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NM State Representative District 32

In addition to other duties prescribed by law, representatives enact “reasonable and appropriate laws,” represent the constituents of their district, and serve on standing or interim committees. The legislature meets each year beginning in January. In odd-numbered years, it meets for 60 days; in even-numbered years, it meets for 30 days. The Governor may call special sessions. Candidates must be at least 21 years old and must be a resident of the district from which elected. They serve a two-year term. Representatives do not receive a salary, but they do receive a pre-set per diem and mileage; there is also a pension program for legislators serving a minimum period.Cámara de Representantes de Nuevo MéxicoAdemás de otras obligaciones prescritas por la ley, los representantes promulgan leyes razonables y apropiadas , representan a los electores de su distrito y sirven en comités permanentes o interinos. La legislatura se reúne cada año a partir de enero. En los años impares, se reúne durante 60 días; en los años pares, se reúne durante 30 días. El gobernador puede convocar sesiones especiales. Los candidatos deben tener al menos 21 años de edad y deben ser residentes del distrito donde fueron elegidos. Tienen mandatos de dos años. Los representantes no reciben un salario, pero sí reciben un pago preestablecido por viáticos; también existe un programa de pensión para legisladores que cumplen con un periodo mínimo de servicio.

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  • Candidate picture

    Linda S Alvarez

  • Candidate picture

    Andrew Simon Hernandez III

  • Candidate picture

    Jenifer M Jones

Biographical Information

1. What skills, education and prior experiences qualify you for this office?

2. If elected, what are your highest priorities?

3. What changes, if any, need to be made in the tax structure of the state?

4. What would you propose to diversify New Mexico’s economy and promote sustainable economic growth?

5. What reforms would you support to improve New Mexico’s educational ranking?

Campaign Mailing Address PO Box 1049
Hatch, NM 87937
Campaign Phone 505-795-3786
Campaign Email
Campaign Website Alvarez for New Mexico-District 32
Occupation Community Advocate
Born and reared on the family farm in the Hatch Valley, I grew up in a large, close-knit Hispanic family that was completely self-sufficient. I attended Salem Elementary until 6th grade and graduated at age 17 from the Hatch Valley Municipal Schools in 1970. I worked for the Social Security Admin and Health Care Financing Admin in Baltimore, MD, for 15-years prior to starting a family. I became a full-time Mother caring for my dau and son for 7-years before going back to work. I attended the UofMD School of Law-City Campus: Paralegal Cert: Bachelor’s Degree, College of Santa Fe, Public Administration & will pursue graduate studies at: NMSU/UofAZ or St. John’s College-SFe Campus. I am currently an Advocate in the Hatch Valley.
My highest priorities are: A. Statewide educational reform; B. rural economic development. C. Specialized training and care for Dementia patients.
A. I would guard against taxing the poor inordinately. B. Recent alcohol tax legislation that requires alcohol sellers to track the volume and type of alcohol sales is problematic. It would be far more efficient and importantly accurate if the wholesaler tracked taxation amounts.
Generally speaking, economic development needs to take into account safety, equality, and honest pay. A. I would encourage the Legislature to rejuvenate its’ interest in the Space Industry and to reorganize NM’s involvement in the Spaceport with an eye towards creating local job opportunities. C. I would propose that the Department of Economic Development be required to do outreach to rural areas and provide Technical Asssistance in conjunction with the Local Government Division of the DFA. C. NM is not prepared to care for its’ citizens suffering with Dementia. I propose the Governor appoint a workgroup to conduct a needs assessment with solutions. Healthcare is a burgeoning industry that will sustain economic growth.
For many years the Dept. Of Education has been plagued by a lack of consistent LEADERSHIP. This, in turn, leads to ‘mission erosion’ and a dysfunctional agency culture. This catastrophe requires strong governance. I suggest the following: A. Request a Federal Investigation and Technical Assistance. B. Require Special Education be given Divisional Status. C. Develop large-scale vocational and technical education opportunities for ALL students.
Campaign Mailing Address P.O. Box 51
Deming, NM 88031
Campaign Phone 575-543-5723
Twitter @Profe_Andy
Occupation Professor
I worked as a branch campus manager for WNMU for the first decade of my career, where I gained a deep understanding of the needs of many elements of the diverse populations of southwestern New Mexico. Since 2010 I’ve been a Professor of History at WNMU. My research skills enable me to assimilate large quantities of information, evaluate evidence, and share my conclusions in a comprehensible manner. While working in institutional shared governance I’ve also sharpened my ability to listen to colleagues with wide-ranging views on subjects while also working to develop policies and resolve conflicts with administrators. I have also previously held office as a two-term elected member of the Deming Public Schools Board of Education.
My highest priorities are as follows: 1) to make higher education and vocational/technical education more affordable for students; 2) to increase state investments in critical infrastructure such as state highways and broadband internet access, especially in rural areas; 3) to call for the creation of additional incentives that will help retain critical providers in rural areas; 4) to increase accessibility to Medicaid for senior citizens; and 5) to identify immediate improvements that the state can make to enhance the care of foster children.
I will begin by asking for a review of data on the effectiveness of the newly passed child tax credit. I also intend to investigate the feasibility of a tax credit for parents of students enrolled in university programs or vocational and technical programs.
New Mexico has long needed to improve the infrastructure from the Columbus and Antelope Wells ports of entries to I-10 and other nearby arteries. At present, the direct economic benefit of trade with Mexico for the state of Texas is nearly $30 billion. New Mexico has the opportunity to redirect a portion of this trade to our ports of entry. Capturing just 5% of that volume of trade would be transformative for New Mexico’s economy. Capturing 10% of that trade would revolutionize our state’s economy.
Portions of the settlement from the Martínez-Yazzie settlement should be put to work directly in classrooms in New Mexico. Specifically, some of these funds must be used to recruit reading specialists who can be dedicated to reducing the classroom sizes of English courses and specifically targeting the reading ability of students. If a subsequent of evaluation of these expenditures proves promising, then the program can then be expanded to targeting smaller class sizes for Mathematics courses.
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