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Pasco County Superintendent of Schools

The office of superintendent of schools is created in Article IX of the Constitution of the State of Florida. The superintendent of schools shall: Excercise oversight over the school system in order to determine problems and needs, and recommend improvements. Advise, counsel, and recommend to the school board on educational matters to be acted upon. Recommend policies considered necessary for more efficient operation of the school system. Recommend rules to supplement those adopted by the State Board of Education and implement the rules when they are adopted. Recommend to the school board standards necessary for efficient operation of any aspect of education in the district and execute those standards. Perform duties and exercise responsibilities as assigned to the Superintendent by laws and by regulations of the State Board of Education.Return to List of Topics

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    Chris Dunning

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    John M. Legg

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What do you believe are the top 3 issues facing public schools and how do you plan to address them?

Many schools lack proper side walks and/or crosswalks, and are located on high crash corridors. How will you ensure the school district collaborates with local transportation departments and neighborhoods to provide safe access to schools?

What policies and programs will you pursue to meet the requirements of the settlement agreement between the Department of Justice and the Pasco County School District?

What steps would you take to address the teacher shortage and make teachers feel supported? What are two or three suggestions you have for the recruitment and retention of staff?

Do you support the Dave Ramsey curriculum for financial literacy? Explain your position.

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Phone 727-505-5288
City New Port Richey
State FL
Zip 34655
1. Shortage of Employees: The district grapples with a shortage of essential staff, including teachers, counselors, and bus drivers. Recruiting and retaining qualified professionals are critical to maintaining the quality of education and support services. By improving the culture we can greatly improve this area.

2. Managing District Growth: Pasco County is experiencing rapid population growth, which places additional demands on our schools. Ensuring adequate infrastructure, classroom space, and resources to accommodate this growth is a priority. We need to sustain community backing for the penny sales tax, and the salary referendum. These initiatives directly impact school funding, teacher salaries, and facility improvements. Building trust and transparency with our community is essential.

3. Educational Equity and Student Success: Like many districts, Pasco County faces the ongoing challenge of providing equitable education for all students. We need to improve our student's reading and math abilities across all groups. By addressing achievement gaps, supporting struggling learners, and promoting student success we can make our district an 'A' in every aspect.
The safety of our students is of utmost importance, and it is our responsibility to ensure that they have safe access to their schools.

Last year, I had a special needs student in a wheelchair who courageously presented to our county commissioners about the difficulties he faced due to broken sidewalks on his way to the community bus. His efforts led to the county fixing the sidewalks, a commendable action that was applauded by all. This is a clear example of the power of community engagement and the positive changes it can bring about.

As superintendent, I will strive to foster such engagement and collaboration. I will work closely with local transportation departments, neighborhoods, and other relevant stakeholders to address the issue of unsafe access to schools. This includes advocating for proper sidewalks and crosswalks, especially in high crash corridors, and ensuring regular maintenance and timely repairs.

I believe in the power of transparency and local control. By involving the community in our decision-making process, we can ensure that our actions are in the best interest of our students. Together, we can create a safe and conducive environment for our students.
The settlement agreement between the Department of Justice and the Pasco County School District is a significant step towards ensuring that our students with disabilities are treated fairly and equitably.

I will pursue the following policies and programs:

1. Staffing/Training: I will ensure the appointment of a Behavior Support Coordinator and ensure each school has a fully trained Behavior Support Person as well as all staff being trained to support students with disabilities.

2. Functional Behavior Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans: These are crucial tools for understanding and addressing the behavior-related needs of students with disabilities that must be improved.

3. Changes to Code of Conduct, Threat Assessments, and Law Enforcement Referrals: I will review and revise our policies to ensure these policies do not disproportionately impact students with disabilities.

4. Data Analysis, Review, and Reporting: I will implement a system to proactively address issues and ensure that our practices are fair and non-discriminatory.

5. Student, Parent, and Community Engagement: I will foster an environment of open communication and collaboration with all stakeholders.
Staff shortages impact everyone, causing extra work and negativity. We must focus on recruiting and retaining all positions. I’ll advocate for competitive salaries, maintaining our Penny for Pasco, referendum, and focus on a variety of other areas:

1. Positive Work Environment: Staff should feel supported and appreciated. This requires top-down change as it currently does not exist in many work sites.

2. On-Site Childcare: Investigating childcare at worksites could reduce stress and absenteeism, and increase productivity and job satisfaction.

3. Mentorships and Professional Development: New hires need more guidance and support. Improved continuous professional development for all will show we value their growth and are investing in them.

4. Recognition and Rewards: Regularly recognizing hard work boosts morale and retention and needs to be increased.

5. Affordable Housing: Investigating low-income housing for staff could be beneficial.

By creating a desirable work culture, we can attract employees from other counties and industries. Improving our partnerships with local colleges and universities will also aid in our recruitment efforts.
While the Dave Ramsey “Foundations in Personal Finance” curriculum covers a range of topics, I do have some reservations. Ramsey’s strong stance against borrowing money, while sound in many situations, may not always be practical or realistic in today’s economic environment.

Critics argue that the curriculum may oversimplify some topics and doesn’t adequately address others, such as the responsible use of credit. Therefore, while I know it is imperative we teach our children financial literacy, I believe it’s important to provide a balanced and comprehensive view of personal finance. This includes discussing the pros and cons of borrowing, understanding the responsible use of credit, and exploring a variety of financial strategies.

In conclusion, while the Dave Ramsey curriculum could be a starting point, I believe we need to supplement it with additional resources and perspectives to ensure our students are fully prepared to navigate their financial futures.
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