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State House of Representatives- 48TH DISTRICT

In general, the functions of the Legislature (House & Senate) are to enact, amend, and repeal the laws of Tennessee. Some of the specific powers granted to the General Assembly by the state Constitution include: the appropriation of all money to be paid out of the state treasury; the levy and collection of taxes; and the right to authorize counties and incorporated towns to levy taxes.To qualify for election to the House, one must be 21 years old, a U.S. citizen, a state resident for three years, and a resident of the county in which elected for one year immediately preceding the election.The larger house, and arguably the more representative one, of Tennessee s bicameral legislature is called the House of Representatives. The state is divided into 99 House districts from each of which one representative is elected. Each district is comprised of approximately 64,102 residents. Representatives are elected to two-year terms.

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Why are you running for the State Legislature?

What do you think are the top 5 issues facing the State of Tennessee at this time that can be addressed by the Tennessee General Assembly?

If elected, what are the top 3 things you would do to reduce gun related deaths in Tennessee?

Campaign Mailing Address 1501 BELLE OAKS DR
Campaign Phone (615)243-7119
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Campaign Twitter Handle @@mattferrytn48
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The Republican Supermajority in the General Assembly have pushed for policies that benefit only the ultra wealthy, while everyone else gets left behind. Tennesseans are struggling with the rising costs of healthcare, education, and housing; but our leaders are too busy making their rich donor friends happy. It is time for a BIG change in Nashville! I am running not only against the corruption in the State House, but also for the interests of the people who want commonsense gun legislation, the right to access reproductive healthcare including abortions, fully funded public schools and hospitals, and to support any effort to spend federal aid for needy families that the state is purposely sitting on.
1. Protecting reproductive healthcare, birth control, and IVF. 2. Commonsense Gun Legislation like safe storage laws and closing the gun show loophole. 3. Fully funding public schools and hospitals, and rejecting bills that would further defund either of them. Expand Medicaid. 4. Spending the federal aid that the state refuses to spend. Over 700 million dollars of TANF(Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) money still have not been spent. 5. More equitable tax structure that benefits all Tennesseans, not just the wealthy.
1. Eliminate the gun show loophole. There are no waiting periods or background checks before purchasing a weapon at a gun show. 2. Make it illegal to allow residents to store their weapon in their cars. The General Assembly passed a law allowing this a few years ago and since then, gun thefts have gone up to the thousands, allowing more illegal guns on our streets. 3. Mandatory gun safety classes and insurance.
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