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Maine State Senator for District 20

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  • Candidate picture

    Bruce Bickford

  • Candidate picture

    Bettyann W Sheats

  • Candidate picture

    Dustin R Ward

Biographical Information

What do you see as the greatest challenges facing Maine right now?

How will you encourage greater civic engagement among your constituents?

What will you do to address the need for affordable housing?

Is there anything else you'd like voters to know about you?

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Campaign Phone 2077402613
Campaign Website
Finance Type Clean Elections
Housing (I will share thoughts in Question 3) Worker shortages: I have passed legislation to help the harder to employ get jobs. I have worked on Hire A Vet and Chamber of Commerce iniatives toward that end. Cost of Healthcare: I helped passed legislation to reduce drug costs and to add transparency and reduce hidden medical billing. Availability of Medical Professionals: I support the expansion of training of doctors, dentists and nursing staff ongoing in Maine. I would support programs to keep those student in Maine by paying toward their student loans in return for working in Maine's "medical deserts", areas of the state hardest hit by the shortages.
My motto is Listen : Learn : Lead. My first priority is to listen. I have been going house to house to listen to my neighbors. I will continue to have "office hours" and access to my phone number and email to continue to listen if elected. I attend tours of farms to workshops on education to learn firsthand how to best address the issues that face my neighbors and our state. I have a proven record of working "across the aisle" to take the lead on passing common sense legislation as I have on Veterans issues and around child safety and toxic chemicals. And I will model civil engagement, being kind to all people I talk with.
We are finally seeing a shift from more expensive homes, to more homes that appeal to first time home owners, seniors, and low and middle income families, smaller homes, apartments and condos. We need to readdress tax incentives. Currently, only those individuals with large mortgages can write off mortgage interest payments, a tax benefit no longer available to low/ moderate income families or renters. We should help lower income families afford better winterization, efficient utilities and other programs. There are rebates for those who can already afford them. But it will take time to meet the housing need. We must continue to address zoning issues and the type of tax incentives we use to ensure we address the root of this problem.
I served served my country as a US Army officer. I moved to Maine to raise a family and became committed to serving this community in numerous volunteer capacities. I served as Auburn's representative in the Maine legislature for two terms as a way to increase my service. There are many ways I would like to continue my service to my community, to my veteran brothers and sisters and to Maine as the Senator for Auburn, New Gloucester, Poland and Durham. I welcome your thoughts and ideas on how I can best help you.
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