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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Jackson County Commissioner Position 2

County Commissioners set policy and adopt budgets for their counties, and they manage the county departments, either directly or, if there is a County Administrator, indirectly. Counties provide a wide range of important public services. To qualify, a candidate must be a U.S. citizen, a registered voter, a resident of the district for at least 1 year prior to the election, and at least 18 years of age.Term: 4 years. This position is partisan.

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  • Candidate picture

    David Arrasmith

  • Candidate picture

    Denise Krause

  • Candidate picture

    Randy Sparacino

  • Candidate picture

    Logan Leverette Vaughan

Biographical Information

What are the three greatest challenges facing the County, and how would you address them if elected?

What qualities and experience make you the best candidate for County Commissioner?

What role would you support for the County to play in addressing the supply of housing in the region?

Contact Phone 541-890-1391
Campaign Phone (public) 541-890-1391
Town Where You Live Medford
Your Experience/Qualifications I have 8 years of experience as a Jackson County Department Director (Jackson County Assessor) For the last years County Directors have meet monthly to discuss county topics of concerns or to note county achievements.
County Jackson
Term 4 years
Term Expires Dec. 2028
1. Providing critical services with available resources. 2. Providing a truly open door administration that responds to the public with respect and credibility. 3. Provide non-partisan leadership.

It’s said a picture is worth a thousand words. My actions will paint a picture of an inquisitive, listening, and consensus building leader.
I basically like people, and giving a helping hand when that’s possible. I am friendly , and have a knack for pin-pointing a person’s root issue and avoid going down a rabbit hole on minor things.
Very little will likely get accomplished without available funding or large donations of land. I would support a quest for grants and donations.
Web Site (leave blank if not applicable)
Town Where You Live Rural near Ashland, OR
Your Experience/Qualifications Ph.D. Population Health, Rogue Valley Transportation District Director & Budget Committee Member, small farmer, public servant
County Jackson
Term 4 years
Term Expires 2028
County has said that homelessness is a city problem. I will work to repair relationships between County and cities and collaborate with stakeholders working to reduce homelessness. The jail is filled with criminals, drug addicts and the mentally compromised. I will facilitate a comprehensive public input process to address jail capacity, mental health and addiction services, and the backlog in the courts, involving stakeholders from all areas. These complex and interrelated issues are not solved simply by building a bigger jail. The animal shelter needs urgent attention. I will work to repair damaged relationships between County and stakeholders, instead engaging them in the planning process to build a better facility without raising taxes.
I am a goal-oriented problem-solver with many years of professional experience managing people, building teams, and motivating groups. As a dedicated, passionate, hard-working leader, I have a long list of accomplishments, such as managing projects and developing solutions for over 6,000 employees. Since retirement, I have committed myself to public service, volunteering my time and talents to furthering causes of public benefit. I believe in doing the next right thing. Cooperation, collaboration, and communication are essential for success. With a strong moral compass, honesty, open-mindedness, transparency, and fairness are important to me and I try to practice those principles. I am a good listener who cares and values mutual respect.
We need more housing options for low- and middle-income housing in Jackson County. Much of this type of housing is built within municipalities, but sometimes also in unincorporated areas. I certainly support the roles that County is already supposed to be fulfilling, such as land use, permitting, zoning, and code enforcement, but streamlining processes and reducing fees. Unincorporated areas typically lack jobs, infrastructure, and ready access to services. To the extent that County has control over land suitable for affordable housing, they could plan and finance groundwater management, transportation, and other infrastructure projects to support affordable housing projects, and do so with consistency, foresight, and follow-through.
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