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State Representative 65

Serves 2-year terms with a limit of 4 consecutive terms. There are 120 House members. The 2023 salary is $29,697 plus (travel and subsistence). Only requirement is to pass a balanced state budget.

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    Ashley T. Brundage

  • Candidate picture

    Karen Gonzalez Pittman

Biographical Information

What are the two most important challenges facing Florida and, if elected, what actions will you take to address them within your first six months in office? (700 characters)

Insufficient affordable housing is hurting Florida families and limiting Florida’s economy. What state measures do you support to address the affordable housing crisis? (600 characters)

What legislative actions are necessary to improve voter access to the ballot and promote voter participation in elections? (600 characters)

What legislative action would you propose to protect Florida’s environment and natural resources? (600 characters)

What is your stance on access to abortion? (600 characters)

What legislation would you support to better protect our youth and the public at large from gun violence? (600 characters)

What is your plan to ensure that all Florida students have access to a high-quality education? (600 characters)

Age 44
Education High School Diploma, Certifications from University of South Florida, Dartmouth College, and Babson College.
Hometown Tampa, FL
County Hillsborough
Campaign Twitter Handle @brundageforfl
Campaign Phone 8137311302
Campaign Mailing Address 301 W Platt St Unit A329
Tampa, FL 33605
1. Lowering the cost of insurance. The republicans have not had to reach to the will of the full 22 million Floridians since they have a super majority. I plan to work with all of my colleagues and bring my vast business experience to this topic. We will work directly with insurance companies to offer more competitive rates across all the lines of Insurance and also hold the legal industry accountable for the amount of lawsuits leading to higher insurance rates.

#2 Women's right to choose. I plan to work alongside legislators to ensure that the will of the people with amendment 4 is enacted and protected. We have to get the government out of making decisions about people's bodies. Hard Stop
As someone who does not come from generational wealth and does not actually own a primary home in Florida, I am personally a renter who is experiencing these higher costs every day. I also have overcome homelessness of one year and a half. I'm going to bring my unique lived experiences to be a part of the positive conversation so the state legislators can understand why it's so important to provide resources for people who most desperately need them. There are plenty of developers that want to build affordable housing and other projects and many of those are being blocked by partisanship.
It is 2024, we have the technology to do anything in the entire world that would make it easier for people to vote. There are way too many barriers to allow people the opportunity to share their constitutional right. We should leverage technology resources to not only verify that the people who are voting are able to vote but we could do that anywhere in the world. Why someone should have to wait in a line for hours potentially or drive for hours is ridiculous. Let's make voting as easily as it is on social media in every other place in the entire world where people vote rapidly.
I would consider all proposed amendments or bills related to protecting our environment and resources because that is our biggest asset here in the state of Florida. Tourism is our number one economic engine, and we have to protect our great beaches and other areas of our state to ensure that they are here for the future. I am not a climate expert, but I think the state of Florida should have someone providing expert opinions and resources and suggestions so that that way we can actually protect our resources. The current administration wants to ban the use of climate change as a spoken word!
We need to get the government out of making decisions about people's bodies. The only other person who should ever discuss what a person should do with their own body medically or physically should be that person's medical professional. State legislators and other elected officials who are not medical doctors should never vote about whether or not someone should have access to an abortion. That is their decision, a woman deserves the right to make a decision about her own body. Let's get the government out of making decisions about people's bodies and let the people hold on to their decisons.
I am a gun sense candidate from Mom's demand action I think we need to make it a little bit harder to get a gun in this state. Better background checks, and waiting periods, Mental health screenings. And then also we should ban military style assault weapons, unless someone wants to be a part of the National Guard. Meaning that they should actually serve in the United States military to get those weapons, they have no place walking around our cities. Less weapons of war would be great and the friends that I lost during the Pulse nightclub shooting would still be with us if it wasn't so easy.
We have to pay our teachers more! Florida ranks 50th in pay rank out of 50 states. Personally, I have two kids and as a mom I have sent them to public school private school charter school pre K, every single type of school in our state of Florida and now I have one child who goes to the University of South Florida Saint Pete campus. The thing that all these schools have in common is that we need to provide more resources for teachers. People are afraid to come to Florida and work because of the political climate and that's exactly why I should be elected to move us away from the culture wars.
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