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VOTE411 Voter Guide

All Candidates

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. E
  6. F
  7. G
  8. H
  9. I
  10. J
  11. K
  12. L
  13. M
  14. N
  15. O
  16. P
  17. Q
  18. R
  19. S
  20. T
  21. U
  22. V
  23. W
  24. X
  25. Y
  26. Z
  1. A
    1. Against The Amendment (Oth)
    2. Against The Amendment (Oth)
    3. Against The Amendment (Oth)
    4. Against The Amendment (Oth)
    5. Against The Amendment (Oth)
    6. Against The Amendment (Oth)
    7. Rae Akard (NON)
      candidate for 2024 Bristol Council
    8. Jim Atkinson (NON)
  2. B
    1. Anne Backus (Dem)
    2. Tom Bailey (NON)
    3. John Baker (Oth)
    4. Morris Baker (NON)
    5. AFTYN BEHN (Dem)
    6. Ryan Berkley (Dem)
    7. Jenni Berz (NON)
    8. CHAD BOBO (Rep)
    9. Meghan Breinig (Rep)
    11. Thomas J. Brooks, III (I)
    12. Domonica Bryan (DEM)
    13. Jeremy Clayton Burnett (NON)
    14. James "Skip" Burnette (NON)
    15. Julie B Byers (NON)
  3. C
    2. Karen Camper (Dem)
    3. Michele Carringer (REP)
    4. Ginger Carter (Rep)
    5. Mike Caruthers (NON)
    6. Lauren Carver (DEM)
    7. Douglas Childers (NON)
    8. Michelle Childs (NON)
    9. Jesse Chism (Dem)
    10. Renarda Renee Clariett (Rep)
    11. Dennis Clark (NON)
    13. Joseph Coates (Oth)
    14. Donna Kay Coffey (Dem)
    15. Amanda Collins (DEM)
    16. David Cook (NON)
    17. Theresa M. Cook (NON)
    18. Terry Countermine (Oth)
    19. Greg Cox (Oth)
    20. Wright Cox (NON)
    21. Mary Crank (Rep)
    22. Ashley Craven (Dem)
    23. Missy Crutchfield (Dem)
    24. Holly Cruz (Dem)
    25. Eric Cuddy (Ind)
    26. Brian Curry (NON)
  4. D
    1. Larry Dagen (NON)
    2. Elaine Davis (REP)
    3. Jeff Davis (NON)
    4. John Day (NON)
    5. Christopher B. Denson (NON)
    6. Adam Dickson (Oth)
    7. VINCENT DIXIE (Dem)
    8. Jim Dodson (Ind)
    9. Raquetta Dotley (NON)
  5. E
    1. Sean Eastham (IND)
    2. Ron Elliott (NON)
    3. Andy Ellis (NON)
    4. Letechia Ellis (NON)
    5. Taylor Brooke Ellis (NON)
    6. Jay Emberton (Oth)
  6. F
    1. For The Amendment (Oth)
    2. For THe Amendment (Oth)
    3. For The Amendment (Oth)
    4. For The Amendment (Oth)
    5. For The Amendment (Oth)
    6. For The Amendment (Oth)
    7. Todd Fowler (Oth)
    8. Maureen J. Fraser (NON)
    9. BOB FREEMAN (Dem)
  7. G
    1. Vicki Gandee (NON)
    2. Todd Gardenhire (Rep)
    3. Zaire J.M. Gary (Dem)
    4. Colette George (NON)
    5. Wanda Gibbs (NON)
    6. John Gillespie (Rep)
    7. Sharon Gleason (Ind)
    8. Bryan S. Goldberg (DEM)
    9. Anna Golladay (NON)
    10. Allison Gorman (Dem)
    11. Josh Graham (Ind)
    12. Stephen B. Graham (NON)
    13. Barbara L. Gray (NON)
    14. Charles Green (NON)
    15. Kenneth Herb Greenlee (Ind)
    16. Jennifer Gregory (NON)
  8. H
    1. Yusuf A Hakeem (Dem)
    2. Cecil Hale (Rep)
    3. Cory Hall (NON)
    4. Barbara Halliburton (NON)
    5. Cary Hammond (DEM)
    6. Derrick Hammond (Ind)
    7. G.A. Hardaway, Sr. (Dem)
    8. Torrey C. Harris (Dem)
    9. Cody Harvey (NON)
    10. Esther Helton-Haynes (Rep)
    11. CALEB HEMMER (Dem)
    12. Chip Henderson (NON)
    13. Isiah (Ike) Hester (NON)
