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We are Dukes County's conduit for many important social services, all very vital to the basic mental health of our Island community.
I have always been an advocate for the disadvantaged but I am also keenly aware that as a County Commissioner we are here to serve all the residents of Dukes County. From dealing with affordable housing and homelessness to supporting our health care providers, it important to understand that government is here to support all members of the community and provide services to them.
As the County representative to the Climate Action Taskforce, I have worked for many years helping plan to keep the Island resilient and adaptive to the rapidly changing environment. That includes support for alternative energy options.
The County has consistently supported many of the local housing initiatives that have been put forth including the current Housing Bank proposal before the State legislature.
A lack of Affordable Housing for residents and also a lack of Workforce Housing permeates many of the stress points in or Island community. Mental Health and Addiction issues are always at the forefront of ongoing issues in Dukes County. Management of the County beaches are also vital to our environment and tourism.
In our role as fiscal and administrative agent, enabling critical island wide programs such as Center for Living, Harbor Homes, and others to be delivered. In our role as Appointing Authority, appointing and supporting the island's representative on the Steamship Authority Board and the MV Airport Commission. In our role as advocate for the MV and Gosnold, seeking and receiving grants supporting island-wide initiatives.
I am currently leading an effort, working closely with the Cunty Manager, to evaluate how well the County provides the services it does to all County residents; and secondly, to improve those services where possible. I also serve on the Communications Committee which is looking to better improve what and how we communicate to all of our stakeholders.
In the immediate timeframe, the County has spearheaded the effort to have an island-wide emergency management plan and capability. Longer-term, the County would like to and is well prepared to play a central role facilitating planning across the island towns and organizations.
Similar to the previous question, the County does not have the charter or authority to make, much less implement, important decisions as they relate to housing. It could be very helpful in working across the island to help us all think through what we want our island community to be both short and long-term - e.g., how do we want to manage growth?
Homelessness. Housing. Water management. Inclusion.
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