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VOTE411 Voter Guide

State Representative 72

Serves 2-year terms with a limit of 4 consecutive terms. There are 120 House members. The 2023 salary is $29,697 plus (travel and subsistence). Only requirement is to pass a balanced state budget.

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  • Candidate picture

    William "Bill" Edwin Conerly

  • Candidate picture

    Lesa Miller

Biographical Information

What are the two most important challenges facing Florida and, if elected, what actions will you take to address them within your first six months in office? (700 characters)

Insufficient affordable housing is hurting Florida families and limiting Florida’s economy. What state measures do you support to address the affordable housing crisis? (600 characters)

What legislative actions are necessary to improve voter access to the ballot and promote voter participation in elections? (600 characters)

What legislative action would you propose to protect Florida’s environment and natural resources? (600 characters)

What is your stance on access to abortion? (600 characters)

What legislation would you support to better protect our youth and the public at large from gun violence? (600 characters)

What is your plan to ensure that all Florida students have access to a high-quality education? (600 characters)

Age 59
Education Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Biological Engineering with a specialization in Soil and Water Conservation. Professional Engineer (PE) license in Civil Engineering with a focus in Water Resources
Hometown Lakewood Ranch
County Manatee
Campaign Website
Campaign Phone 9417300361
In my opinion, two of the most important challenges facing Florida are Housing Affordability and Sufficient Infrastructure (roadways, potable water supply, electrical generation/transmission, advance treatment wastewater facilities, etc.). None of these have a simple solution, but as a civil engineer, these are issues I deal with daily and I am very aware of the elements that tend to slow the process or add to the cost. A very good examples of something that adds cost to both are skilled labor and material shortages. Another is the protracted process for review and approvals of designs. An actions I would take to address this in the first 6 months is to require expeditated review.
Again, this is actually an area in which I have expertise. I currently am involved in the construction of 572 affordable (30%-80% AMI) in my District. With another 235 workforce and affordable in the pipeline. One measure I would initiate would be density bonuses for projects providing at least 40% of the total units as affordable, similar to the Live Local, but in all zoning districts. These would require a land use restriction agreement, obligating these for 30 years. In addition, as mentioned above, I would require local municipalities to prioritize and fast track the reviews.
I don't know of any legislative action that would promote voter participation. I am in favor of early voting, vote by mail, and additional polling places. I am not in favor of the elimination of ID requirements. It is my opinion that voter integrity is as important as voter access or participation.
I would work to expand the Florida Forever and Conservation Easements. As a civil engineer, this is an area I have some expertise. I have placed thousands of acres of wetlands in perpetual conservation easements. In addition, it is not commonly understood that the Clean Waterways Act from 2020 (SB 712), initiated the FDEP to draft rules for stormwater treatment standards to enhance the levels of nutrient removal and better protection of groundwater. During the recent session, these rules were ratified (SB 7040) and the Water Management Districts will soon be working to implement these rules.
As there is a Constitutional Amendment regarding abortion, I will work hard to do the will of the people in the State of Florida, based on the outcome, regardless.
I would support the increasing penalties associated with crimes in which guns are used.
We need to expand the education opportunities to include skilled trades (HVAC, plumbing, electrical, etc.) for those who may not have an interest in going to traditional colleges.
Education B.A. USF Sarasota; J.D. Stetson University College of Law
Hometown Buffalo, NY
County Manatee
Campaign Website
Campaign Twitter Handle @votelesa
Instagram @votelesafl
Campaign Phone 941-545-6167
There are many important challenges facing Florida. Two of these are controlling overdevelopment and protecting reproductive health. If elected, I will work to implement smart growth policies that balance development with environmental preservation and do not overtax our infrastructure, ensuring our communities remain sustainable. Additionally, I will defend reproductive rights by advocating for legislation that safeguards access to healthcare, including contraception and abortion services, protecting the right to choose. In my first six months, I will focus on building coalitions to advance these critical issues, ensuring they are addressed effectively and urgently.
Addressing Florida’s affordable housing crisis means supporting increasing state funding for affordable housing programs and ensuring that these funds are used effectively. We need to incentivize developers to build affordable housing units through tax credits and streamlined permitting processes. I will also work to expand access to down payment assistance for first-time homebuyers and advance measures to prevent rent gouging. We must take these steps that are essential to making housing more accessible and affordable for all Floridians, helping both families and our economy thrive.
To improve voter access and promote participation, we need to expand early voting, ensure universal access to mail-in ballots, and increase polling locations in underserved areas. Additionally, I advocate for automatic voter registration and restoring voting rights to previously disenfranchised individuals. Importantly, I support removing the requirement to purge vote-by-mail requests each cycle, allowing voters to automatically receive mail ballots without having to reapply. These measures will help ensure that every eligible voter has a fair and accessible path to the ballot box.
To protect Florida’s environment, we need legislation targeting local issues like sewage spills into our rivers and untreated wastewater from phosphate mining plants like Piney Point which pose serious environmental and health risks. We also need stricter regulations on wastewater management, mandatory infrastructure upgrades, and enhanced oversight of industrial sites to prevent these disasters. Expanding conservation efforts and promoting sustainable practices to ensure our natural resources are preserved and safe is a must. I will be a strong advocate for these measures.
Let there be no doubt that I will protect access to abortion as a fundamental right. Every individual must have the right to make decisions about their own reproductive health without interference from the government. We need legislation that ensures safe, legal, and accessible abortion services, and I will fight against any measure aimed at restricting or undermining this essential healthcare. Protecting reproductive rights is critical to ensuring that everyone has the freedom to make choices about their own bodies and futures, for themselves and for their families.
I strongly support comprehensive legislation to protect our youth and the public from gun violence. This includes universal background checks, mandatory waiting periods, and banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. I also advocate for red flag laws that allow temporary removal of firearms from individuals deemed a threat to themselves or others. Additionally, I support increased funding for mental health services and community violence prevention programs. We must take bold action to end the epidemic of gun violence and protect the safety of our communities, especially children.
We must increase teacher pay, beyond just starting teacher salaries, and ensure all students have equal access to the diverse learning materials that foster critical thinking and innovation. The GOP’s "WOKE" scare tactics are a distraction from focusing on what truly matters—providing every student with a quality education. We should be providing students - regardless of zip code - with tools they need to succeed in a diverse and complex world - not banning books or censoring ideas. My efforts will focus on lifting our students up, not dragging them down with all of today’s divisive rhetoric.