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VOTE411 Voter Guide

Gallatin County Local Government Study Commissioner {_getChooseLabel(this.selections.length)}

Established as part of the 1972 Constitution, the Local Government Review election is required every 10 years. This is an opportunity for citizens to review their city’s power and form of government and to make recommendations for improvements in their structure of government. In the 2024 primary, the majority of voters indicated Gallatin County, Bozeman City, and West Yellowstone City governments should be reviewed. Thus, study commissions will be formed to study the form of each of these governments. The study commission members for each of these government reviews will be elected in the 2024 general election. Each of the study commissions will investigate, analyze and recommend the form of local government that they believe should be adopted for the local government they studied. Their recommendations will be proposed to the voters by November 2026.

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    Ted Barkley

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    Mitchell Blaszczyk

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    Anne Donovan

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    Andrew Epple

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    Robert Fish

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    Rene Flynn

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    Christoper Gray

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    Janae Hagen

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    Jacqueline Haines

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    Amber M. Jupka

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    Jeff Krauss

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    Elijah Mathias

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    Jamie Just McCray

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    Billy McWilliams

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    Teri Patterson

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    EJ Porth

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    Josh Sadaj

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    Donald Seifert

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    Joshua Tuininga

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    Klaas Tuininga

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    Robert Webster

  • Candidate picture

    Steve White

Biographical Information

Q1. Please describe your education, work, and other life experiences that would make you an effective member of the Local Government Study Commission for which you are applying?

Q2. What do you believe are the two most important issues members of this Local Government County Study Commission should consider and how should the commission investigate these issues?

Campaign Mailing Address 902 Woodland Drive
Bozeman, MT 59718
Campaign Phone 5098594837
I am a retired city manager with 37 years of local government management experience in Kansas, Colorado, Washington, and Montana. I retired as city manager for the City of Belgrade at the end of 2021 and have served as a local government consultant and volunteer since. My commitment to good local government is broad. I served as a board member of the Montana League of Cities and Towns (a legislative advocacy organization for cities and towns), and chair of the board of the Montana Municipal Interlocal Agency (a risk management organization for cities and towns). I have served on numerous boards and commissions over the years, and I am committed to responsible governance. I have seen government structures that work, and those that don't.
4. It would be presumptuous to identify specific issues prior to the review process. Some of the areas I would focus on include representation (are three commissioners adequate for a population our size?), transparency in political and administrative processes, effectiveness, accountability, efficiency, and access to the processes of governance. Public engagement will be key to making this effort useful.
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Campaign Mailing Address PO Box 1005
Belgrade, MT 59714
I've spent over 20 years in Human Resources and organizational development and have worked with different organizations on finding their strengths and developed programs to maximize their success.

When faced with a challenge or a problem, I work to get to the root of the problem and then, working with my team, work to develop solutions to those problems and putting those solutions into action.
The two most important issues facing this Study Commission should consider is:

Is the current county government structure the right structure to lead us into the future?

Is the current county government functioning properly and is it meeting the needs of the constituents?

The Study Commission has a lot of resources at its disposal to investigate these issues. To start, the Study Commission needs to set goals and plans of actions to consider these two issues. The Study Commission needs to fully understand the current government, how it functions, and where it's headed.

The Study Commission can conduct interviews with all involved parties, review documents, review budgets and expenditures, and other tools.

