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VOTE411 Voter Guide

State Representative 42

Serves 2-year terms with a limit of 4 consecutive terms. There are 120 House members. The 2023 salary is $29,697 plus (travel and subsistence). Only requirement is to pass a balanced state budget.

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  • Candidate picture

    Anna V. Eskamani

  • Candidate picture

    Gregory Pull

Biographical Information

What are the two most important challenges facing Florida and, if elected, what actions will you take to address them within your first six months in office? (700 characters)

Insufficient affordable housing is hurting Florida families and limiting Florida’s economy. What state measures do you support to address the affordable housing crisis? (600 characters)

What legislative actions are necessary to improve voter access to the ballot and promote voter participation in elections? (600 characters)

What legislative action would you propose to protect Florida’s environment and natural resources? (600 characters)

What is your stance on access to abortion? (600 characters)

What legislation would you support to better protect our youth and the public at large from gun violence? (600 characters)

What is your plan to ensure that all Florida students have access to a high-quality education? (600 characters)

Age 34
Education University of Central Florida, PhD in Public Affairs with a focus on Public Administration, 2024 | University of Central Florida, Dual Masters in Public Administration and Nonprofit Management, 2015 | University of Central Florida, Dual BA in Political Science, International Relations Track and Interdisciplinary Studies, Women's Studies Track, 2012 | Certified Nonprofit Professional with Graduate and Undergraduate Certificates
Hometown Orlando
County Orange County
Campaign Website
Campaign Twitter Handle @AnnaForFlorida
Campaign Phone 407-801-4896
Campaign Mailing Address PO Box 536154
Orlando, FL 32853
Affordable housing and environmental protection are two of Florida's biggest challenges, and they’re connected. I’ll fight to fully fund the Sadowski Trust, incentivize affordable housing, expand rental assistance, and implement tenant protections. I’ll also pursue bipartisan legislation for universal hurricane coverage to address rising property insurance costs. On the environment, I’ll continue to champion action on climate change, support renewable energy, protect water resources, and fund coastal resilience projects, while defending state parks. Part of this work also means holding state agencies accountable to doing their job, not ignoring crises and/or making the situation worse.
Continue to work across the aisle to encourage the construction of more affordable housing development with incentives and reduced regulatory barriers, promote mixed-use and infill projects, and expand funding for SHIP and SAIL programs. I’ll strengthen tenant protections and support workforce housing for essential workers. I'll once again introduce bipartisan legislation to create a public, non-profit hurricane insurance option through Citizens Property Insurance Corp. I will keep advocating for flexibility to the TDT so that Orange County can use those dollars for public infrastructure.
As someone who also leads a voter registration organization, we need legislative action that ensures every eligible voter can easily and securely cast their ballot. First, expand early voting and vote-by-mail options, making them accessible to more voters. Second, pass automatic voter registration and same-day voter registration laws to reduce barriers to voting. Third, restore voting rights for returning citizens who served their time and protect against voter roll purges. Lastly, invest in voter education and outreach, ensuring voters are informed on upcoming elections and ready to vote.
We must address climate change, sea-level rise, water quality, habitat loss, plastic pollution, and renewable energy adoption. This means fully funding Florida Forever, restoring smart growth policies, setting renewable energy goals, and implementing federal dollars for energy efficiency and transition. I’ve proudly held state agencies like FDEP, FWC, and PSC accountable and do not accept any political contributions from investor-owned utility companies, the sugar industry, or water bottling companies. We need comprehensive policies and conservation funding led by scientists, not lobbyists.
Before I ran for office, I worked at our local Planned Parenthood affiliate, and before I worked at Planned Parenthood I was a patient and volunteer. I believe deeply that decisions around one's pregnancy are personal and private, and whether you decide to become a parent, choose adoption, or end your pregnancy, that decision should be made between you, your family, your doctor, your faith -- and not politicians. Florida's near-total abortion ban is extreme and dangerous, and we should be supporting women in the health decisions they make, not setting politically motivated restrictions.
To protect youth and the public from gun violence, I support universal background checks, closing loopholes on private sales and gun shows, and strengthening red flag laws to keep firearms from dangerous individuals. I also back safe storage laws to prevent accidental shootings and prevent kids from accessing firearms they should never have access to. I will oppose GOP efforts to lower the firearm purchase age. Keeping assault weapons off the streets and funding mental health services and community violence prevention programs are also critical steps in addressing gun violence.
As an Orange County Public Schools graduate, I support increased funding for public schools and higher teacher pay. We need to stop the privatization of public education. I’ll advocate for equitable resources, especially for underserved communities, and expand early childhood education, vocational training, and STEM programs. I’ll also support repealing laws that ban books and rewrite history, ensuring students can learn in a supportive environment where they can be themselves and know their value. Public education must be inclusive, and we must also increase the number of school counselors.
County Orange
Campaign Website
Campaign Phone 407-760-8956
1. Skyrocketing homeowner insurance rates compounded by out-of-control inflation. I would work with insurance companies to come up with solutions to provide more insurance companies while easing the policy renewals to extend the useful life for appliances within our homes & 2. Lack of effective and reasonable representation in Tallahassee. In the six years my opponent has been in office, she has not passed a single bill or appropriation request for our district. Non-profits know an Eskamani sponsorship is a death sentence to any such requests & District 42 deserves an effective Representative (like in District 37) who will do the hard work for our citizens and community.
We need to encourage more insurance companies to return to Florida in offering more coverage options. This will allow for better options to consumers by having more competition that will naturally drive down policy costs. By further educating homeowner's as to rebate programs available to make homes better prepared for weather events, better insurance discounts will be available. Revising renewal parameters set from insurance companies to help extend the life of hot water heaters, roofs, a/c systems and piping will maximize savings to homeowners as well encouraging regular maintenance.
We need to continue educating voters on options available to vote. Validating signatures on mail-in ballots to ensure only legitimate votes are counted is key to the integrity of our elections while ballot harvesting is further explained to voters. The risks need to be better understood by voters in giving a signed ballot not completed by the voter. There is far too much inflammatory rhetoric & mischaracterization of bills and candidates running for office. The Press and Media need to perform diligence (without bias) so voters are best informed.
Florida's natural beauty is one of the many features that sets our state apart from the other 49. We need to continue to expand the wildlife corridor and preserved lands while also attracting more eco-tourism, which supports our state and our district's economy. The 42nd district has not had any such proposals passed into law. Additionally, we need to improve our public transit system as well as the bike-ability to ease parking issues in our metro areas & pedestrian safety of Central Florida's transportation infrastructure to lower congestion, improve air quality, and encourage more exercise.
I do not support Amendment 4. This is an extreme ballot measure that would expand access to abortion until birth. The vast majority of voters oppose this, including those who are pro-choice, because it is so extreme.
I will always support better education of gun use & gun security within our homes. Law Enforcement needs to be respected & thanked, not vilified. When crimes are committed with a firearm, maximum sentencing penalties should be enforced by our DAs. Gang violence is sadly normalized by music, movies, TV & social media platforms. Our youth suffer the consequences when surrounded by such negative influences. So many non-profit partners in Central Florida are doing amazing work to support our at-risk youth while my opponent has not passed 1 appropriation in 6 years as an ineffective politician.
I will always support the cherished public servants who take care of our kids and keep our communities safe. Our best teachers and first responders deserve better compensation and lighter workloads. Throughout our communities, there are countless examples of volunteers who can give their time, talent and treasure to help our learners achieve success in learning by tutoring options while making school fun. I would work to seek out and hire non-traditional teachers (i.e. retired military, law enforcement & VETs) to encourage their life experiences be leveraged to inspire our youth.