    14. Sherrie Hicks (NON)
    15. Jenny Hill (NON)
    16. Justin Hirst (REP)
    17. Mark Holland (NON)
    18. Chuck Hope, Jr. (Ind)
    19. Larry Hunter (Rep)
    20. Jesse Huseth (Dem)
    21. Charles Hutson II (Ind)
  9. J
    1. Shirley K. Jackson (NON)
    2. Keith Jeter (Ind)
    3. Gloria Johnson (DEM)
    4. Derek Johnston (NON)
    5. Jeff Johnston (Ind)
    6. JUSTIN JONES (Dem)
  10. K
    1. Kathy Y. Keen (NON)
    2. Carol Ann Keith (NON)
    3. Tim Kelly (NON)
      candidate for Chattanooga Mayor
    4. Randy M. Kennedy (NON)
    5. Evelina Ir�n Kertay (NON)
    6. Sara P. Kyle (Dem)
  11. L
    1. Justin Lafferty (REP)
    2. Kendra Lawler (NON)
    3. Tom Leatherwood (Rep)
    4. Jason Alan Lederfine (NON)
    5. Kathy Lennon (Dem)
    6. Chad Lindsay (NON)
    7. Chris Long (NON)
      candidate for Chattanooga Mayor
    8. HAROLD LOVE, JR. (Dem)
    9. Don Lowry (NON)
    10. Jacob Luallen (Oth)
    11. Mahlon Luttrell (NON)
      candidate for 2024 Bristol Council
  12. M
    1. Rachelle Maier (NON)
    2. Jerry Wayne Malone (NON)
    3. Tiffany Malone (Dem)
    4. Tom Marshall (NON)
    5. Celia F. Martin (Rep)
    6. Greg Martin (Rep)
    7. Becky Duncan Massey (REP)
    8. Heather McClendon (Dem)
    9. Thomas L. McGhee Sr. (NON)
    10. Sam McKenzie (DEM)
    11. Josh McNeil (NON)
    12. Larry J. Miller (Dem)
    13. BO MITCHELL (Dem)
    14. Paul Montgomery (NON)
    15. Mitchell Morrison (Ind)
    16. William P Mouzon (Ind)
    17. Aaron T. Murphy (Oth)
  13. N
    1. LAURA NELSON (Rep)
    2. YOG NEPAL (Rep)
    3. Marvene Noel (NON)
    4. Noah Nordstrom (Dem)
  14. P
    1. Antonio Parkinson (Dem)
    2. Elizabeth Parr (NON)
    3. Billy Patton (NON)
    4. Carolyn Harris Payne (NON)
    5. Justin J. Pearson (Dem)
    6. John "Johnny" Perales (NON)
    7. Sam Pettyjohn (Dem)
    8. James Phillips (NON)
    9. JASON L. POWELL (Dem)
  15. Q
    1. Kevin Quinn (NON)
  16. R
    1. WYATT RAMPY (Rep)
    2. Brad Ratliff (NON)
    3. Charles P. Reed (NON)
    4. Samantha Reid-Hawkins (NON)
    5. Michele Reneau (Rep)
    6. Ruthie Rizzie (Ind)
    7. Nick Robbins (NON)
    8. Paul W. Rose (Rep)
  17. S
    1. Gabby Salinas (Dem)
    2. Tony Salvaggio (NON)
    3. Tim Sanders (NON)
    4. Doll Sandridge (NON)
    5. Rick Scarbrough (Rep)
    6. Ryan Scofield (Dem)
    7. Kelvin Scott (NON)
    8. Christian Siler (NON)
    9. Beth Simpson (Ind)
    10. Jeremy Smith (NON)
    11. Rick Smith (Rep)
    12. John Edward Stamps (NON)
    13. Alan Stegall (Oth)
    14. Todd Stephens (Ind)
    15. Ryan Strain (NON)
    16. Kathy Stuart (Rep)
  18. T
    1. Charlie Taylor (Rep)
    2. David Terrell (NON)
    3. Marie L. Thomas (NON)
    4. Joe Towns Jr. (Dem)
    5. Vince Turner (NON)
      candidate for 2024 Bristol Council
  19. U
    1. Brian Ueleke (NON)
  20. V
    1. Kevin Vaughan (Rep)
    2. Cary E. Vaughn (NON)
    3. Chuck Vest (Oth)
    4. Greg Vital (Rep)
  21. W
    2. J.D. Bo Westmoreland (Oth)
    3. Mark White (Rep)
    4. Monique L. Williams (NON)
    5. Robert C Wilson (NON)
    6. Joe Wise (Oth)
    7. Dave Wright (REP)
  22. Y
    1. Ken Yager (Rep)
    2. Jack T. Young (NON)
  23. Z
    1. Jason Zachary (REP)