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2024 State House Seventh Norfolk District

The Massachusetts House of Representatives is comprised of 160 members, each representing a district of approximately 40,000 people and each elected for a two-year term. As required by the Massachusetts Constitution, the House meets year-round in either formal or informal sessions to consider legislation. The Massachusetts House is led by the Speaker of the House who is elected by the members of the body at the beginning of each two-year legislative session. Base salary for each representative is approximately $66,256.

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    Christos Alexopoulos

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    Tony King

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    Richard Gerard Wells

Biographical Information

Do you support election day voter registration? Why or why not?

What actions should the legislature take to address the climate emergency?

What should the legislature do to increase the supply of affordable and middle-market housing in Massachusetts?

What measures would you support to deal with the needs of the large number of immigrants coming to Massachusetts?

What are your priorities for dealing with transportation statewide and in your district?

I believe that residents should be able to register to vote on the election day. This would afford more people the ability to exercise their right to vote, should they move locations or not meet a deadline that currently exists.
The Legislature should incentivize compliance with measure that would bring us closer to addressing the climate emergency. Over time, these incentives would gain greater compliance and allow us to achieve our goals. Tax breaks for the purchase of hybrid or electric vehicles, and solar power are a few that would help gain compliance. With the sheer amount of hybrid vehicles offered by automakers, incentives for purchasing these vehicles would greatly help with our emissions footprint.
Creating a system where developers can build middle-market houses across the State would help with the supply. The cost of building homes has severely increased, I have seen this firsthand in Randolph where pre-Covid pricing on housing developments has jumped in some cases over $200,000 post-Covid. We need to stabilize the cost of materials so that homes can be reasonably built and priced so that the average family can afford to purchase them.
As the grandson of Greek immigrants, this matter hits home. I often think back to my grandparents coming over without knowing the language, and having to make ends meet. I believe that we as a Commonwealth should create a system where immigrants can come and get information on housing, work programs, and how the American system works. I believe we should also be helping our current homeless and less-fortunate individuals while we also help the immigrants coming to our State.
I believe we have to invest in infrastructure and MBTA projects to improve transit in the area. The MBTA has had issues over the last several years, and this hinders people not only statewide, but also in the 7th Norfolk. Investing in improvements will also bring in jobs and creates a cycle where we are helping people in multiple facets. Roadway improvements are critical to the towns of Randolph and Milton, so I would work to gain more local aid for our communities. The Route 28 situation at Chickatawbut Rd, is at the forefront of my agenda.
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Twitter @@rwellsmpd
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This is the question, i have not had a gresat deal of time to research. its seems like it might work , but I i would like to spend some time reviewing this. In Milton, where I am currently Chair of the Selectboard, I have been a strong advocate of early voting as it is come into reality during my tenure.
Climate change is upon us. The Legislature must to continue to prioritize and enact laws that encourage and intensify initiatives that address commercial, governmental and personal impacts/reductions on our climate. Climate change begins with each one of us.
This is clearly an important issue. Even affordable housing in much of the Commonwealth in NOT affordable to many residents. The state must look at diversifying this important need geographically across the state while also supporting/creating public transportation infrastructure to support these residents.
This issue clearly begins with the Federal Government. This issue is going to take some hard work, visionary outside the box ideas and a commitment from the legislators to address.
You probably dod not have enough space for my answer. The Commonwealth needs to look long and hard, not just at the fragile and unrelibale services that exist, but also at how to to get pour public transportation system out of "crisis mode" into an arena where citizens of Massachusetts can have faith in the reliabilitiey and safety of public transit. I also belive that we need to continue to look at and expand modes of transportation such as water ferry service. This one alternative mode to buses and trains, can do more to alleviate the existing daily pressure, especially in the Boston/North/South Shore regions.