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VOTE411 Voter Guide

State Representative 93

Serves 2-year terms with a limit of 4 consecutive terms. There are 120 House members. The 2023 salary is $29,697 plus (travel and subsistence). Only requirement is to pass a balanced state budget.

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  • Candidate picture

    Anne Millington Gerwig

  • Candidate picture

    Katherine M. Waldron

Biographical Information

What are the two most important challenges facing Florida and, if elected, what actions will you take to address them within your first six months in office? (700 characters)

Insufficient affordable housing is hurting Florida families and limiting Florida’s economy. What state measures do you support to address the affordable housing crisis? (600 characters)

What legislative actions are necessary to improve voter access to the ballot and promote voter participation in elections? (600 characters)

What legislative action would you propose to protect Florida’s environment and natural resources? (600 characters)

What is your stance on access to abortion? (600 characters)

What legislation would you support to better protect our youth and the public at large from gun violence? (600 characters)

What is your plan to ensure that all Florida students have access to a high-quality education? (600 characters)

Age 60
Education Architectual Drafting Certificate
Hometown Warsaw, Indiana
County Palm Beach County
Campaign Website
Campaign Phone 5616021630
Campaign Mailing Address 14505 Paddock Drive
Wellington, FL 33414
1. Property Insurance - Create a Florida insurance bill of rights giving taxpayers more control over their policies. Establish an insurance fraud task force to root out waste, fraud, and abuse to lower insurance rates. 2. Education - Invest in public education to get more funding directly to classrooms, not the bureaucracy.
I support completely funding the Sadowski Fund. The fund provides critical financial support for the development and preservation of affordable housing units throughout the state. I also support down payment assistance for first time homebuyers.
Promote vote-by-mail because it is the most convenient method for voters. Ensure easier access to polling places, especially for those with mobility issues.
Move the Central Everglades Restoration Plan forward, with an emphasis on retaining fresh water and sending it south.
I did not support the 6 week ban that was passed last legislative session. I do support the 15 week ban.
We need better mental health services for the public at large and especially for our youth.
More emphasis and assistance with the STEM program. Vocational education should not only be for those not seeking college, but provide certifications which will allow students to have good paying jobs right after graduation and while attending college if they choose.
Age 64
Education BA University of Virginia and MBA Palm Beach Atlantic University
Hometown Wellington
County Palm Beach
Campaign Website
Campaign Twitter Handle @KWaldron4d93
Campaign Phone 561-412-4928
1, Homeowner insurance: The Republican-led Florida Legislature passed legislation making it more expensive to sue insurance companies. Homeowners must have recourse against insurance companies not acting in good faith. We also need to push for nationwide catastrophe insurance. 2. Smart Development/Affordable Housing: We need more affordable housing and at the same time we need to protect our precious environment. The two are not mutually exclusive but we need to increase our awareness of how development impacts our environment. Wellington, within District 93, is ranked the 36th best place to live in the U.S. by Fortune. We must continue to preserve our quality of life.
The legislature has passed several bills recently to increase the availability of affordable housing, including expediting permitting and increasing incentives for builders. Unfortunately, this is not an overnight solution, but affordable housing development has begun to be built within our county. To prevent this deficiency from happening in future years, we need to be more proactive and not wait until it becomes a critical issue. Formal mechanisms should be in place that include long range forecasting and planning initiatives, so we are able to stay ahead of the problem.
There are several ways to improve voter access and promote voter participation. One way is to have one-time, permanent sign up for vote by mail, so it is not required for voters to sign up every election cycle. Additionally, we should implement automatic voter registration by registering eligible voters through their interactions with state agencies. And finally, to increase voter turnout, we should make Election Day a national holiday.
Businesses should be incentivized through tax exemptions, to decrease pollution and promote waste reduction. Developers should be similarly prodded through tax benefits or legislative action, to embrace sustainable development. Funding should be provided to local governments to increase their communities' walkability as well as increase trees and landscaping along roadways and commercial areas. And finally, recycling businesses and alternative energies companies should be provided with further incentives to successfully grow within our county.
Abortion is a fundamental and safe healthcare service that must be affordable and accessible to everyone. Lack of access to abortion care endangers the health of pregnant individuals and impacts the welfare of their existing and future offspring. We have already witnessed the devastating impacts happening in states, such as ours, that have strict abortion bans. Further, these bans will not decrease abortions but instead, will dramatically increase physical harm or even death as a result of "back alley" abortions. The government does not belong in people's bedrooms or in a doctor's office.
Firearms are the leading cause of death for children, teens and college age people. This year we are on pace to reach more than 400 mass shootings nationwide. And just over halfway into 2024, Florida has already reached the number of mass shootings in all of 2023. Gun violence needs to be addressed. I introduced legislation to promote safer storage of guns by gun owners, sadly it did not get heard. This is not a second amendment issue, this is a safety, common sense, responsibility issue. We must increase the safe use of guns and gun ownership.
We must protect our public school system. The Republican led legislature's removal of the voucher cap in 2023, along with bills promoting charter schools at the expense of public schools, pushing book bans, the "don't say gay" bill and others, have hobbled public schools. The result has been thousands of teacher slots going unfilled, the public-school infrastructure being in disrepair and increased class sizes. Public schools are our country's great equalizer and educator. We must direct funds and attention towards our public schools to ensure all children can get a quality education.