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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Town Meeting Precinct H {_getChooseLabel(this.selections.length)}

POLLING PLACE: Tolles Parsons Center, 500 Washington St.Town Meeting is Wellesley’s Legislative arm of government. It consists of 240 Town Meeting Members elected by precinct. The members are elected for staggered, 3-year terms so that 10 members are elected from each precinct each year in the March annual town election. Depending on vacancies some precincts will have more members to be elected to fill the unexpired seats.Town Meeting is responsible for passing a balanced annual town budget, and enacts all town by-laws. Annual Town Meeting is held in March/April to enact the following year's budget, plus whatever other matters are placed on the Town Meeting Warrant. The Annual Town Meeting begins the last Monday of March and continues on Monday and Tuesday nights until the business is completed. Special Town Meeting may be held as needed for issues that cannot be delayed until the Annual Town Meeting.

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  • Candidate picture

    Colette Emma Aufranc

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    Judy Barr

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    Julia Hicks de Peyster

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    Michael F. Fallon

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    Marjorie R. Freiman

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    David J. Himmelberger

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    Dianne M. Impallaria

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    Linshi Li

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    Barbara H. McMahon

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    Garfield H. Miller

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    Hank W. Newman III

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    Ilissa Kimball Povich

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    Heather Sawitsky

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    Rise Shepsle

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    Christopher A. Spagnuolo

  • Candidate picture

    Kathleen Elizabeth Woodward

Biographical Information

Why are you running for this office? What are your top priorities?

Relevant Experience Select Board Chair, member since September 2020, Town Meeting since 2018, Audit Committee 2018-2020
I am running to continue supporting the work of Town Government. Service on the Select Board, Audit Committee, and Town Meeting has given me a broad perspective of the challenges and opportunities for the Town. Town Meeting has a critical role in evaluating the choices the Town faces. I would like to bring a broad perspective to the choices and strike a balance that is fiscally sustainable.
Candidate has not yet responded.
Candidate has not yet responded.
Relevant Experience Town Meeting Member, youth soccer & hockey coach, Board of directors WYH, WPS advisory committee.
I am running because I am committed to our community’s prosperity. Through volunteering in Wellesley youth sports and serving on WPS super's STEAM advisory committee, I've witnessed the positive impact of giving back to the community. I prioritize education, fiscal responsibility, and balancing urban development with environmental preservation. I commit to working inclusively and collaboratively.
Relevant Experience 6 yrs Select Board (3 yrs as Chair); 3 yrs Advisory Committee (incl. as Chair); 13yrs Town Meeting
I want to continue to have a vote at Town Meeting. Critical decisions are ahead on budgeting/planning for costly infrastructure projects, the North 40, schools, housing, climate issues and more. I have extensive experience in all of these matters on TM, Advisory Comm., and the Select Board. I understand the work of the town boards and can contribute positively to the ongoing work of the town.
Relevant Experience Life-long resident; Advisory Com. 2000-2002; Select Bd. 2002-2008; Local Zoning & Land Use Attorney
Maintaining our first-class school system in the face of continuing fiscal challenges and monitoring major commercial redevelopment projects requires continued leadership and collaborative effort.

I would like to be a Town Meting Member to keep abreast of what is happening in the town regarding schools, and town government in general. As a Town Meeting Member I will have an opportunity to look at the issues confronting the town, & to find out what the townspeople want to be considered as the town moves forward, such as housing, taxes and schools.
Candidate has not yet responded.
Relevant Experience TMM 30yrs., member CPC; prev. served on: Advisory, WFLF Bd, PTO Pres., School Council
I am a longtime resident committed to giving back to the town and helping balance growing needs of different constituencies: seniors, young families, local businesses. Priorities include preserving and improving town amenities and resources for all residents, diversifying housing stock with appropriate types of development, finding ways to get greater community interest/engagement in Town affairs.
r name original Miller
Relevant Experience Volunteer Ski Racing Coach, Volunteer Tolles Parsons Senior Center, three children in WPS
To ensure Precinct H voices are heard. I will be the channel that allows you to advocate for policies and programs that truly benefit the people of our neighborhood.
Candidate has not yet responded.
Relevant Experience Town Meeting Member since 2003, prior School Committee member & chair; prior HR Board mem & chair
I have served as a Town Meeting Member and a member of both elected and appointed Town committees. I have deep knowledge of Wellesley town government and the issues it deals with. I have worked extensively to support the Wellesley Public Schools. I consistently support sustainable initiatives brought before Town Meeting.
Relevant Experience Town Moderator, TMM 20 yrs, Advisory Comm Chair, Hardy/Hunn Schl Bldg Comm, Unified Plan member
I have been involved with Wellesley town government for over 20 years and I would be honored to continue to represent my precinct. My focus includes development of a strategic plan for housing and land use, addressing the need to add AC to all schools, and improving the town's communication with residents.
Relevant Experience 38 years resident of Wellesley; Member, Chair of Wellesley Historical Commission;
I am running to represent Precinct H as a town meeting member. I will be well informed and you will have access to me. As a member and former chair of the Wellesley Historical Commission and a resident for 38 years, I am running to preserve our neighborhoods. Our neighborhoods are the strength of Wellesley and they are my priority.
Candidate has not yet responded.
r name original Environmental Attorney
Relevant Experience TMM 24 yrs; Planning Bd Mbr; Advisory Comm 2014-17; Tolles Parsons Rev Comm 2013; Environmental Atty
I believe that local government can positively impact our community. Wellesley has given my children an excellent education. Serving as a Town Meeting Member and on the Planning Board is my way of giving back to the Town. My top priorities: support educational excellence; provide down-sizing options while maintaining Town character; and protect drinking water wells and natural places.