Campaign Mailing Address 1725 Hillside Lane
Bozeman, MT 59715
Campaign Phone 406-580-3219
I hold BA and MS degrees in geography from UCLA and the University of Utah, respectively. I had a 31-year career as a community planner in Montana, serving Big Timber and Sweet Grass County, Livingston and Park County, Kalispell and Flathead County; and Bozeman and Gallatin County. For 22 years (1987-2009) I was the director of the Bozeman office of planning and community development. Thereafter I enjoyed an "encore career" as an adjunct instructor of Geography and urban planning at MSU (2010-2019). I'm 71 and currently serving on Gallatin County's Consolidated Board of Adjustment, the Gallatin County Open Lands Board, and as a trustee on the Story Mill Rural Fire District. So, I have extensive experience in local government.
First, size and make-up of the County Commission -- should it be expanded from 3 to 5 or even 7 members, to be more representative of our growing population? Second, would we be better served by having a professional manager carrying out day-to-day operations of the county? To investigate these issues I would look to examples of other rapidly growing counties in the Rocky Mountain region, conduct extensive interviews with elected and appointed county officials, and examine options available under state law.
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Candidate has not yet responded.
Campaign Mailing Address PO Box 1065
Bozeman, MT 59771
Campaign Phone 4065514511
I was a civil attorney in the Gallatin County Attorney’s office for over 15 years, most as the Chief Civil Deputy. I observed the workings of the Gallatin County government every day in that position. I understand the constitutional and statutory framework of the study commission and forms of government.
Accountability and checks and balances from the commissioners and county officers to benefit all of the citizens of the County, including the smaller municipalities and rural areas. Gallatin County needs to be a self-governing county. This will involve changing the form of government.
I grew up on a farm in NW North Dakota, just a few miles east of the MT line and got my degree in journalism and political science. I have always been deeply curious about local government and this is my first time running for a position. I would make an effective member of the county study commission because I'll bring curiosity and genuine listening to the conversations with county officials and in community meetings. I have built my career in international business and have learned that listening without a presumption of how something "should" be is the path to true collaboration. Moreover, I would bring fresh energy to the community engagement component of the study.
The two most important issues (or questions) for this county government study commission I believe are: 1) Is the county government structured appropriately for the growth Gallatin County has experienced in the last several decades since the county gov adopted its current structure? 2) How does the county government partner with the city governments concerning developments, roads, and resourcing?
My education and professional experience uniquely qualify me to contribute to this commission. I hold a master’s degree in Economics from MSU, which provided me with an understanding of economic systems and honed my skills in methodical problem-solving, in-depth analysis, and data-driven decision-making. Over the past 15 years, I have gained extensive experience in non-profits, grant management, small business development, and local government. My work in economic development has involved collaborating with federal, state, and local governments, offering me a firsthand view of the bureaucratic systems that influence our lives. I have held various roles, and I am deeply committed to enhancing this place we call home.
My motivation for running for study commissioner is to bridge the gap between community feedback and local government, using community input to enhance the effectiveness and responsiveness of our governance. The commission should organize an engagement strategy to determine issues related to government functionality. This collected data should guide the decisions. Specifically, I am eager to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of having certain positions elected versus appointed by the commission. I am also interested in examining how county-wide growth has impacted the current government structure and identifying opportunities for adaptation and increased efficiency.
I am married, with two boys, and an involved community member. I decided to be a candidate to bring a unique perspective to this study commission. I currently work for Gallatin County as a Tax Clerk. This position has allowed me to speak with many of our residents and I believe that this will be a benefit to the study. In addition, I work with many of the Gallatin County offices within the courthouse and can bring that experience to the table as we talk about our current government structure and what may or may not be working well. I have completed a preliminary webinar on the study commission and what our role will be. Which included an overview of each government structure available and what we are and are not allowed to change.
Our goal should be to thoroughly review our current government structure and establish what is working well and what may not be working well. We should discuss the different structures available and how they could benefit the county and its residents.

I would like to see more discussion into certain elected offices and why we require candidates to have a political affiliation vs proof of experience to do the job effectively. I believe that some of these offices are extremely important to how effectively our county runs and should be based on their performance to do the job vs their political affiliation.

I’ve lived most of the last 49 years in Gallatin Co. I served on the ‘94-96 Bozeman local govt. study commission, and was liaison to the ‘04-06 Bozeman study commission. I worked for Gallatin Co, as an employee, an elected official, and as the zoning commission Chairman. I was a Bozeman commissioner for 10 years and Mayor for 6 years. I understand bureaucracy, Montana local government law, and I know what it is to listen to the public while serving on boards and commissions. I’m a retired CPA with decades of experience with local govt. finance and with audits of local govt. I understand land use and private property issues. People know I’m a careful listener who considers all points of view.
Local govt is the govt. closest to the people. County govt. should represent the entire county, and be accountable to citizens and taxpayers. Elected officials, commissioners and row officers, are the familiar face citizens to rely on to deal with labyrinthine laws and regulations. County govt. needs to follow the spirit and letter of Montana’s sunshine laws and to create an open, “the public comes first” ethic. It’s important to interview and survey all depts and levels of county govt, and to learn the current structures used by other counties. We need to survey the public. I want to especially research how the justice system and law enforcement can be supported and future proofed, given the new challenges that system anticipates.
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Campaign Mailing Address 1513 South Grand
Bozeman, MT 59715
Campaign Phone 4065815566
Montana has a unique constitution. It asks Montanans to look at it's form of government every ten years. There's a vote to study, a vote for candidates, and a final vote on the recommendations of the commission.Transparent and accountable to the voters. That's cool. I want to be a part of this. IMO,The way to get the best results is to be inclusive. By Rural/Urban, political flavor, gender, age, and income. Have an open process that listens to all and make tangible recommendations to change/not our form of Gallatin County Government.Owning/managing a business for 38 years gives a broad perspective.Was a volunteer on the Help Center Crisis line (Wed overnight) taught me active listening skills.I want to hear from you. Ask for your vote
Hear what issues are the biggest concerns in Gallatin County Government. How's it working? What's the best way to address these structural concerns. Hear from a broad swath of Gallatin County Citizens on possible changes. Let folks know what we're doing, and how this helps them.

