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New Jersey US House District 10 Special General Election

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  • Candidate picture

    Carmen Bucco

  • Candidate picture

    Russel A. Jenkins

  • Candidate picture

    LaMonica McIver

  • Candidate picture

    Rayfield Morton

Biographical Information

What are the most important challenges facing our country, and how do you propose to address them?

What will you do to support an economy and job market that are strong and inclusive of all people?

What measures do you support to expand voter access and restore trust in our elections?

What is your position on immigration reform?

What, if any, actions would you take to address the threats facing the United States due to climate change?

What is your stance on access to abortion?

What’s the biggest foreign policy challenge facing the United States and how would you address it?

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Facebook Page Bucco For New Jersey
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Government overspending, illegal immigration, and a deteriorating education system are some of the critical challenges confronting our nation. Implementing policies to boost our Gross Domestic Product and employment, reforming both the immigration and educational systems, represent essential steps I would pursue to tackle these issues.
I would advocate for policies that enable companies to recruit and train individuals according to the specific needs of their business, considering both the qualifications and performance of potential employees.
Revamping our electoral system is crucial to restoring trust in our elections. Given concerns surrounding mail-in ballots in recent elections, it's imperative to reconsider their usage. I would advocate for limiting mail-in ballots to specific groups such as soldiers, the elderly, or disabled citizens, while ensuring accessibility and integrity in the voting process.
Immigration reform has been overdue for some time, and the crisis at the southern border has underscored its urgency. While the United States has a rich history of immigration, illegal immigration poses significant challenges including the safety of our nation. I would champion reform efforts, including the legalization of individuals who contribute positively to our society and economy, as a vital step forward.
Embrace actual efficient renewable energy initiatives and incentivize sustainable practices in industry. In addition, I would support legislation to reduce to invest in resilient infrastructure to mitigate the impacts of climate change.
Abortion should not be treated as a form of contraception, as every unborn child deserves the opportunity for a loving family. Rather than solely emphasizing abortion, I would prioritize improving the adoption system to support the thousands of American parents eager to adopt but hindered by high costs. Ensuring the safety and well-being of our children remains paramount in these efforts.
The most significant foreign policy challenge facing the United States is navigating the complex landscape of global competition, particularly with rising powers like China. I would address this challenge through a multifaceted approach. Firstly, strengthening alliances and partnerships with like-minded nations to collectively address shared concerns. Secondly, prioritizing diplomacy and multilateralism to resolve conflicts and mitigate tensions. Thirdly, investing in strategic capabilities to ensure our national security and technological leadership. Finally, promoting democratic values and human rights globally to counter authoritarian influence and foster stability. By employing a balanced and proactive strategy, we can effectively navigate these challenges and safeguard America's interests in the rapidly evolving global arena.
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Campaign Email
Campaign phone 8624001532
Campaign Address P.O. Box 25585
Facebook Page LaMonica McIver
Twitter @LaMonicaMcIVer
The most pressing challenge facing our country is the ability to keep America affordable for all families. We must implement policies that address stagnant wages, affordable housing, and access to affordable healthcare and education. In New Jersey, we have increased the minimum wage to more than $15 per hour; I propose increasing the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour, investing in affordable housing developments, and ensuring comprehensive healthcare for all, including reproductive health services. These measures will reduce economic inequality, and help uplift our families.
To support a strong and inclusive economy, I will advocate for job training programs, and support small businesses with grants and incentives. Additionally, I will push for policies that promote equal pay and workers' rights, ensuring that everyone, regardless of gender, race, or background, has fair opportunities and a living wage. We must prioritize investments in workforce development programs that equip workers with the skills and training needed to succeed in the 21st-century economy. By investing in education, job training, and apprenticeship programs, we can ensure that our workforce remains competitive and adaptable to changing industry demands.

By collaborating with local and state business groups, economic development agencies and community organizations, we can leverage federal dollars to support infrastructure projects. This will create jobs as well as revitalize the commercial districts and attract new businesses to the 10th Congressional District.
I support measures such as automatic voter registration, extended early voting periods, and making Election Day a national holiday. Additionally, I advocate for transparency in election processes and robust cybersecurity to protect against interference. Restoring trust also involves combating misinformation and ensuring that every citizen's vote is counted and matters.
We must pass comprehensive immigration reform that provides a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, protects immigrant families from deportation and separation, and upholds due process and human rights.

I believe in comprehensive immigration reform that provides a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, protects DACA recipients, and treats all immigrants with dignity and respect. Our policies should reflect our values of inclusivity and compassion, ensuring that families are kept together and that immigrants can contribute fully to our society.
We need policies that address environmental racism, promote clean air and water, invest in renewable energy, and ensure that frontline communities in our district have a seat at the table in the decision-making process. We must invest in building resilient communities that are prepared for the impacts of climate change and environmental hazards. Through disaster preparedness, green infrastructure, and equitable access to resources, we can ensure that our communities can withstand and recover from environmental challenges and natural disasters.
We need to pass a clear, comprehensive law protecting reproductive rights for everyone in the United States, regardless of what state they live in.

Nearly two years following the Supreme Court's reversal of Roe v. and the constitutional right to choose, millions of Americans are living under extreme state abortion bans. These dangerous laws are putting women’s health and lives at risk and preventing doctors from giving patients the care they’ve been trained to provide. Congressional Republicans have indicated their intent to swiftly enact a nationwide abortion ban should they regain control in Washington, overriding our protections in New Jersey and putting the lives of countless women across the country at risk. This cannot happen.
There are several pressing issues on the world stage that impact the U.S.’ standing in the global community and threaten our national security. At present, I am deeply concerned about the war between Israel and Hamas. Let me be clear: I support Israel’s right to defend itself, and its determination to safely bring back all its hostages, who should be released and returned to their homes and families immediately.

We must also be concerned with the safety of innocent people everywhere, who should not be harmed or killed. I support all efforts to work toward an end to the war and to bring about a lasting peace.
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