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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Clerk of Court, Union County

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  • Candidate picture

    Stephanie Candler Kitchens

  • Candidate picture

    Melanie Lawson

Biographical Information

What qualifies you for this office?

If elected, what are your top three priorities?

What changes, if any, do you feel would improve the operation of this office and why?

Video Responses (optional)

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Contact Name Melanie Lawson
Campaign Mailing Address 403 Springdale Dr
Union, SC 29379
Campaign Phone (864) 251-2284
Campaign Email
Qualifications in Brief 8 years serving as Clerk of Court and 28 years of service working in the Clerk of Courts Office
Contact Phone Number 864-251-2284
I have 28 years of experience working in the Clerk of Courts Office and I am in my 8th year serving as Clerk of Court .
I have been working on a project adding my old deed books and plats online and I would like to finish adding those online so the public has easy access to the old records. More improvements to our technology in the courtroom and the grand jury room. I have been working on improvements with my office and other areas throughout the courthouse.
Continued training for employees to assist them in performing their duties more proficiently and this will also improve better service to the community.
Candidate has not yet responded.