Bring folks together. Make Gallatin County the best we can be.
I went to college at EMC (now MSU-Billings) majoring in Psychology and Business Management with a secondary focus in accounting. I have experience from the IRS Auditing department, state government, as well as city and county government, all in research and budgeting aspects.
The biggest thing for the community members I have spoken to is: 1. Where are all these tax dollars going, who is benefiting from them and what services are they for? 2. Why is it so hard to get anything done on the county level and why does the commission only favor big companies, not mom and pop companies?
Campaign Mailing Address 6670 Baxter Lane
Bozeman, MT 59718
Campaign Phone 612-750-1774
I have worked in the nonprofit sector in Bozeman for the last 15 years and through that work have interacted closely with Gallatin County departments, businesses, neighbors, and leaders. I have also seen first hand the challenges our community is facing because of our growing population. I have a diverse and extensive network of community members to draw on to listen and learn about how the structure and powers of Gallatin County can better serve them. It is important to me that the study is informed equitably by people from throughout the county. I believe I am a critical thinker, a deep listener and can apply unbiased sound judgement to this study free from an agenda. I pride myself in being able to build bridges across political divides
I feel strongly that the role of the study commission is to approach the study as exactly that, a study. My goal is to leave all of my personal beliefs at the door to only examine the current powers, structures, duties and limitations of governmental offices. I am most interested in learning about the impacts of partisan races for county roles. Another point of particular importance to me is that we maintain the voices of rural county members.

Gallatin County has grown considerably since the last government study commission and I believe it is appropriate for any institution to evaluate its structure periodically to make sure it can continue to provide the critical services it owes to its taxpayers in an efficient and equitable way.
Campaign Mailing Address PO Box 22
Bozeman, MT 59771
Campaign Phone 406-624-6137
As a Montana State University graduate with a B.S. in Cell Biology and Neuroscience, and a minor in Business Administration, my academic and business background uniquely qualifies me for the Local Government Study Commission. Having launched and managed six businesses, successfully selling two, in Gallatin County, I've honed skills in financial management, strategic planning, and problem-solving—essential for enhancing local government efficacy. My deep Montana roots ensure I advocate for governance that's responsive, accountable, and transparent. Additionally, competing on the IFSA North American and World Tours has taught me the dedication and teamwork needed to reform governance, ensuring it meets our community's needs efficiently.
The two most important issues: 1. Government Structure and Efficiency.2. Representation and Public Engagement (Including the Need for Wards). An efficient government structure is paramount, necessitating a review of the balance of power and decision-making efficiency. Exploring a Commission-Manager form could streamline administration, enhancing responsiveness, especially in growing areas like Gallatin County. Our approach should include benchmarking against Montana counties with similar reforms and gathering insights through town halls and surveys. Furthermore, fair representation demands transitioning from at-large to ward-based elections to ensure every community, and their unique concerns, in Gallatin County are accurately represented.
Campaign Mailing Address 306 Dogwood Dr.
Bozeman, MT 59718
I was raised on a farm in north Montana and moved to the Gallatin Valley in 1973. During that time, I worked for various local companies and have owned and operated a multi-state livestock nutrition company for over 45 years.

In 2014 I was elected to serve as a Gallatin County Commissioner. I served from 2015 until 2020. I have also served on the county’s Planning Board, the Board of Adjustments, the Capital Improvements Committee, and the Gravel Pit Taskforce.
The citizens have asked that their local government be examined to determine if, given the parameters granted by the state, there is a more effective way to deliver services to the residents of the county. That question can only be answered with a thorough examination of the current form of government and careful consideration of possible alternatives.

The second issue is how to present the study commission's findings so the voters can make an informed decision.
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I have a Masters in Physics that has led to a career developing complex technical systems. My experience in engineering process development can aide the effectiveness of this committee's work. Especially as this is not a policy review, but a process review, how should the government engine run? I have experience working with end users (residents) to tailor a system's function/design to maximize their needs. This includes working through constraints (constitution, laws pertinent to process) to get the users the best experience. I hope to be able to translate design and analysis rigor to the committee so that the residents can be assured the committee's final report and recommendations have been arrived at by a thorough process.
1. Are the current level of services, defined as requirements for the county government to provide, still a complete and accurate set of requirements to satisfy the needs of the county residents. Focusing on 'still sufficient', lots of discussions with officials and residents will help answer this. 2. Whatever the out come of the commissions review of the county operations in serving the resident's the recommendations produced still need to be approved by the residents, so the issue is that the review process needs to occur in a manner that gives residents confidence that the changes they are voting on will really improve the county operations. Detail, order, rigor, logic - and transparency along the way will provide this confidence.
Campaign Mailing Address 3800 Blackwood Road
Bozeman, MT 59718
I live west of Bozeman on land we have owned and farmed since 1899. After graduating from MSU, I worked as a hydrogeologist for DNRC, before starting a software company that I owned for 30 years. For 10 years I served on various county boards and committees, then served two terms as a Gallatin County Commissioner (2007-2018). During that time I (and my fellow Commissioners) exercised our fiduciary duty in the management of county government, that included the county budget & finance, land use, subdivision applications, zoning decisions, employee issues and other important county decisions. In 1995-96, I participated in many of the county study commission meetings that were held.
There are statutory limitations to the extent of the process. The voters have requested the study, and I feel that it is very important to listen to comments related to Gallatin County’s form of government and possible changes. I would serve with no specific agenda other than to apply my expertise in Gallatin County government to serve our citizens in the process, with a focus on citizen transparency and engagement. I would look forward to hearing from the public in the monthly meetings held across the county regarding their concerns, suggestions and questions.