
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